
Priestess - Chapter 926

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Priestess - Chapter 926
"This is not a stone, this is Emperor Jade, named Phantom Emperor Jade." Qian Muyu threw the Phantom Emperor Jade in his hand to the shepherd boy and continued: "The effect is not bad, you can summon..."

When the shepherd boy heard this, he took the Phantom Emperor Jade into the dream space beautifully.

Now is not the time to use Phantom Emperor Jade.

After feeling the direction of the twelve wings emitted by the twelve wings, Qian Muyu looked up at the violent vibration in the distance, and said softly: "Let's go, they should be on the other side of the holy tree."


The shepherd boy silently followed Qian Muyu's side, left here, and flew towards the battlefield.

Twenty minutes later, the two came to the outer circle, and after casually killing a few middle-grade emperor beasts, they rushed straight to the inner circle without a pause.

Thirty minutes later, Qian Muyu, who came to the inner circle, looked at the miserable battlefield around him, and directly swung a knife towards the Holy Fruit.


The one-horned man spurted out a mouthful of blood, directly broke away from the stealth state, and flew out to the side.

"Find death!" Rat Mo, who was fighting the desolate beast, watched this scene and spit out a mouthful of venom at the unicorn man without hesitation.

Several emperors around also made a decisive move, and the unicorn man, under a large number of powerful dream techniques, shouted desperately: "No! "


The one-horned man was directly seriously injured and lay on the ground without knowing whether he was alive or dead.

Seeing this, Qian Muyu swung a knife over and made up for it.

After hearing the sound of points, he looked at the sweeping gazes around him, and calmly transmitted to the shepherd boy: "Kill the desolate beast first."

"Okay!" The shepherd boy nodded and followed Qian Muyu to start killing the desolate beast.

The others watched them kill the desolate beast, and they stopped making a sound, and continued to kill the desolate beast in front of them.

Soon after, after Qian Muyu felt that the distance was almost the same, he transmitted a message to the shepherd boy: "Release the realm, surround the holy fruit, and I will grab it."

"Good." The shepherd boy nodded, and a terrifying aura suddenly rushed out from his body, and a throne fell from the sky, with a bang, and layers of fog quickly surrounded him.

"It's the Ghost Realm!" The snake who was familiar with the twelve wings roared and rushed towards the holy fruit.

Unfortunately, the speed of the fog was too fast, and as soon as he rushed, he saw that the fog had completely wrapped the holy fruit.

"Kill in!" The rat did not hesitate to rush into the fog, and its own toxins instantly spread towards the surroundings.

"Stupid!" Wolf Madness looked at the few people who rushed in, and roared: "Directly hit him with the emperor throne!" Knock his imperial throne into ruin, and he will come out! The

fire girl looked at the countless imperial thrones in the sky and mocked: "Do you know that is true?

The wolf was stunned and shouted around: "Is there a master illusion?"

A woman not far away shrugged helplessly, "I'm the master, but I can't see through." The

corner of Wolf Madman's mouth twitched slightly, and he said fiercely: "Then bump!" Hit one by one!

"In short, you can't go in, if you go in, you die!"

"The combination of Shepherd Boy and Qian Muyu is not something that anyone can deal with!"

After someone watched Bai Hao and Long Ying rush into the ghost realm, they shouted: "Bai Hai and Long Ying went in!"

The wolf was stunned for a moment and shouted: "Those who have not released the imperial throne, release them quickly!" Hit the shepherd boy's throne! Otherwise, everyone inside will die!

As he spoke, he directly called out his imperial throne and crashed towards the imperial throne on the side.

The people around the battlefield also knew the seriousness of the matter, and one by one, they controlled their imperial thrones towards the shepherd boy's imperial throne.

When they collided with the imperial throne, in the ghost realm, Rat Mo looked at Bai Hao and Long Ying who appeared in front of him, and said desperately: "I am from the Five Races Alliance, you can't kill me!"

Bai Hao was speechless, "Are you stupid?" Are they all emperor-level, don't you still understand the current situation?

"What nonsense with him, kill it directly, go find the next one!" Long Ying ignored the poisonous gas around him and stepped forward to slap a dragon fist.

With a bang, the rat that had no time to dodge was directly shot out.

Just before he flew a few steps, he was punched back by the rushing Bai Hao.

When Bai Hao and Long Ying began to kill inhumanely, the shepherd boy was in the realm, concentrating on controlling the imperial throne in the realm and outside the realm.

His dream power alone naturally would not make him so easy, but he now used the dream power of four people, and they opened up sharing.

He has the dream power of four people, and he uses his dream power without any softness, how really, how to come.

Of course, he mainly used his own dream power, and Qian Muyu's dream power accounted for only half.

At this time, Qian Muyu had already come to the holy fruit, looking at the holy fruit in front of him, he decisively took out a treasure box with exquisite materials, put the holy fruit in, and then collected it into the dream space.

After taking in the dream space, he raised his head and blinked, and muttered with a strange face: "The dream god didn't do anything else." He

also thought that the dream god would come to a secret announcement, and then a marker, telling a position from time to time.

It turned out to be nothing!

"Dream God is still merciful!" The corner of Qian Muyu's mouth smiled slightly, and he turned around and killed the nearby emperor.

Outside the ghost realm.

The snake who had just finished slamming an imperial throne, looked at a poisonous smoke not far away, and the rat-like emperor throne fell, stunned for a moment, and then roared angrily: "The rat is dead!"

Everyone was stunned and fell silent collectively.

"What imperial throne is destroyed, follow me in and kill them!" I don't believe the four of them can kill a hundred of us!" After Ba Snake angrily rebuked everyone, he no longer cared about the surrounding imperial throne, directly turned into his body, and rushed into the ghost realm.

Everyone looked at each other and fell silent collectively.

"Kill! What to be afraid of! Long Tian turned into a dragon and killed the two little brothers beside him.

The fire girl looked at the wolf madness not far away and said with a smile: "Aren't you guys having a good relationship?" Why didn't you go?

"Hmph!" Wolf Mad snorted softly and followed in.

After watching the wolf enter wildly, the fire girl shouted at everyone: "Dispersed, the one of the twelve wings and the few of them is fine."

"Indeed, with their character, they will definitely not swallow five holy fruits alone."

"Five is not, but two or three should be."

"They and the five races, the seven saints, are mortal enemies, they will help us stop them, they can't get it, it's ours."

"The general trend is, we can't resist, let's go find other treasures!"

Some people run after speaking, some people stand there and chat, some people watch the play in silence, some bite their lips, their faces are not dry, some people ...

In short, the people outside the realm no longer cared about the emperor throne in the sky, nor did they care about the remaining desolate beasts around them, staring at the ghost realm one by one, waiting for the results inside.

In the Ghost Realm, after Qian Muyu and several people killed the three emperors, including Rat End, they gathered together.

"What do you say? Kill? The shepherd boy turned his head to look at Qian Muyu.

Without waiting for Qian Muyu to respond, Bai Yu on the side shouted without hesitation: "Kill!" Kill these guys! "

Seconded." Long Ying followed and spoke.

Qian Muyu shook his head calmly, "Don't kill, let's go." "

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Priestess - Chapter 926

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