
Priestess - Chapter 927

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Priestess - Chapter 927
"This is not killing?" Bai Yu was stunned for a moment, and his heart was a little puzzled.

Qian Muyu explained: "There are too many people outside, and we are not suitable to fight to the death with the five races now. "

It's a pity." Bai Xi shook his head regretfully.

Qian Muyu said to the shepherd boy, "Find a direction where there are few people and rush out." "

Follow me." The shepherd boy turned around and quickly walked to the side, and Qian Muyu and the three quickly followed.

Not long after, Qian Muyu's four people rushed out from the left side, and the moment they rushed out, the ghost realm instantly dissipated.

Seeing this, someone immediately shouted: "They rushed out from the left!" "

Several friendly soldiers of the five races who were hiding among the crowd directly rushed over.

"Stay with me!" Ying Hao turned into a giant eagle, took two little brothers of the five races, and flew over with lightning speed.

With a bang, a ghost-faced throne descended from the sky and smashed on Ying Hao's path.

"There are not only four of the twelve wings." The drunkard appeared next to Ying Hao, wielding a huge wine gourd, and hit Ying Hao's body fiercely, Ying Hao was like a ball on a bat, and was beaten out by a gourd.

After the drunkard finished fighting, he turned around and rushed towards Qian Muyu and the others without a trace of hesitation.

"Drunkard!" Qian Muyu shouted, signaled his eyes, and then glared directly at the enemies chasing around.

The majestic dream qi instantly rushed out and swept towards the enemy.

"This dream qi is still exciting!" The drunkard who rushed over, looking at the enemy who paused behind him, couldn't help but smack his lips, took out the small gourd around his waist, and poured it into his mouth.

"Go!" Qian Muyu took the four people and left here directly.

Ba Snake and the others who rushed over, looking at Qian Muyu who were far away, roared unwillingly.

The angry snake shouted at the crowd watching the play, "What are you doing? Don't you want this holy fruit?

An old brother watching the play suddenly burst out his own breath and said coldly: "You want to die?

Wolf Madness hurriedly stepped forward and shouted, "Calm down! Calm down!

"Hmph!" The irascible old brother snorted lightly and continued: "We didn't help the twelve wings you, it's interesting enough, and if we quarrel again, we'll you first."

Someone laughed and said, "That's right, crazy, the surrounding Terrans didn't help the twelve wings, shouldn't you think that they really didn't help the twelve wings?" The

fire girl said disdainfully: "Keep a low profile if you haven't grabbed it, we are not your punching bag."

"Let's go!" The mad wolf pulled the snake that couldn't help but move, and directly turned around and left.

Seeing this, the people of the five surrounding races, the seven saints and other forces immediately followed.

Soon, only the people watching the play remained near the sacred tree.

"They're gone, what are we going to do?"

"Did someone kill the desolate beast below?"

"Why kill that thing?"

"Exploding Dream Nuclear Crystal!"

"Groove! Take me one!

"I'll come too!"

Under the reminder of the man, everyone suddenly realized that those who were interested directly killed downward, while those who were not interested flew in different directions and left here.

After Qian Muyu led the four people to an open space, Bai Hao couldn't wait to say, "Boss, take a look, take a look at the holy fruit."

"Don't worry." Qian Muyu smiled, took out the box containing the holy fruit, and then opened it in everyone's curious eyes.

Bai Hao looked at the golden holy fruit and subconsciously said, "The holy fruit looks like this!"

Qian Muyu said suspiciously: "Just now on the tree, didn't you see it?"

"I noticed, but I didn't pay attention." Bai Hao said, subconsciously yawning.

Qian Muyu put away the holy fruit and said to everyone: "What to say next?" Is it free or group? The

shepherd boy thought for a moment and responded: "Group activities for a few days, and then move freely."

Long Ying nodded and said, "Yes." "

Just after snatching the Holy Fruit, those people must be paying attention to them at all times, so it's better to be stable for a few days first.

Bai Hao shouted, "I'm okay!

"I'm okay with that." The drunkard said, and continued towards Qian Muyu: "Next free activity, I will also follow you."

Qian Muyu nodded and smiled, "I'm not ready to let you go."

Bai Hao asked curiously, "Boss, if you eat the holy fruit now, will you directly become holy?"

"Wait!" Qian Muyu was stunned for a moment, and once again took out the box containing the holy fruit, then opened the box, and threw a probe of the pilgrimage fruit.

"Holy Fruit

Quality: Colorful

Effect One: After not the Holy One eats it, it is directly sanctified.

Effect 2: After the sage eats it, it can prolong the lifespan.

Introduction: The holy fruit, the fruit of holiness, can make people instantly have the power below one person, above ten thousand people, people below the royal level, can not use it, people below the advanced level, be careful to explode the body.

Don't look at it, the effect is blocked by me, and it will only take effect after going out - Xiao Mengliu.

"This dream god is quite interesting." Qian Muyu looked at the last line of words, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and he said to everyone: "Sealed by the dream god, eating it now will not take effect, it will only take effect after going out."

Bai Hao said, "Do you eat?"

Qian Muyu nodded and said, "Eat, go out to eat." The

drunkard shouted in surprise: "Are you ready to eat the holy fruit?" The

shepherd boy and Long Ying also looked towards Qian Muyu instantly.

Qian Muyu responded with a smile: "In the 245 years of peace, I must at least become a Zhongshen.

"If you don't become a saint, in the end, you still don't have much certainty to face the unknown future."

"And with the old pig here, the impact of the holy fruit on me is basically equal to zero, at most, I will stay at the holy level for a few more years."

"Staying in the first stage of the Saint level for a few more years is also much shorter than the time to slowly rise from the eighth stage of the emperor level to the second stage of the Saint level."

"So why not eat?"

In front of the old pig was the Saint Grade Seventh Stage, and the distance between the Saint Grade Seventh Stage and the Saint Grade Seven Stage was extremely far away, so the Saint Fruit did not have much effect on him.

And the sanctification of the Terran race is enough as long as the Heavenly Destiny Beast reaches the holy level, so it doesn't matter if they become holy or not.

In the future, at most, it will be eggshells, their strength will be a few paragraphs lower than the old pig, and 1~3 paragraphs lower In his opinion, the problem is not big.

After all, the Terran Saint can achieve the same level as the Heavenly Destiny Beast and the Contract Beast, but there are few of them, and the only thing he knows is Mo Sword Saint, which he heard from Mo Lingling.

As for Lao Zu, in addition to Xing Lao, the strength of the other four contract beasts was Saint Level Six Stage, Saint Level Five Stage, and Two Saint Level Three Stages.

This is what Lao Zu told him in the past few years, so he feels a few paragraphs worse, and the problem is not big!

Of course, this is only in the case of his current strength, and the impact of eating the holy fruit is not great.

If he only has the eighth stage of the imperial level now, the impact is still quite great.

Bai Hao was silent for a few seconds and spoke, "Envy!" "

Shepherd boy:" +1. "

Drunkard:" +2. "

Long Ying:" +3.

Qian Muyu listened to the words of the four people and couldn't help laughing: "You guys are enough." The

shepherd boy asked, "How many holy fruits are we going to grab?"

Qian Muyu thought for a moment and responded: "Two, two is just right, three is a little much, it will provoke the anger of the public." "

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Priestess - Chapter 927

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