
Priestess - Chapter 938

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Priestess - Chapter 938
Holy Magic Mountain.

The Holy Demon Mountain is a top-level force created by the Holy Lord Doomsday in the name of the mountain, and the body of the Holy Lord Doomsday is the Doomsday Demon Worm, which is a rare top powerhouse with the strength of the Saint-level Nine Dan on the bright side of Dream Star.

At this time, in the main hall of the Holy Demon Mountain, Doom was sitting on the top throne, closing his eyes and nurturing his mind.

He has maintained this position for seven days.

In the center of the main hall, a candle is placed on the table, dangling irregularly.

The candle is the wax of life, and the moment it goes out, it means that the owner of the wax of life has fallen.

And the owner of this wax is the worm.

After learning that the entire army on the side of the Five Races Alliance had been destroyed dozens of days ago, the life wax of the insect end appeared here.

"It's back."

Doom instantly opened his eyes and looked to the lower left.

When the people around him who were waiting with him heard this, they also quickly looked at it, and at the same time they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief in their hearts.

It's good if you don't die.

A few seconds later, a blue light fell from the sky and landed under their gaze.

It didn't take long for the figure of the insect to appear in place.

The worm, who had regained his vision, looked around and saw the life wax placed in the center of the hall, and he paused.

Immediately afterwards, he instantly turned his head towards Doom and shouted respectfully: "Holy Lord, you are worried!

Doom looked at the unscathed worm and relaxed in his heart.

The worm was the future of their Holy Demon Mountain, and if he died in the future, he didn't know what he would do.

Now seeing that the future of the Holy Demon Mountain was not dead, he said curiously, "Tell me what happened."

"Yes, Holy Lord!"

The insect worm bowed slightly, and began to explain to Doom what happened in the secret realm of the Holy Tree.

A quarter of an hour later, silence fell in the hall, and everyone's eyes were focused on Doomsday, who was sitting on the throne.

Doom stopped the movement in his hand, raised his head and whispered to everyone: "Remove the reward of the twelve wings." "

They offered a bounty to the Twelve Wings, but anonymously.

In fact, not only them, as long as the forces that have a little hatred with the Terrans, they have issued bounties to the twelve wings in the past few decades, but they are basically anonymous.

"I'll withdraw!" The subordinates who issued the reward were stunned for a moment, and quickly operated.

The worm who came back to his senses shouted in bewilderment: "Holy Lord!

"They really want to kill you, you died early." Doom waved his hand and continued, "That's it, the rest is as usual.

With that, he disappeared from the throne.

Insect Mo was silent for a few seconds, until someone patted him on the shoulder, he sighed in puzzlement and followed the man beside him out of the hall.


Seven Sacred Mountains.

The Seven Sacred Mountains are named after seven towering mountains, and the Seven Sacred Mountains are also the headquarters of the Seven Holy Temples.

At this time, in the hall of the second mountain of the Seven Sacred Mountains, the same thing happened as the Holy Demon Mountain.

The snake stood obediently to the side, waiting for the response of the old man sitting above.

The old man's name was Serpentine, he was the second elder of the Seven Holy Temples, one of the elders of the Seven Holy Temples, and the strongest saint besides the Great Elder.

During the period of the Great Elder's retreat for a hundred years, he had gradually controlled the Seven Holy Temples and became the minister of the Seven Holy Temples.

"It's fine if you're okay." The second elder picked up the green tea placed next to him, took a sip, and continued, "Go back and rest." "

Yes!" Ba Snake replied with a slight bow, and then turned around and left here without hesitation.

The second elder looked at the departing figure of the snake, silently called the system, opened the friend interface, and looked at a certain name on the interface, he couldn't help but show a greedy smile.


Sky City.

Qian Muyu and the drunkard appeared in the familiar office.

Qian Muyu opened his eyes, looked at Uncle Youde who was sitting on the desk with tea and looked at them, and said with a smile: "Uncle Youde, good afternoon!"

Uncle Youde nodded and said softly, "I'm back." "

Hmm!" Qian Muyu replied and continued, "What about them?

Uncle Youde felt the breath of rapid arrival, and said, "I haven't come here yet, but it should be almost there." "

The movement here cannot be concealed by those who are always paying attention here.

"I feel it." Qian Muyu yawned lazily, casually found a place and sat down.

Immediately afterwards, he began to chat with Uncle Youde.

Before they could say a few words, Han Baoer, Qian Duoduo, and they came here one by one.

Looking at everyone's figures, the corners of Qian Muyu's mouth rose slightly, and he began to chat with them about things in the secret realm.

Soon after, Qian Muyu left the office and came to the door of the ancestral courtyard.

Without waiting for him to knock on the door, Qian Anguo's voice came from inside.

"Come in."

Qian Muyu smiled slightly, then directly pushed open the door and walked in.

Coming to Qian Anguo, Qian Muyu shouted with a smile: "Grandpa Zu, live up to the mission."

"Haha, good!" When Qian Anguo heard this, he instantly burst out laughing.

Although he knew that with Xiao Yu's strength, the chance of obtaining the Holy Fruit was basically a categorical matter, but when he really heard Xiao Yu's annunciation, he couldn't help but be happy from the bottom of his heart.

Qian Muyu looked at the old ancestor who was so happy, and decided to make him even happier, so he continued: "We snatched two holy fruits. The

laughing ancestor listened to Qian Muyu's voice, stopped laughing instantly, and suddenly said to Qian Muyu: "What?

"We snatched two holy fruits." Qian Muyu said, and took out the two holy fruits placed in the dream space.

Qian Anguo looked at the holy fruit in Xiao Yu's hand, one left and one right, and fell silent.

After a brief silence, he burst out laughing again.

"Good! Good! All right! Hahahahaha... Good!

After a few 'good' sounds, Qian Anguo regained his calm, and asked Qian Muyu with a full face: "Xiao Yu, how are you going to distribute this holy fruit?" "

The Holy Fruit was obtained by his precious Xiao Yu, and he naturally won't ask for the Holy Fruit over.

Don't return it or not, he is still curious about how Xiao Yu will distribute them.

Qian Muyu didn't think about it, and said directly: "I'm going to eat one myself, and Bao'er will eat one."

Lao Zu nodded slightly, then stunned, glared and shouted: "What!

"Lao Zu, there is not much time left for us, and if we eat it, there will be basically no side effects..."

Qian Anguo listened to Xiao Yu's explanation, and fell silent again.

After a few seconds, he couldn't help but sigh.

Qian Muyu looked at the sighing ancestor, and did not know how to respond for a while, but the decision he had already made would not change.

And what he said was right, the influence of the holy fruit on them basically did not exist, at most, when they first entered the saint, they might be a little weaker than the ordinary saint, but after a few years, decades, his contract beast grows, then these influences will no longer exist.

Subsequently, after discussing the time of sanctification with the ancestor, he left the ancestral courtyard.

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Priestess - Chapter 938

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