
Priestess - Chapter 934

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Priestess - Chapter 934
September 8.

"The fourth holy fruit will ripen in an hour, please be ready!"

As a familiar voice sounded, the battle for the Holy Fruit began again.

This time it was more intense than the previous three times, and those checkmate emperors who were hiding in the secret to watch the drama appeared one after another, and began to compete for this holy fruit with all their strength.

The scramble for the picture, Qian Muyu, who was standing not far away watching the play, couldn't help but smack his lips.

"The gap between them is still obvious." Bai Hao looked at the strength of several bigwigs who had not advanced further in the emperor level for hundreds of years, and couldn't help but sigh.

At the same time, he also knew why they couldn't reach the Saint Level.

With his current strength, he felt he could hit three or four of them.

With this kind of strength gap, it is strange that they can reach the Saint level.

The drunkard asked with some pity: "Is it really not on it?" "

Not on." Qian Muyu shook his head, looked at the remaining desolate beasts below, and rushed forward with a knife in his hand.

Seeing this, Bai Hao and the others also killed them.

A few people around who were eager to try, but were afraid of being robbed by Qian Muyu and them, watched Qian Muyu and them kill the desolate beast, and one by one decisively joined the battlefield for the Holy Fruit.

A few hours later, with a bang, Yanxia held the holy fruit in his hand, slaughtered from the ten thousand armies, and swung his silver-white wings straight to the east.

"Terrans still leave it to me!"

The scorpion scorpion that had been waiting for a long time in the east suddenly appeared, and suddenly came towards Yanxia with his two younger brothers.

"I knew it wouldn't be that simple!"

Yan Xia wondered in his heart, but still decisively threw the holy fruit in his hand backwards.

The holy fruit is of little use to him, it is just a guarantee, so there is no need to take his life for the sake of a holy fruit.

As for why you grabbed it just now, of course, it's a lot of fun!

Something fun, he liked it the most!

It's just that he didn't expect that the holy fruit would come to him.

It's a pity that before it was hot, I sent it out again.

Yan Xia looked at the scorpion that rushed towards him, killing several people without slowing down in the slightest, his eyebrows furrowed, and he said in a deep voice: "I have lost the Holy Fruit, what do you want to do?" "

Kill you!" The scorpion killed a laugh and casually threw a poisonous ball towards Yanxia.

He was killed by Qian Muyu and the scorpion that they disgusted several times, and now he is very unhappy when he sees the Terrans.

"I really can't bully!" Natsu wields a long-handled wooden sword, and killing three people against the scorpion is a set of combos.

In an instant, Yanxia fought with the three of Scorpion.

When they were fighting, the few people who chased looked at the flying holy fruit and decisively fought for the holy fruit again.

For them, the holy fruit is above all else, so they are not nosy.

Just because they won't be nosy doesn't mean others won't.

Although Qian Muyu was killing the desolate beasts below, his attention had been on the battlefield, and he wanted to know who would snatch this holy fruit.

"Go, destroy that scorpion." Qian Muyu turned around and rushed towards the scorpion killing.

"It's not good to see them early!" Bai Hao muttered and chased after him directly.

"Let's go stop them." The shepherd boy, Long Ying, and the drunkard flew in other directions, ready to stop the snakes who might come to support.

The scorpion killing junior brother looked at Qian Muyu and Bai Hao who rushed over, and instantly shouted: "Brother Scorpion is not good, Qian Muyu they have killed." "

Wow! Walk! Scorpion Kill cursed angrily, turned around and ran without hesitation.

"Want to go, did you ask me?" Yanxia's silver-white wings flashed with bursts of silver light, and his speed suddenly increased, and he rushed to the scorpion to kill with a sword.

He was beaten and angry, but he would not let the scorpion kill just walk away.

He doesn't have strong attacks, but in terms of speed, he doesn't feel like he's weaker than anyone.

Scorpion Kill looked at the sword that rushed forward and attacked him, his face turned black, and he punched out.

"Get out of the way!"

The scorpion kill roared angrily and swung the scorpion fist in his hand towards Yanxia again.

The silver-white wings quickly wrapped themselves, and the scorpion fist slammed heavily on the silver-white wings, making a deafening sound.

Yan Xia took a few steps back, spread his wings, and slashed towards the scorpion kill, and the unicorn double dragon at the horn of his head condensed a ball of light, followed by the sword and bombarded the scorpion kill.

Scorpion Killing was anxious, but at this time, he couldn't get rid of Yanxia at all, and as for the other two younger brothers, they had already gone far.

To stay is to die, and there is still a glimmer of life to go, so they don't care about scorpion killing.

"Brother, good job!"

The rushing white underworld towards the scorpion killing is a heavy punch, the gluttonous fist mixed with several attribute dream power, bang, blood splashed, the scorpion kill's left arm was directly shattered under a punch, turning into blood droplets.

Scorpion's killing pupils instantly widened, and he looked at his left arm in disbelief.

Without waiting for him to react, a death knife struck from the side and slammed into his body.

Qian Muyu looked at the scorpion that was blasted out by his sword, and silently turned to look at the angry Ying Hao people not far away.

And Bai Hao flew directly in front of the scorpion killing body and punched down one punch after another.

Bang bang ....

The roar after roar was so harsh in the ears of Ba Snake and others.

After Ying Hao felt the scorpion killing aura disappear, he roared angrily: "Do you really think that you can be lawless?

"Against you, I think... It should be fine. The corners of Qian Muyu's mouth rose slightly, without the slightest panic.

"Dream nucleus." Bai Hao's voice instantly attracted the attention of the people around him.

Qian Muyu looked at the red dream nucleus crystal in Bai Hao's hand and said with a smile: "Put it away." Bai

Hao threw the red dream nucleus crystal into the dream space, stood up from the ground, and shouted at the gloomy faces on the opposite side: "If you can't fight, if you don't fight, let me roll!"

"I'm coming, leave them for me!" The swarm of insects suddenly appeared in the other direction, and the figure of the insect end gradually appeared in place under the group of insects.

When the snake saw the arrival of the worm, he decisively rushed towards the white underworld, "I'll go and block the white underworld."

"Qian Muyu handed it over to me, and you can kill the other three quickly!" The insect end commanded the army of insects and swept directly towards Qian Muyu.

Qian Muyu looked at this scene and smiled calmly, and the wooden knife in his hand began to slowly condense the power of death.

After the insect group wrapped the area around him, he looked up and smiled at the insect not far away: "Your IQ is a little low!" When

the insect heard this, his eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and his face changed greatly, "Not good!" I

saw him shout, disappeared directly in place, appeared outside the insect circle, and looked at the fog not far outside the circle and the disappearing people, he was silent.

With a bang.

The silent insect end suddenly woke up, the insect circle was directly broken under the death knife, and Qian Muyu's figure appeared not far away.

"Your opponent is me." Qian Muyu smiled slightly at the insect end, he felt a little underestimated.

The insect was silent for a few seconds, and the dazzling light instantly burst out, and he turned into a swarm of insects and flew directly in all directions.

Qian Muyu looked at the sudden operation of the insect end, and was directly dumbfounded, and then shook his head with a smile, "I take back the previous words, you are not stupid." "

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Priestess - Chapter 934

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