
Priestess - Chapter 940

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Priestess - Chapter 940
After Qian Muyu explained some things to Han Baoer and Qian Duoduo, he walked into the retreat room alone.

Immediately afterwards, he released the old pigs and them all.

After coming out, the old pig, eggshell, wood, little butterfly and fallen, all skillfully found their place and sat down.

Qian Muyu also walked straight to a square futon and sat down cross-legged.

Feeling the gazes of the five people, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and he said softly: "Let's start." "




A few days later, a terrifying aura rushed out from Qian Muyu's body, and he successfully entered the Emperor-level Ninth Stage.

The process of lifting is smooth, without a pause or obstacle.

Qian Muyu opened his eyes, squeezed his fists, and after feeling his own strength, he continued to close his eyes and began to consolidate his strength.

This is probably the most serious he's been in a while right now.

Fifteen days later, Qian Muyu took the little guys out of the retreat and wandered outside.

After walking around for a few days and breathing for a few days, he walked into the retreat room again and began to continue to consolidate his strength.

Ten days later, Qian Muyu opened his eyes and looked at the old pig in front of him who revealed an excited look, and he couldn't help but smile: "Don't worry, I'll take it."

The old pig retorted while watching Qian Muyu take out the holy fruit, "I didn't say I was in a hurry.

A faint smile appeared at the corner of Qian Muyu's mouth, and he handed the holy fruit to the old pig, "Eat."

"Hmph!" The old pig nodded quickly, and without waiting for everyone's reaction, he ate the holy fruit into his mouth and swallowed it into his stomach.

At the moment when the old pig swallowed into his stomach, Qian Muyu and the surroundings of the old pig instantly glowed with dazzling colorful light.

Of course, Mu'er also had colorful lights around them, but the intensity of the light was far less dazzling than Qian Muyu and the old pig.

Soon, the colorful light wrapped the entire room, and Qian Muyu and Old Pig also fell into a deep sleep.

A week later, a Saint Power suddenly rushed out from Qian Muyu's room and spread out in all directions with a thunderous momentum.

The busy people, feeling the sudden arrival of Saint Wei, stopped what they were doing without hesitation and disappeared in place.

Qian Anguo appeared above Qian Muyu, and with a flick of his finger, the holy power that permeated the air disappeared in an instant.

"Grandpa Zu!" Han Baoer, who rushed over, asked Qian Anguo: "Grandpa Zu, is Brother Yu successful?" "

Hmm!" Qian Anguo felt everyone's expectant looks, and grinned: "Yu'er has become a saint, today is a day off!"

After hearing the answer that Lao Zu was sure of, everyone couldn't help but get excited anymore.

"Yu'er won't wake up so soon, disperse." Qian Anguo felt the situation in the house and flew towards Qian Muyu's door.

Yu'er eats the holy fruit to become holy, and his own foundation is definitely not as stable as the naturally holy saint, so he will not let people disturb Yu'er when he consolidates his strength.

The people around listened to Lao Zu's words, and also silently left here, each flying in different directions.

Han Baoer blinked her eyes and came to Qian Anguo's side with a grin, "Grandpa Zu, I'll accompany you."

"Haha, good." Qian Anguo nodded with laughter, his heart full of joy.

Qian Duoduo and Uncle Youde went to discuss the matter of the holy feast.

Qian Muyu's sanctification must not be hidden, since it cannot be concealed, then prepare a banquet and lively.

This is something they have discussed before, but now it is determined and ready for the last step.

In the retreat room, Qian Muyu opened his eyes, felt the movement around him, and then silently closed his eyes and began to absorb the remaining colorful dream power around him.

Three days later.

The Seven Temples.

Listening to the news from his subordinates, the snake looked at the puzzled snake on the side, and said softly: "This matter has little to do with us, and it is dispersed."

After that, he disappeared into the main hall with an unknown whereabouts.


Snake Ba let out a long sigh and said to the five elders standing opposite him: "I will go to close, not sanctified, not to go out!" The

fifth elder was slightly stunned and nodded, "Let's go." "


Holy Magic Mountain.


The laughter of Doom echoed in the Holy Demon Mountain until a minute later, when it stopped.

After stopping laughing, he laughed at the insect and said, "Give me a retreat, and come out to see me before the holy level."

"I'll go!" The insect answered and turned to leave.

In fact, there is no need to say doomsday, he is ready to do the same.

Because he had already stepped into the Saint Level with half a foot, now he only needed to take one more step to successfully enter the Saint, so at this time, he was only one step away from the Saint Level.

This step is not too difficult for him.


Alliance of Five Nations.

Proud Blood City.

Several screens were displayed in Huao's room, and at this time, Huao sat there obediently, like a primary school student listening to a teacher's lecture, not daring to move.

On the screen, several bigwigs of the Five Races Alliance were discussing something about Qian Muyu's sanctification.

After several hours of discussion, the conclusion was to increase the bounty and wait for the Ten Thousand Races Order to disappear.

Of course, if you can meet Qian Muyu, then kill it directly!

At the moment when Qian Muyu became a saint, their sage could make a move!

As long as Qian Muyu dares to leave Sky City and dare to wave outside, they dare to make a move!

After the meeting, Hu Ao couldn't help but sigh after sitting in his seat for several hours.

Then, he silently called out the system, clicked on the friend interface, looked at the word 'tiger saint', and fell silent.


Five minutes later, he cursed angrily and nodded towards the Tiger Saint.

"Let's talk?"

"Haha, okay."


A month later.

Qian Muyu calmly opened his eyes, and the corners of his mouth unconsciously rose slightly, "Is this the Saint Level?" "

After this month, in addition to consolidating his strength, he also experienced a unique ability of the Saint Level, the Holy Body!

As the name suggests, the Holy Body is to greatly strengthen the physical constitution and become the Holy Body, in which the gods are demonized, and these abilities of the imperial throne are also completely absorbed by the Holy Body and become part of their own strength.

That is, if you release the imperial throne and do not release the imperial throne, the bonus is the same.

Of course, he can't do that yet, and he needs to consolidate it a little more.

At the same time, the Holy Body also contains most of the power after merging, simply put, after entering the Holy Body, your combined body and non-fit will be about 5% worse strength, which will not be as much worse as before.

Similarly, this 5% or so of strength will gradually decrease as your strength increases until it ceases to exist.

As for how much strength will disappear, he estimates that it should be in the Saint Level Ten Stage, and the principle is that the ancestor of his family's Saint Grade Seventh Stage cannot completely disappear, and currently can only achieve a gap of 2%.

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Priestess - Chapter 940

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