
Priestess - Chapter 929

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Priestess - Chapter 929
The three people in the mouth of the snake were stopped on the road by the three people of Bai Hai at this time.

Long Tian happened to meet Long Ying on the way here, and he was now frantically fleeing.

Scorpion Kill and a little brother fell into the ghost field of the shepherd boy, and were back to back with the little brother, shoulder to shoulder, not daring to separate at all, patiently waiting for the opportunity and the arrival of reinforcements.

The strongest of them, the worm, is being entangled by the white underworld, the insect is the zerg, and the dream technique is all kinds of bugs.

However, what Bai Hao is least afraid of is the group fight, and a large number of insects turn into his dream power, which is comparable to the fight of the worm, and it is difficult to solve.

The Five Races Alliance, the Seven Holy Temple, the Holy Demon Mountain and other related forces, this time a total of 15 strong people came in, among these strong people, the strongest people are Worm End, Ba Snake, Wolf Madness, Long Tian, Scorpion Kill, Eagle Hao and Rat Powder.

Rat Mo died, they only had 6 strong people left, and as for the others, they were basically elderly and people with exhausted potential, these people had strength, but they were not strong.

If it is not strong, it is weak, and the weak do not work for Qian Muyu.

After they evacuated, Qian Muyu and the drunkard watched the battle for the holy fruit for a while, and then went down to kill the desolate beast.

The scrambling crowd looked at this scene and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and then worked harder.

One by one, they used their twelve points of strength and began to fight unscrupulously.

An hour later, Monkey Ming, who was fighting bloodily, after punching his opponent's head with an ape king punch, took advantage of the surprised eyes of everyone around him, directly fished the holy fruit into his arms, turned around and ran.


Everyone watched this scene and hurriedly chased after it.

Qian Muyu looked at Monkey Ming who slipped away with the holy fruit, and couldn't help but sigh: "Huaguo Mountain is worthy of being the sacred mountain of the monkey clan!" "

Monkey Ming is from Huaguo Mountain, and he is the strongest emperor of Huaguo Mountain, and his strength is naturally not to be underestimated.

It is precisely because he is strong, so it was Ba Snake who stopped him before.

Ba Snake is not a person from the Five Races Alliance, but a person from the Seven Holy Temple, he is the most optimistic successor of the Second Immortal Aging Snake of the Seven Sacred Temple, and he is also the strongest emperor of the Seven Holy Temple, and those veteran emperor-level ten dan are not his opponents.

This time in the secret realm of the Holy Tree, there are not many people selected by the emperor-level ten dan who are selected, basically they are all emperor-level seven dan ~ emperor-level nine dan people, even if there are, there are some people whose potential is exhausted and cannot enter the holy level, and geniuses like worms and drunkards are only a few after all.

Of course, this kind of person is also the most terrifying person inside, although their potential is exhausted and their strength is average, but the Holy Fruit is also the most tempting to them.

Although Qian Muyu didn't see them make a move, he knew that they would definitely strike together when a certain holy fruit appeared to fight for the future!

The fire girl looked at Qian Muyu below and asked curiously, "Why don't you grab this holy fruit?" The

strong man who did not go to catch up nearby, listening to the fire woman's doubts, collectively pricked up his ears curiously.

Qian Muyu raised his head, looked at the curious gaze of the fire girl, and responded with a smile: "We will grab the last one, and we will not move the other two." Fire

Girl: "Really?

Qian Muyu smiled and said, "I said that!"

"Everybody hear you." The fire woman looked at the people around her.

A man threw up his hand: "Feather God Atmosphere! "

If Qian Muyu really wants to grab it, they can desperately stop it, but who will go?

They come from different forces, but they don't fight for other forces.

So the five people of the twelve wings seem to them to be a real headache.

Now after hearing the Twelve Wings say that they only grabbed the fifth, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The third and fourth, they still have two more chances!

Although they can also grab the fifth, most people have already prepared the fifth paddling, after all, some of them can still be sanctified without relying on holy fruits!

Qian Muyu listened to the praise around him, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise slightly.

The next moment, the red light flashing in the corner of his eyes instantly caught his attention.

"Dream nuclear crystal?"

"Good luck." The drunkard threw the dream nucleus crystal in his hand to Qian Muyu.

Qian Muyu took the dream nucleus crystal, and under the envious gaze of everyone, he threw a probe and threw it into the dream space.

"Purple Fire Emperor Horse's Dream Core Crystal

Quality: Red

Dream Technique: Purple Fire Galloping."

"See you next time, everyone!" After Qian Muyu finished speaking, he left here with the drunkard without hesitation.

After everyone saw Qian Muyu and the two leave, they looked at the remaining desolate beasts below, revealing a blazing light.

In an instant, they collectively killed the desolate beasts below.

"The dream technique is purple fire galloping, you can use it." Coming to no man's land, Qian Muyu took out the dream nuclear crystal just now and threw it to the drunkard.

When the drunkard heard this, he didn't look at the dream nucleus crystal in his hand, and threw it directly into his mouth, chewing it like candy.

The next moment, he began to glow with purple fire around him, and he subconsciously burped, and a cloud of purple fire smoke spit out from his mouth.

Qian Muyu looked at this scene and asked, "How is the effect?" "

Not bad." The drunkard nodded in satisfaction and explained: "The effect is to speed up your own speed and impact the other party, and it is no problem to use it as a rush technique and an escape technique."

"It's a simple name!" Qian Muyu muttered and continued, "Let's go, look for treasures around here." "

Go!" The drunkard drank the small wine and left here with Qian Muyu.


"Twelve wings, these people really deserve to die!" Ba Snake angrily punched the giant tree in front of him.

"Hey." The wolf sighed lightly and said to the snake: "Don't be angry, this time we don't have all the members assembled, and when we gather, they are not necessarily our opponents."

"And this time those people didn't do it, and when those people did, they weren't so unscrupulous."

Ba Snake looked up and shouted, "Where have the others gone?"

Ying Hao, who was sitting there, responded: "I don't know about the insect and Long Tian, I can find the scorpion kill." "

Scorpion Kill, Rat Mo and he are from the Alliance of Five Races, which has a special token that can sense each other, so he can find them.

The wolf pondered for a moment and said, "Let's find a scorpion to kill, the other two don't care about them."

"That's exactly what I mean." Ying Hao took out a token with the word 'five' written on it and began to sense it.

Soon, he opened his eyes and pointed to the left side: "On the left, not far from here." "

Go, go see what he's doing!" Without hesitation, Ba Snake flew in the direction Ying Hao pointed.

Seeing this, Ying Hao and the others quickly followed.

Ten minutes later, Ba Snake looked at the fog-wrapped woods not far away, and said angrily: "Zheng! I knew it! "

This familiar fog, isn't it the fog dozens of days ago!

The wolf madly looked at the snake that rushed madly, and quickly shouted: "Don't separate, let's rush in together!" The

snake instantly stopped his body and followed everyone towards the ghost realm.

Just before they rushed, the ghost realm began to gradually dissipate, and the scene inside gradually appeared in their eyes.

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Priestess - Chapter 929

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