
Priestess - Chapter 937

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Priestess - Chapter 937
Jian Cang rushed out from the ghost realm, looked at the stunned man in front of him, and swung out his sword with it.

Immediately afterwards, he followed Jian Mang and rushed forward without hesitation, easily passing the man who hurriedly resisted.

The people around looked at Jian Cang, who rushed out unharmed, and were collectively stunned for a moment, but soon they came to their senses and chased after Jian Cang.


"Don't let him run!"

"How did he recover from his injuries?"

"The devil knows, catch up first!"


Most of the surrounding people shouted and chased over, only a few stayed in place, their eyes fixed on the ghost field.

Not long after, the Ghost Realm disbanded, and Qian Muyu and their figures appeared under everyone's gaze.

"Aren't you going to chase?" Qian Muyu looked at the dozen or so people around him, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

A man stood up and asked loudly, "You took the Holy Fruit?"

"Do you think I took it?" Qian Muyu said, calmly took a sip of fruit tea, and looked at the man with a grin.

The man felt the sweeping gaze, couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva, and quickly said: "Sorry, just now the ghost was obsessed." "

It's boring." Bai Hao muttered.

He thought there was a fight, and that's it.

"Gone." Qian Muyu glanced at the people around him, and then left here with Bai Hao and them.

The people around looked at Qian Muyu's backs and flew silently towards the surroundings one by one.

As for whether Qian Muyu had obtained this holy fruit or not, they still believed that they had not taken it.

After all, with Qian Muyu's strength, there is no need to act in this play.

Time passes slowly.

October 20.

"The last holy fruit will ripen in an hour, please get ready!"

As the voice sounded, most of the people in the Sacred Tree Secret Realm immediately put down what they were doing and flew towards the last Holy Tree.

Because the other four sacred trees had borne fruit, the last sacred fruit must be on the sacred tree that had not yet borne fruit, so everyone quickly arrived at their destination.

In fact, everyone is active around this holy tree, after all, it is this date, and it may bear fruit at any time, so in order not to miss the last opportunity to prostitute the white, they are all active nearby, waiting for the holy tree to bear fruit.

Qian Muyu led everyone to the bottom of the sacred tree, walked to the front without hesitation, walked to the front, and waited for the last few minutes.

The people around looked at Qian Muyu and the others who came and fell silent one by one.

At this moment, they finally decided, this holy fruit, Qian Muyu, they are really going to end, and they are still the kind that go all out!

A few minutes later, a dazzling light rushed out, and the Holy Fruit appeared under everyone's gaze along with many desolate beasts.


With a wave of Qian Muyu's wooden knife, the imperial throne appeared out of thin air, pressing heavily on the sky, and with a loud bang, its momentum suddenly rushed out from the imperial throne and spread out in all directions.

The powerful momentum overwhelmed those who did not prepare for the first time breathless, and those who prepared could not help but pause.

When they released the imperial throne, the imperial throne of Bai Hao and the others also appeared one by one, attacking them indiscriminately.

The powerful and majestic dream qi rushed out from Qian Muyu's body at a lightning speed, and the desolate beast that rushed towards him instantly collapsed.

Those who didn't fall, the body couldn't help but pause, and at this moment, Qian Muyu came directly to the holy fruit and took the holy fruit into his hand.

From the time the Holy Fruit came out to the time it was held in his hands, it took him less than three minutes to complete this scene.

Looking at the holy fruit in his hand, the corners of Qian Muyu's mouth rose slightly, and with a sword to the left, the attacking desolate beast split in two and fell from the air.

"The boss is mighty!"

Bai Hao slammed a punch at the desolate beast beside him, and with a bang, the desolate beast directly turned into blood droplets under the powerful attack.

The people around who wanted to try it out, watching this momentary scene, collectively immersed.

"I don't have to play, go home and sleep." A man watched the scene dumbfounded, shook his head, turned around and left without hesitation.

As he left, so did the people around him.

In an instant, there were only dozens of hundreds of emperor-level masters left.

The dozens of people looked at each other and exchanged friendly views.

Immediately afterwards, they each formed a group to kill the desolate beast.

"Feather God, you shouldn't want the Desolate Beast, right?"

Qian Muyu heard the prestige, looked at the fire girl standing there, and several people around the fire girl, and said with a smile: "No, it's all for you." "

Thank you."

The fire girl nodded slightly, and was about to kill the desolate beast, Qian Muyu continued: "Need our help?"

"The kind that doesn't charge anything."

He was a little embarrassed if others didn't rob him of the holy fruit, so he came up with a little force.

The fire girl was slightly stunned, and asked with a strange look in her eyes: "Really don't want anything?" The

people around who were killing the desolate beasts also collectively pricked up their ears when they listened to Qian Muyu's words.

Qian Muyu shook his head with a smile, "No need, help you kill for free, just repay you for not robbing it." "

To be honest, they can't grab it if they want to, but the premise that they can't grab is that he has to spend a lot of effort to level them.

Now that he has obtained this holy fruit without effort, he is still very comfortable.

"That... Thank you Hakami! The fire girl smiled heartily, and then led a few people beside her to kill the surrounding desolate beasts.

"Let's kill too."

After Qian Muyu packed the holy fruit into the box, he began to wave the wooden knife in his hand towards the group of desolate beasts.

After Bai Hao blasted a desolate beast with a punch, he shouted at the shepherd boys: "We have come to kill more than anyone, are you interested?" The

drunkard stopped and turned his head, "Are you sure?"

Bai Hao raised his head and smiled: "Of course!

Shepherd Boy: "Count me in."

Long Ying: "Took it!"

Qian Muyu: "Do you count me?" Bai

Hao: "Count!"

Qian Muyu: "Yes!" "


A few days later.

"The Sacred Tree Secret Realm will be closed in an hour, please be prepared."

"The Sacred Tree Secret Realm will be closed in an hour, please be prepared."

"The Sacred Tree Secret Realm will be closed in an hour, please be prepared."

Qian Muyu listened to the sound of the system echoing in his ears, calmly ate a bite of barbecued meat, and drank a sip of fruit tea.

"It's finally over!" Bai Hao sighed and continued to eat the barbecue.

Qian Muyu put down the barbecue in his hand and looked at everyone: "After going out, keep a low profile, the Five Races Alliance will definitely increase our reward, and even personally make a move, so we will first be stable for a few years, if we can't go out, don't go out, and don't go to the territory of the Five Races Alliance when we go out."

Shepherd Boy: "We've always been very low-key. Bai

Hao: "That's right.

Drunkard: "Indeed! Long

Ying: "..."

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Priestess - Chapter 937

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