
Priestess - Chapter 930

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Priestess - Chapter 930
"Scorpion kill!" Ying Hao looked at the man lying in the woods not far away, and rushed forward frantically.


At the same time, Ba Snake shouted, and without hesitation, he killed the shepherd boy who stayed in the air and smiled faintly at them.

A large number of dream techniques flashed out, and the shepherd boy stood there calmly, smiling at them slightly, "See you next time." The

next moment, a large number of dream techniques collided together, emitting a roar, and the shepherd boy disappeared in place.

At the moment when they were about to come, the shepherd boy discovered them through the ghost insects patrolling nearby, leaving a doppelganger and leaving here.

"Wow!" The snake roared, and it was a punch towards the air, and the air explosion sound generated by the powerful force directly turned tens of meters in front of it into ruins.

Wolf Mad looked at this scene with a gloomy face, was silent, turned around and flew towards Ying Hao below, "How is the injury?" "

It's heavy!" Ying Hao took out a pill and stuffed it into the mouth of the scorpion killing.

Ten minutes later, Scorpion Kill opened his eyes and looked at the sky in confusion.

Ying Hao looked at the scorpion killing who came to his senses, and asked for the first time: "What happened?"

"Scorpion Qing is dead, and there is no ash left." Scorpion Killing recalled the scene when Scorpion Qing was engulfed by the ghost insect swarm, and his eyes couldn't help but become frightened.

When the people around heard this, the collective fell silent.

"Hey, let's go, let's go find someone else." Ying Hao sighed heavily, patted Scorpion Kill's shoulder, and when Scorpion Kill stood up, they flew in the direction where Ba Snake flew away.

While he waited for the scorpion slayer to wake up, Ba Snake and Wolf Mad left with a few people.

The scorpion killing is like this, then what happened to Long Tian and the insect end?

Therefore, they did not wait for the scorpion killing to wake up, but left a few people, and went directly to find Long Tian and the worm.

On the other side, Long Tian, who was being chased by Long Ying, looked at several familiar figures not far away, and was overjoyed in his heart, and did not hesitate to turn around and kill Long Ying.

Just as he turned around, he saw that Long Ying was the same, even a minute faster than him, and had already flown several meters.

"Is this the gap?" Long Tian was silent, he didn't chase, because he couldn't chase anymore.

The wolf madness that flew over looked at the figure that was about to disappear in the distance, and asked Long Tian, "Are you all right?"

Long Tian shook his head, "I didn't keep her.

"It's okay, let's go find the worm." Wolf Madness didn't say much, but directly looked for the worm.

Ba Snake complained unhappily: "These dog things, they run really fast!"

When he said this, he had completely forgotten about the fact that not long ago, they ran away from Qian Muyu.

"Gone." Ba Snake passed by Long Tian, turned his head and shouted.

"Good." Long Tian quickly followed.

When they were looking for the worm, the worm was venting, chasing a man and a woman in front.

He fought with Bai Hai for several long times, and finally ended the battle on a tie, and the two walked in different directions.

After flying for a while, he was extremely puzzled in his heart and met the two Terrans who were chasing him at this time.

Wondering naturally has to be vented, so these two celebrities have become his tools to relieve boredom.

He was playing with them with pleasure.

"Hahaha... How did you slow down? Run for me! The

shrill sound behind him made Ling Shibei angry, and said to Mo Yan beside him: "I can't bear it, I'm going to kill him!" "

To send to death?"

"But he's playing with us!"

"Endure for another five minutes, we will immediately reach the Holy Tree, and if we can't meet our own person over to the Holy Tree, we will fight with him!"

Ling Shibei took a deep breath and flew forward with Mo Yan burying her head.

After seeing that they did not speak, the deeply bored insect Mo looked at the holy tree that was getting closer and closer, and suddenly thought of something, and immediately sobered up.

"You want to go to the Holy Tree to find help?"

"If this is the case, then you will give me death!"

The insect end flew with a big hand, and a large number of various swarms of insects carrying light attributes flew out of his body and rushed towards the two.

"Fight with him!" Ling Shibei turned around, the eight silver foxtails behind her swung, and with a strong wave of the fire fan in her hand, the huge fire tornado instantly rushed out and burned towards the swarm of insects that attacked.

At the same time, floating behind Mo Yan, the demon puppets connected to Mo Yan began to throw one spell after another towards the insect end, while Mo Yan waved his hands and blasted towards the swarm of insects.

In an instant, a roar sounded, and the battle was about to break out.

Although the worm is strong, it is still impossible to solve the battle in an instant.

After all, people who can become emperor-level seventh and eighth stages are geniuses themselves, and they cannot become emperors if they are not geniuses.

"There is a fight over there, or one to two." The drunkard looked at the three imperial thrones in the sky not far away, and couldn't help but feel a little curious.

One dozen and two can still have an advantage, this is not an ordinary person.

"Go and help, he should be the Holy Demon Mountain worm." Qian Muyu stared closely at the emperor throne with insects as the main body, and decisively flew towards the battlefield not far away.

"It seems to be true." The drunkard was stunned for a moment, and after taking a closer look, he muttered a sentence in his mouth and quickly followed.

Such a strong combat power, or a worm, this is not a worm, who else can it be?

If it was someone else's imperial throne, Qian Muyu might not know it yet, but the Holy Demon Mountain was very close to the Five Races Alliance and the Seven Holy Temple, so he had already seen the genius figures of these forces.

Although there were some differences between the imperial throne of the worm end at this time and the picture he was looking at, the difference was not very big, so he recognized it at a glance.

Three minutes later, Qian Muyu looked at the two Terrans who were pressed and beaten, and released his imperial throne without hesitation.

With a bang, the twelve-winged emperor throne of the mighty shore directly slammed into the middle of the three imperial thrones, splitting the battlefield of the three imperial thrones into two.

A combined light landed on Qian Muyu's body, and Qian Muyu held the knife and killed the insect end.

"It's you again!" Insect Mo looked at Qian Muyu and the drunkard who suddenly attacked, and his happy face instantly became gloomy.

Immediately afterwards, he did not hesitate to turn into a swarm of light-colored insects, turned around and ran.

Seeing this, Qian Muyu did not chase, but threw a probe towards the insect.

"Worm (

Doomsday Saint Worm) Level: Emperor Grade Ten Stage

Species: Phantom Beast Species

Quality: Red


: Light Dream Technique: Last Saint Insect Pro, Insect Swarm Dance, Holy Light Insect Feather, Doomsday Insect Slash...

Doomsday Worm Pro: The unique domain technique of the Doomsday Saint Worm, a large number of swarms wrap around to form a worm domain, increasing its own full attributes by 30% and increasing the reproduction rate of swarm insects by 50%.

A few seconds later, Qian Muyu looked at the disappearing back of the insect and muttered, "No wonder he can become the Holy Son of the Holy Demon Mountain." "

The Holy Demon Mountain was created by the Saint-level boss Doomsday, and the body of Doom is the Doomsday Demon Worm.

A demon worm, a holy worm.


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Priestess - Chapter 930

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