
Priestess - Chapter 935

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Priestess - Chapter 935
For the insect to flee without hesitation, Qian Muyu really did not expect it.

He also thought that the worm would symbolically help them drag out a little time, at least until the snake was gone.


Qian Muyu shook his head with a smile again, and then looked up at Ba Snake.

Looking at the dark face of the snake, he decisively raised the knife and killed it.

Since the worm is gone, then you better stay with me!"

Ba Snake looked at Qian Muyu who rushed over, and did not have the heart to fight with Bai Hao, so he decisively turned around and ran.

"You better not run." Bai Hao shouted loudly and punched away.

Ba Snake turned around and punched Bai Hao's fist.

With a loud bang, the snake flew hundreds of meters away under the huge force, with the power of the white underworld.

"Thank you!"

The snake that flew out couldn't help but say thanks, suddenly burst out with a powerful dream power, swooped, disappeared in place, and rushed towards the distance.

"What are you doing?"

Qian Muyu, who rushed over, looked at the distant snake and looked towards Bai Hao, who was stunned over there.

Bai Hao, who was stunned over there, directly roared in shock under Qian Muyu's words, "Lie in the groove!" Is this okay? "

Emperor-level powerhouses are not so easy to kill, especially demon level emperor-level powerhouses.

As long as you make a slight mistake, they can use your mistake and give you a hard blow; Take advantage of your mistakes and escape quickly....

"Go, go help the shepherd boys."

Qian Muyu gave him a blank look, turned around and flew towards the Ghost Realm.

Seeing this, Bai Hao quickly followed.

Inside the ghost realm.

The wolf was stunned to look at the 16 figures that landed next to the shepherd boy, and his mind was blank.

What kind of dream technique is this?

Why are there so many people?

How could they be teleported in?

The few people standing beside him were just like him, watching all this dumbfounded.

The shepherd boy smiled at them, this time he was not prepared to manipulate all kinds of illusions to kill them one by one, but was ready to crush them directly.

Yanxia, who followed up to help, looked at the sudden number of so many people beside him, silently swallowed a mouthful of saliva, did not dare to ask, did not dare to say.

"That wolf belongs to me!"

After Mo Lingling locked his target, he directly entered the state of convergence and killed the wolf wildly.

Han Baoer looked at Mo Lingling, who was riding towards the other party, and immediately spoke, "Quick victory." "

I'll help Sister Mo." Qin Tianyu held the overlord gun, rode the fire unicorn, and directly chased after him.

Seeing this, several people around them, one by one, directly divided the other people on the other side.

The wolf listened to their words, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of despair and powerlessness in his heart.

"Mo Lingling, Qin Tianyu, Han Bao'er, Lan Xiruo..."

Long Tian shouted in despair, quickly turned into a dragon, and flew towards the sky.

Long Tian, the body is the Heavenly Dragon, the Sky Dragon, and the overlord-level dream beast of the sky, and its strength and speed are naturally the top.

But alas, he met a group of unreasonable teams.

"If you can't escape, let me die obediently."

Liu Mufeng snorted, disappeared in place with the power of wind and thunder, appeared next to Long Tian, and swung his sword.

"I'm not garbage out there!" Long Tian angrily raised his dragon claw and swung it forward.


A huge roar sounded, and the two took several steps back together.

"Why, why are they all so strong!" Long Tian felt the power of Liu Mufeng, and his heart was very puzzled.

Puzzled in his heart, he looked at Liu Mufeng who attacked again, but just killed forward again.

A few minutes later.

Qian Muyu and Bai Hao, who came to the battlefield, looked at the battle that was about to end and were silent for several seconds.

"I lean! You don't leave one for me! Bai Hao looked at the wolf madness who was struggling to support, Long Tian, and Ying Hao, and quickly joined them.

As for the other enemies, they lie everywhere, life and death are unknown.

"Ying Hao killed, the other two were captured alive and thrown into prison." Qian Muyu said, stabbing towards Ying Hao.

"Why?" Ying Hao looked at the rushing death knife, and his heart was full of despair.

"Because you're from the Five Races Alliance."

Under Qian Muyu's words, Ying Hao was overwhelmed by the death knife.


With a sword, Ying Hao's blood spilled on the ground, and without waiting for him to respond, several dream techniques around him flooded him again.

A few seconds later, Lan Xiruo said softly, "He's dead."

Qian Muyu nodded, looked at Wolf Madness and Long Tian, who were unable to support, and continued, "Arrest them." When

Wolf Madness and Long Tian heard this, they shouted with a sharp heart: "I surrender!" "


The surroundings quickly quieted down, and the two instantly glanced at each other and smiled awkwardly.

Immediately afterwards, they were pressed to the ground by the white underworld that came back to their senses, Mo Lingling and several people, the dream power in their bodies was sealed, and their hands were also cuffed.

Bai Hao looked at the two sitting there and wondered, "I said you really don't resist?"

Wolf Mad looked at the handcuffs on his hands, slowly raised his head and asked, "Is it useful to resist?"

Bai Hao subconsciously said, "It's useless."

"That's not it." The wolf madly wondered for a moment, and said to Qian Muyu: "Is there a chance to live?"

Qian Muyu stared at him quietly, looking at him until he lowered his head and said with a smile: "Living is more useful than dying."

"That'll do." The wolf sighed maniacally and stopped talking.

It's better to be alive than dead.

Alive, there is still a chance to get out, dead, but there is nothing.

He didn't eat the fruit of reincarnation.

"There's another one alive over here." Ye Feng's voice came from the side.

"Take it with you."

"Good." Ye Feng turned around and took out the handcuffs from the dream space, skillfully handcuffing the panicked-looking woman.

Looking at this scene, Long Tian couldn't help but ask, "Are you all so skilled?" "

Life is compelling." Liu Mufeng, who was sitting on the side, shouted at Qian Muyu not far away: "Boss, shall we go now?"

Qian Muyu, who was chatting with Han Baoer, spoke, "Go back and hand them over to Uncle Youde." "

Okay." Liu Mufeng took out an item similar to a dream beast ring and stuffed Long Tian directly into it.

Wolf Madness and another woman were also stuffed in by Mo Lingling and Ye Feng.

Subsequently, they chatted with Qian Muyu and the others for a few words, and then left the Ghost Realm.

Shepherd Boy: "Scattered?

"No hurry, wait a little longer." Qian Muyu shook his head, took out a few cups of fruit tea from the dream space, and threw it to the shepherd boy, the drunkard... Yanxia

Qian Muyu looked at Yanxia and was stunned for a moment, only then did he find that there was an outsider here.

Immediately afterwards, he smiled and asked, "Interested in joining us?"

Yanxia nodded slightly, "A little interested." "

You can think about it, our guild's benefits are not bad."


Outside the realm, everyone watched the thrones disappear, their faces were slightly startled, and they gradually discussed.


"It's only been a few minutes, it shouldn't be so fast, right?"

"It's not dead, then why did the imperial throne disappear?"

"I don't know."


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Priestess - Chapter 935

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