
Priestess - Chapter 936

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Priestess - Chapter 936
On the battlefield of the Holy Fruit Battle, many people's eyes were diverted by Qian Muyu's movements.

Jian Cang, who was paddling from the Ghost Sword Clan, looked at the distracted people around him, and decisively burst out with all his strength.

The pale blue flame wrapped itself and rushed towards the Holy Fruit with a whoosh.

I saw that while he was moving extremely fast, he swung his sword after sword.

As the pale cyan flame sword rays rushed towards the surrounding crowd, the masters in the crowd who were also waiting for the opportunity instantly struck, and the battle was about to break out.

A few minutes later, Jian Cang rushed out of the battle, grabbed the Holy Fruit with one hand, and quickly swept his eyes around, looking for a way to leave.

Looking at the enemies who rushed towards him with red eyes; looking at the audience standing around watching the play; Looking at the battlefield surrounded by fog in the distance; Looking....

"Mist, ghost realm."

"Shepherd boy, feather god, twelve wings..." Countless

pictures flashed in Jian Cang's mind in an instant, until he was stunned for a moment.

This moment directly shortened him by several meters from the enemy who was chasing him.

"How did I forget about this!"


Jian Cang was overjoyed in his heart and rushed towards the Ghost Realm without hesitation.

"He's not going to the Ghost Realm, is he?"

"Wherever he goes, keep chasing!"

Everyone looked at this scene and couldn't help but have some doubts in their hearts, but their footsteps did not stop, but continued to chase forward.

Soon, Jian Cang rushed into the ghost realm under everyone's gaze.

"Wow! He really went in! Someone

shouted and stopped immediately.

Immediately afterwards, the people who chased behind Jian Cang stopped one by one, looked at the ghost field not far away, and were silent.

"What to do?"

"The feather god said that if you don't rob us, then it will definitely not rob us, let's surround the ghost domain first!"

"In this way, our combat power will be scattered, and he will easily run away."

"So what to do?"

After a few seconds of silence, an old man sighed, "Let's surround it first."

"That's the only way to do it." One woman shrugged her shoulders and flew to the left.

After everyone saw someone acting, they flew in pairs and threes everywhere.

Inside the ghost realm.

Qian Muyu's five people looked curiously at Jian Cang standing not far from them, holding the holy fruit in one hand and the long sword in the other.

Bai Hao stepped forward and asked with a smile, "Are you here to deliver the Holy Fruit?"

Jian Cang quickly shook his head, "No, it's not!

"So what are you here for?"

"I... I'm here to find the god of feathers. Jian Cang said and looked towards Qian Muyu.

"Looking for me?" Qian Muyu was stunned for a moment, and then said with a smile: "Is there something to find me?"

Jian Cang took a deep breath, looked at Qian Muyu's doubtful eyes, and spoke: "When entering the secret realm, Lord Ying said that he can come to you when he is in a desperate situation.

Qian Muyu's eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and his heart became even more puzzled.

Seeing this, Jian Cang continued, "Lord Shadow said that as long as he tells you his name, you will understand.

Qian Muyu was stunned for a moment, suddenly thought of something, and asked with a strange look in his eyes: "Then what is the name of your clan's Lord Ying?" "

Jian Cang: "Demon Shadow Sword Ghost." "

Demon Shadow Sword Ghost." When the shepherd boy heard this, he muttered and looked up: "The Demon Shadow Sword Ghost is the Ghost Shadow Sword Saint of the Sword Ghost Clan, and its sword path is said to be no weaker than Uncle Mo.

Qian Muyu nodded slightly, two balls of light flew out directly from his body, looked at the old pig and the fall in front of him, and asked directly: "Demon Shadow Sword Ghost, do you know each other?"

"It's okay with me." The old pig yawned lazily and looked towards the depravity, "Does it have anything to do with you?"

Fallen thought for a moment and looked towards Jian Cang.

Jian Cang felt the depraved and contemplative gaze, and couldn't help but be shocked, "That... Lord Kage-sama also said that her memory was not very good, and she might have forgotten him, so she also said two words to me.

Without waiting for Qian Muyu to ask, he continued, "Fallen envoy. "

Poof!" Bai Hao spewed out a mouthful of fruit tea, directly diverting everyone's attention.

Looking at everyone's gaze, Bai Hao couldn't help but laugh directly.


Qian Muyu shook his head with a smile and said to Jian Cang, who was a little confused: "I probably understand, we will keep you out." The

corners of the depraved mouth subconsciously rose slightly, and he looked at Jian Cang and said, "After going back, let him come to see me this year, if he doesn't come this year, then he won't come in the future." "

Ugh!" As soon as Jian Cang wanted to say something, he saw that the fall turned into a ball of light and flew into Qian Muyu's body.

"The little ones back then have grown up, but I don't know if I remember the old pig and me." The old pig muttered, and flew into Qian Muyu's body with the fall.

Qian Muyu looked at Jian Cang, who was a little blinded, and said with a smile: "Isn't it very blind." "

Sort of." Jian Cang nodded and continued, "Feather God, can you explain?"

"Guards, do you know what you mean?"

"Understand, exclusive to your own troops."

"The Guards before the Fallen are called 'Fallen Messengers.'" Qian Muyu looked at Jian Cang, whose pupils were instantly dilated, took a sip of fruit tea, and continued: "And the Lord Ying in your mouth was probably one of the four fallen envoys before.

Jian Cang opened his mouth and fell silent instantly, he wanted to slow down.

Although he didn't believe it, he recalled the expression of Lord Ying at that time, and he had to believe it.

Of course, when Lord Kage told him, he was smiling brightly.

That smile, he had never seen in Lord Shadow for hundreds of years, he was puzzled at the time, but now he probably understood.

Qian Muyu looked at the contemplative Jian Cang, and with a flick of his small hand, he threw a holy healing technique directly at him.

Jian Cang, who was lost in thought, was instantly overwhelmed by the Holy Healing Technique and entered the sea of happiness.

Qian Muyu looked at this scene, smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, turned his head to the shepherd boy and said, "There are few people in that direction?"

After feeling it, the shepherd boy pointed to the left front and said: "The combat power over there is average, with his strength, it should be no problem to slip away."

Qian Muyu nodded, towards Jian Cang, who was covered by the Holy Healing Technique, but had already opened his eyes, and said, "Did you hear that?"

Jian Cang quickly thanked him, "Thank you!" Soon

after, the light of the Holy Healing Technique disappeared, and Jian Cang, under the guidance of the shepherd boy, walked forward step by step, reaching the end of the Ghost Realm.

"Thank you, everyone!" Jian Cang said, and disappeared directly into the ghost realm under everyone's gaze.

Qian Muyu looked at Jian Cang's disappearing figure, and couldn't help but sigh: "I didn't expect that there was still a fallen envoy alive.

After sighing, he continued with a smile: "Not bad, there is one more friendly army. Bai

Hao: "Envy."

Long Ying: "The ancient species is too buggy. The

drunkard took a sip of the old wine and asked Long Ying curiously, "In other words, did you eat the reincarnation fruit?"

Long Ying: "I ate it when I was born." "


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Priestess - Chapter 936

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