
Priestess - Chapter 928

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Priestess - Chapter 928
"Makes sense." Bai Hao nodded slightly, looked up at Qian Muyu and asked, "Then which one should we grab second?" "

Grab the last one." Qian Muyu continued with a smile: "Fifth, I am ready to let them all stay here.

"That's a great idea!" Bai Xi subconsciously revealed an excited gaze.

"Okay, let's go, there are quite a few treasures here, don't cheapen them." Qian Muyu smiled, and then led the four people to look for the surrounding heavenly materials and earth treasures.

In the secret territory of the Holy Tree, the heavenly materials and earth treasures are not all ripe, and some heavenly materials and earth treasures are not ripe, just like the holy fruit, it takes time to wait.

Some people see the heavenly treasure they want, and they will wait for it to mature.

Of course, some people will go to find other heavenly materials and earth treasures after seeing that they are not mature, and they will not waste these unknown times.

Of course, there are also those extreme, who will take advantage of the fact that no one has come yet, directly dig up the immature heavenly materials and earth treasures, and plant them themselves after going back.


July 20, 2138.

The people who had been waiting for a long time finally heard the sound they had been dreaming of for a long time.

"The second holy fruit will ripen in an hour, please be ready!"

The drunkard sitting in a place eating barbecue turned to look at Qian Muyu and asked, "Shall we go?" "

Go, eat and see the liveliness." Qian Muyu took the big chicken leg handed over by Mu'er and took a bite, chewing it in his mouth.

The drunkard looked at the boss without hurry, and did not eat unhurriedly.

Half an hour later, Qian Muyu, who had eaten and drunk enough, burped and took Mu'er and them into the dream space, then left here with the drunkard and began to look for the holy tree that was about to bear fruit.

Around the sacred tree, the people who rushed did not speak immediately, but collectively looked around.

"Are the people of the Twelve Wings here?"

"I haven't seen it yet."

"It looks like they gave up."

"You don't necessarily see them when they come."


they were chatting, the Holy Tree instantly burst out with brilliant colorful light, and just like yesterday, the Holy Fruit and many desolate beasts appeared under their gaze together.

"In other words, don't you feel that you have a little more life?" A voice of doubt with a hint of excitement sounded around the sacred tree.

Someone responded, "I feel it."

The man wondered, "Then why didn't I see you guys last time?"

"The last time I saw this scene for the first time, I was shocked." Monkey Ming buttoned his nostrils and continued with a smile at the man: "I only felt it after the battle, otherwise I wouldn't have rushed over so quickly this time."

Li Hao nodded, "Thank you!"

"No thanks, let's fight." Monkey Ming grinned, but did not move.

Although he was talking about fighting, the people around him stood quietly, without the slightest thought.

The crowd did not move, he would not be the vanguard, but he retreated several meters.

This time everyone is not stupid and is waiting.

What are you waiting for, of course, waiting for more people to come.

A few died too early last time, so this time they won't repeat the mistake of the last time.

After watching them retreat, the desolate beasts around the sacred tree were not in a hurry, standing in place one by one stupidly and waiting.

"Kill everyone with me!"

An hour later, someone finally couldn't help it, roared, and took the lead in the charge.

After everyone saw someone go up, they no longer waited, and one emperor throne after another appeared out of thin air, exuding terrifying majesty, and began to fight for territory and suppress heaven and earth.

As the battle became more and more intense, Qian Muyu came late with the drunkard.

Glancing at the holy fruit hanging on the tip of the tree, Qian Muyu turned his head to look at the Ba Snake who was fighting with several strong people, and said decisively: "Go, kill the snake!" "

Kill the snake!" The drunkard roared, instantly burst out of crimson dream power, held the wine gourd that appeared out of thin air, and directly followed Qian Muyu towards the snake and killed them.

Ba Snake, who was fighting with a white monkey, heard a voice not far away, felt the killing intent that was obviously rushing towards him, and suddenly turned his head to look.

Looking at Qian Muyu and the drunkard who rushed over, he shouted without hesitation: "Qian Muyu and the wine swallowing boy are here!" With

a bang, the snake was directly punched hard by the white monkey.

Monkey Ming looked at the snake who was beaten crooked by his punch, and said with a smile: "Brother, your current opponent is me."

"Find death!" Ba Snake glared angrily and snapped at him.

Monkey Ming instantly retreated, turned his head and shouted at Qian Muyu: "Brother, he handed it over to you."

After that, he turned around and rushed in the direction of the holy tree.

When everyone is at war, now is the perfect time.

"This monkey is really decisive!" Qian Muyu looked at the indomitable Monkey Ming, and took the knife towards the snake.

Ba Snake was angry and turned into a human form and punched away.

The huge body could not bring him convenience when dealing with the same strong person, so he could only turn into a human form.

In his humanoid state, he instantly fought with Qian Muyu, but before he could fight a few times, the drunkard rushed up and joined in.

Ba Snake, who was surrounded by two people, suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood and shouted angrily: "Don't fight, come and save me!"

"Hold on, I'm coming!" When Ying Hao heard this, he decisively gave up the opponent in front of him and turned around and rushed towards Ba Snake.

The woman who fought with Ying Hao looked at this scene and did not chase, but directly rushed towards the sacred tree.

Let's fight, don't grab the holy fruit with us.

After Ying Hao joined, Ba Snake was slightly better, but soon, it was not good again.

Soon unable to hold on, he shouted at the accomplices around him: "Haven't you grabbed it yet?"

"I'm entangled." Wolf Mad looked at the fire girl in front of him, and regretted it in his heart.

I already knew that this woman was so difficult, so I didn't scold her at that time.

It's a pity that not so much was known earlier.

Ba Snake took advantage of the gap, looked around, and shouted: "Long Tian hasn't come yet?"

A younger brother quickly responded, "Not coming!"

"Where did he go?"

"I don't know..." "

What about worm and scorpion killing?"

"It's not here..."

Ba Snake took a deep breath, and after glancing at the Holy Fruit with an unwilling face, a powerful dream power instantly erupted in his body, shocking Qian Muyu and the drunkard, turning around and running, "Withdraw!" Come and assemble, don't grab it this time! "

If he doesn't run, he's going to be left here."

Ying Hao was beaten pale by the drunkard, and quickly followed and ran away.

The four younger brothers around watched this scene, gave up their opponents without hesitation, and ran with them.

Seeing the six people gathered in an instant, Qian Muyu stopped and shouted at the drunkard: "Don't chase!" Let's go kill the wolf maniac! The

wolf listened to Qian Muyu's voice, no longer stayed, and directly turned into a giant wolf and slipped away.

The fire lady did not leave him behind, turned around and rushed towards the sacred tree.

After watching the wolf run wildly, the drunkard took a sip of wine and asked, "What now?"

Qian Muyu calmly took out the fruit tea and said with a smile: "Watch the play." "

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Priestess - Chapter 928

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