
Priestess - Chapter 932

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Priestess - Chapter 932
The dazzling colorful light shone on the earth, and Qian Muyu bathed in the light, enjoying all this.

Soon, Qian Muyu opened his eyes and felt the changes that had occurred in himself, and muttered, "This is a hundred years of life."

The drunkard standing on the side asked curiously, "How do you know it's a hundred years?" "

I have a lot of life, and I know it." When Qian Muyu passed the message to the drunkard, he said in his mouth: "Guess."

"Brother Yu, my fruit is ripe."

At the same time, Mu'er's voice sounded in Qian Muyu's mind.

Qian Muyu nodded slightly and spoke, "You guys enter the dream space."

"Good." Mu'er shouted softly, and turned into a ball of light and flew into Qian Muyu's body.

The same goes for the depravity standing beside him, the little butterfly and the eggshell.

"Aren't they moving?" The drunkard looked at the emperors who were standing there chatting around the sacred tree one by one, and the emperors who were not in the slightest hurry, took a sip of wine in confusion.

"I'm waiting for someone." Qian Muyu knew the reason at a glance.

"Wait for whom?"

"Wait for those who are still on the road, they want more people to be on top." Qian Muyu took out a cup of fruit tea from the dream space, and said while inserting fruit tea with habit: "This can not let people pick up cheap, and it can also reduce the occurrence of accidents." The

drunkard was silent for two seconds and smiled somewhat wordlessly.

An hour later, with one shouting, everyone who was waiting rushed forward and engaged the desolate beast.

Two and a half hours later, one person and one horse took the holy fruit directly, and the others hurriedly blocked it when they saw this, and the person who was the first to obtain the holy fruit was finally seriously injured by the fire because of his low strength, and fell into a drowning state, and the holy fruit also fell into the hands of others.

If the Terrans want to include the Heavenly Materials and Earth Treasures in the dream space, they need income time, and the higher the quality of the Heavenly Materials and Earth Treasures, the longer the income time, so it is impossible for the Terrans to be opportunistic here.

After another hour of scramble, the Holy Fruit finally fell into the hands of Lion Shuang and was successfully taken away by Lion Shuang.

Qian Muyu looked at the figure chased by everyone, and then looked at the desolate beasts that had been cleared by him and the drunkards, as well as those emperors who did not want to participate in it, and said decisively: "Let's go and see if he can take him away." "

For Lion Shuang, he still knows, Lion Shuang is the strongest emperor in Lion Moose Ridge, and he has the terrifying strength of the emperor-level ten stages, and it is a proper thing to upgrade to the holy level.

There were still several people present who could upgrade to the Holy Rank by themselves, but they would not give up competing for the Holy Fruit, and the reason was that they did not rob it for themselves, but for their own forces.

The fact that he can be promoted to the holy level does not mean that other emperors in their forces can be promoted to the holy level, so these holy fruits, they snatch them to give back to their forces or families.

The same is true of Monkey Ming.

These strong people who can rise to the holy level by themselves are also the most serious group of people who paddle the water, they will paddle infinitely when they see no opportunity, and when they see that there is an opportunity, they will give their all.

At this time, Lion Frost, who used all his strength, was extremely ferocious, and when surrounded by five people, he abruptly opened a road, broke out of the encirclement, and quickly left the outer circle of the sacred tree.

Qian Muyu stopped, looked at the forest not far away that was flooded by a vast snow, and a giant triangular lizard lying in the forest that was frozen in ice, couldn't help but smack his lips, and then continued to follow with the drunkard.


"I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Lion Shuang suddenly raised his head and looked at the large number of insects rushing down from the clouds, his face changed slightly, his eyebrows were furrowed, and he waved it away with one hand.

Pieces of ice picks quickly condensed and blasted towards the swarm.

And he decisively flew in the other direction.

"Caught by me, don't think about leaving!"

As the voice sounded again, an imperial throne with insects as the main body burst out, suppressing heaven and earth.

A large number of insects came out from all around, instantly surrounding the lion frost, forming a giant insect circle.

Standing in the middle of the insect circle, Lion Shuang looked at the insect end that appeared not far from him with a mocking intent, and knew that he couldn't run without a fight.

So, he suddenly roared, and a lion-shaped emperor throne directly slammed beside the insect emperor throne, revealing a patch of frost in the sky wrapped in the insect circle.

The sunlight revealed through the frost inside the insect circle, brightening the dark worm circle a little.

Lion Shuang looked at the insect with a gloomy face, "You want a dead fish to break the net?" Insect

Mo chuckled, "The net broke early, how can there be dead fish, not to mention that the Holy Fruit did not write your name, but did not write the name of your Lion Moose Ridge."

"Then you will die!" The terrifying frost power instantly rushed out from Lion Frost's body, and the dark insect circle directly turned into an ice blue.

But soon, one by one, the insects broke through the ice and rushed towards the lion frost.

As for the insects that were frozen before, they had fallen from the sky to the ground, and the corpses of a large number of bugs, seeing the few people chasing behind them, couldn't help but be stunned.

"Give me a face, retreat." The doppelganger of the worm appeared outside the insect circle and continued towards the few people who were chasing: "Retreat, I owe you a favor.

An elderly man smiled and said, "I don't dare to accept the favor of the Holy Demon Mountain. The

worm looked at the old man and said, "Those who believe in it go, and those who do not believe, come."

"I believe you once, I hope your words count." The old man smiled and turned to leave.

"I believe you too."

"Come on, brother."

Soon, the five people who chased them left the place.

"Just don't bother me." Worm is not stupid, he understands the minds of these people, but what he wants is not to be disturbed now.

After the departing five flew some distance, they stopped and began to wait patiently, waiting for their battle to end.

Three minutes later, Qian Muyu, who rushed over, looked at the five people who were chatting and asked curiously, "What are you doing?"

One heard the voice and exclaimed, "Feather God! The

old man frowned, "Do you want to talk or not?"

"Even if it doesn't count, how can you drip?" The drunkard stepped forward and instantly released his terrifying aura and pressed towards the old man.

"Poof!" The drunkard's sudden operation caused the old man's face to change instantly, and a mouthful of blood directly spurted out.

The faces of the other four people around changed drastically in an instant, and one by one they decisively released their imperial thrones.


"Haha... Just kidding. The drunkard looked at them playfully and took a calm sip of wine.

Qian Muyu shook his head with a smile and said to the nervous five, "I'm here to see if the five clans will make a move."

"The Holy Fruit can be given to you, but not to the Five Tribes."

When the five people heard this, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief in their hearts, but they did not lift the imperial throne because of this.

Qian Muyu asked again, "What are you doing here?"

The woman who exclaimed just now responded: "The worm is fighting with Lion Frost, and we want to pick up the bargain."

Saying these words, she knew that there was a high chance that this holy fruit would not be her share.

Of course, even if you don't say Qian Muyu, you can see it yourself, so she is saying now that she wants to leave a good impression in front of Qian Muyu.

"Thank you." Qian Muyu nodded slightly, and without hesitation, passed by them with the drunkard.

The five looked at each other and did not dare to move.

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Priestess - Chapter 932

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