
Priestess - Chapter 933

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Priestess - Chapter 933
The Last Worm is inner.

The insect mo, who was directing the army of insects to fight against Lion Frost, felt the two powerful auras rushing from outside the insect circle, and his face changed instantly.

"Damn it! It's them again! Insect

Mo's face turned dark, and the great opportunity to obtain the Holy Fruit was about to be destroyed, which really made him feel a little uncomfortable.

I saw that in an instant, a dazzling light rushed out directly from his body, and a large number of insects turned into balls of light, like twinkling stars in the night sky, covering the sky.


Lion Frost, who was full of scars, looked at this scene and was stunned.

But soon, he saw the stars coming towards him at an extremely fast speed, suddenly opened his hands, and roared: "Ice Age! The

ice blue extreme cold power instantly rushed out from all sides of his body, causing everything around him to turn into layers of frost and sweep towards the surroundings.

The next moment, the frost and the insect collided together, emitting a roaring sound, the insect tearing and biting the frost, the frost froze the insect, and the fight was incomparable, comparable.

Seeing that his group of insects did not crush Lion Frost with absolute superiority, he couldn't help sighing.

"Hide, don't come out!"

Insect Mo looked at the lion frost frozen by the frost, and after leaving a cruel word, he decisively turned into a group of insects divided into several groups and flew in different directions.

The lion frost in the icicle looked at the departing worm, and was more sure that someone had come to support.

At the same time, Qian Muyu, who had just arrived, looked at the figure of the worm disappearing after the worm circle disappeared, and subconsciously smiled, "It's really decisive to go!" "


"Don't chase." Qian Muyu shook his head and looked towards the lion frost inside the icicle, "Our feud with the Holy Demon Mountain has not yet reached the point where you die and I live, and we can't catch up."

"It's really fast." The drunkard looked at the group of insects that had disappeared, picked up the wine jug on his waist, and took a sip calmly.

Taking a sip of wine, he pointed to the frozen lion frost not far away and continued, "What did he say?" "

Save, the favor of Lion Moose Ridge is a good thing." Qian Muyu stepped forward, came to the opposite side of Lion Shuang, looked at Lion Shuang whose pupils were instantly dilated, and said with a smile: "Don't panic, we are here to save you, don't rob your fruit." When

Lion Shuang heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and then lit some icicles with his hand.

The power inside the icicles will greatly strengthen his resilience, and at the same time, the defense of the icicles is also very strong, even if the saint of the early stage of the holy level comes, if he wants to break it, it will take some strength.

Qian Muyu took the drunkard back a few steps in understanding.

With a bang, the icicle exploded, and Lion Shuang stood in the air and moved his body, hugging his fist towards Qian Muyu and saying, "Thank you!"

Qian Muyu shook his head and said, "Do you need treatment?" "


"Well then."

Qian Muyu looked at the standing lion frost, and with a wave of his hand, a holy healing technique was thrown by him.

Bathed in the Holy Healing Technique, Lion Frost closed his eyes in enjoyment, and couldn't help but make some pleasant sounds.

Not long after, Lion Shuang, who came back to his senses, his old face turned red, and after feeling his own injury, he couldn't help but show a surprised look.

"It is rumored that the Feather God has strong healing ability, but I didn't expect it to be so strong!"

Lion Shuang looked at Qian Muyu, who was standing there smiling at the corner of his mouth, and felt his horror more and more in his heart.

"General." Qian Muyu smiled and continued, "After the things are put away, we will leave first."

Lion Shuang looked at the backs of Qian Muyu and the drunkard and shouted, "I remember your love!"

Qian Muyu waved his hand and did not pause.

After seeing them go, Shi Shuang snorted softly towards a few people hiding behind him in different directions, "You guys want to rob?" "

Under Qian Muyu's healing ability, his injuries have basically healed, but his dream power has not recovered.

But now the dream power is enough for him to kill a few small fish behind him.

Several people looked at the state of Lion Shuang at this time, and silently turned away one by one, without saying much.

Seeing this, Lion Shuang didn't say anything more, and flew directly in the other direction.

Although these people who caught up were not powerful, it did not mean that there were no others peeping at the holy fruit in his hand, such as the Five Races Alliance and those emperors who did not have much life, so he decisively slipped away.

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Priestess - Chapter 933

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