
Priestess - Chapter 939

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Priestess - Chapter 939
Two days later, the reward for the core members of the Twelve Wings Guild had been greatly increased, and as the guild leader, Qian Muyu, the reward had reached an astonishing level.

The Alliance of the Five Races directly canceled his previous bounty and changed it to direct sanctification, that is, whoever killed Qian Muyu would give the killer a place directly promoted to the saint level!

Although the reward is large, they know that no one should take this bounty.

No one will pick up, but the attitude still has to be taken out.

At the same time, their target was not Qian Muyu, but the rest of Qian Muyu's guild.

Qian Muyu is difficult to kill, but the rest of the Twelve Wings Guild is not as difficult to kill as imagined.

In the case of a large increase in the bounty, there will still be outlaws to try.

A month later.

Sky City, home of the Twelve Wings Guild.

Qian Muyu looked expressionlessly at the death list handed over by Qian Duoduo, and the names on the death list were all members of their guild, including old people who had been in the guild for several years, and newcomers who had just come in for a few months.

The quiet atmosphere in the station was extremely strange, and everyone's eyes were focused on Qian Muyu, waiting for Qian Muyu's order.

"How many people left the guild." Qian Muyu put down the list in his hand and looked up at Qian Duoduo.

"At present, 10 old people and 52 new people have left the guild." Qian Duoduo sighed, took out another list from the dream space, and handed it to Qian Muyu.

The names on this list are those who have left the guild.

Qian Muyu took the list, glanced at it, took a deep breath, and said to everyone: "Tell them, retreat during the special period, but after withdrawing from the guild, we will pull them into the blacklist and never hire."

Everyone: "Yes!"

"For those who stay, the benefits increase by two percent, at the same time." Qian Muyu looked at them, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise slightly, "At the same time, we officially declare war on the Five Races Alliance, and if we encounter someone from the Five Races Alliance, we will be killed!" "

This condition, they did not have before, although when they encountered the Five Races Alliance before, they must also kill, but there are two differences between saying and not saying.

Having said that, it means that they will take the initiative to find the people of the Five Races Alliance, not to mention, they will not go to find it specifically.

"The reward after the kill, you set it more."

"Okay boss!"

"You've worked hard these days."

"Little things."

Looking at Qian Duoduo, who shook his head, Qian Muyu smiled and continued to chat with everyone about the guild's action plan during this time.

The day after he made the announcement, the Twelve Wings Guild took direct action.


Xuanhuo Valley.

Qin Tianyu held an overlord gun, picked up a double-headed giant eagle, sat on the fire unicorn, and his eyes roamed the enemy troops around him who were in fear.

The desperate look on the giant eagle's face well showed his unwillingness before he died, and the undispersed emperor-level ten-stage aura in his body made the weak people tremble.


Qin Tianyu flicked his spear and did not hesitate to kill the emperor-level who was fighting with the fire dragon in the distance.


With red eyes and lightning, the thunder eagle wrapped in thunder and lightning roared, burst out with thunder dream power, and began to cover the retreat of all the little brothers.


Somewhere in the weird plain, the ghost realm wraps around it, and the realm is carrying out brutal abuse.

After a few minutes, the field dissipated, and the shepherd boy and the others walked out of it with a smile and continued to walk forward.

Their target was all the people of the Five Races Alliance in the Strange Plain.

The Strange Plain is the territory of the Five Races Alliance, and it is also a training ground for the Five Races Alliance and a place to train new people.


Wind Roaring Mountain.

With a loud bang, Bai Hao punched the emperor-level three-stage rat beside him into a blood mist.

Bai Hao wiped the blood on his hands, looked at the confused people of the five races around him, chuckled, and disappeared in place.

Immediately afterwards, a loud noise sounded again, and an emperor-level second-stage mouse turned into a blood mist just like the previous mouse.

It's just that this mouse is different from the top in that this mouse left an orange quality dream nucleus crystal.

"Hey, good luck."

Bai Hao took the dream nucleus crystal in his hand, looked at it, and then took it into the dream space, and grinned at the remaining five emperors: "Which of you wants to try my fist?"

Looking at the five people with gloomy faces, he sighed, "Forget it, I'll come by myself." The

next moment, he disappeared again.

At the same time, seeing this, the five people immediately rushed around.

Unfortunately, Bai Hao is not the only one around.

I saw a giant sickle flash, and one person was directly divided into two halves; A colorful bullet instantly sank into a man's forehead and exploded into blood droplets; Nine fireballs flew from another place and smashed into a woman, making a series of cannon-like sounds....

The twelve wings are principled, they did not bully the small with the big, but what rank to fight what rank of people

, the emperor level fights the emperor level, the emperor level fights the emperor level, the king level fights the king level ... In the case that they follow the rules, the Five Races Alliance can only do it, and if they don't do it, naturally someone will teach them how to do it.

A month later.

Qian Muyu looked at the battle situation in his hand, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise slightly, in the case that they were prepared, the Five Races Alliance paid a terrible price, and in the case of the Sage not coming down, the Five Races Alliance was not their opponent.

Although they won more and lost less, in the end, many people died.

After a bunch of people died, the two sides gradually calmed down, although they will fight you to death and me when they meet, but they will not go to find and kill specially like before.

This battle, which lasted for two months, made the major forces realize the power of the twelve wings, and knew that this guild was no longer the small guild it used to be!

Qian Muyu put down the battle situation in his hand and said to Qian Duoduo: "Let them keep a low profile, don't push them into a hurry."

Qian Duoduo nodded and smiled, "I'll inform them."

"And I'm going on retreat." Qian Muyu looked at Qian Duoduo, who was stunned for a moment, and continued: "I am almost at the ninth stage of the emperor level, and when the time comes, I will directly use the holy fruit and ascend to the holy level." "

It's going to be hard for you during this time." Qian Muyu said, looking towards Han Baoer on the side.

Han Baoer shook her head and said softly, "With me and Xiaobai here, it will be fine."

"Meow, that's right." Xiaobai raised his head and said with some excitement: "There is this cat, you can rest assured to go to the promotion."

"After you advance, I can go to the promotion."

She was very happy to think that she would be able to rise to the Saint Level in one more month.

The difference between the Saint level and the Emperor level is very big, at least the accuracy of her calculations will be greatly improved, and it will no longer be the same as before, and she is not sure.

Qian Muyu looked at the excited Xiaobai, smiled and nodded, he was still very relieved about Xiaobai, after all, the Tianji cat is not barked in vain!

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Priestess - Chapter 939

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