
Priestess - Chapter 941

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Priestess - Chapter 941
In addition to the Terrans, the effect of the Holy Body of other races is naturally not weak, and it is even a little stronger than the Terrans.

Because of the particularity of the Terrans, the Terrans at each stage will be a little stronger than other races, but this situation will be greatly reduced after entering the Holy Race.

After entering the Holy Race, under the strengthening of the Holy Body, the strength will be greatly improved, and the increase will be greater than that of the Terran, which is about 5% for the Terran race, and 8% or 10% for other races.

Of course, the other races here do not include the Destiny Beasts and Contract Beasts that are contracted by the Terrans.

The increase of the Heavenly Destiny Beast and the Contract Beast is the same as the increase of the contractor who contracts themselves, and how much they increase the contractor themselves, how much they will increase.

In short, it shortens the strength gap between the Terrans and other races, making the Terrans no longer so invincible.


Dream Federation.

Somewhere small.

In a café in town, a blue-clothed child wearing glasses is dangling his feet irregularly and typing quickly in his notebook with his hands.

While fighting, he suddenly paused, looked up at the azure sky, and muttered in his mouth: "Finally Saint Level!" "

It's time to move on to the next step..." After

the child finished the confusing words, he snapped, closed the notebook excitedly, quickly put the notebook into the backpack under his feet, put it on his back, and left the café without stopping.


Sky City.

Qian Muyu stood up and smiled at Mu'er, eggshells, and little butterflies who were looking at him around: "Go, let's go out for a big meal!" "

Dozens of days of retreat exhausted him.

Although he is not hungry, his mouth is very hungry.

Not only him, but even Fall couldn't wait to take out his mobile phone and enter the game screen.

Although the fall did not have as much harvest as the old pig, she also successfully entered the tenth stage of the emperor level under the nourishment of the holy fruit, and she was only a distance away from the holy level.

In addition to the fall, Mu'er also entered the emperor-level tenth stage, and the eggshell and the little butterfly were one step away because of their own lack of foundation and potential, and only reached the peak of the emperor-level ninth stage, and did not enter the emperor-level tenth stage.

Walking out of the door, Qian Muyu looked at Lao Zu and Han Bao'er who were waiting for him outside the door, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise slightly, "Lao Zu!"

After shouting Lao Zu, he looked at Han Bao'er with gentle eyes: "Bao'er, you have worked hard."

Han Baoer shook his head with a smile, and the ancestor on the side smiled and nodded.

"It looks like it's not far from that day." Lao Zu was overjoyed in his heart, and then asked Qian Muyu, "How do you feel?" "

It's nice and comfortable to have power." Qian Muyu said, subconsciously touched the old pig in his arms, and continued: "It's just that my stomach is a little hungry."

"I'm starving to death." The old pig nodded in agreement.

"Haha, then let's go to eat first, and talk while eating." Lao Zu laughed loudly and continued, "With virtue, they should be ready.

"That's best." Qian Muyu grinned, with a hint of a smile in his eyes, and looked towards Han Baoer on the side.

Han Baoer blinked her bright eyes and silently looked at Lao Zu.

"Haha, don't bother you, I'll go first." Lao Zu smiled heartily, directly turned into a piece of stars, and disappeared in place.

"Go." Qian Muyu ruthlessly threw the old pig into Mu'er's arms and silently took Han Baoer's little hand.

"Hmm!" Han Baoer nodded a little shyly.


Qian Muyu, who had eaten and drunk enough, leaned on the seat, looked at Qian Duoduo with a radiant look a little speechless, and asked, "Who came up with this idea?" "

Me!" Qian Duoduo continued without hesitation: "Boss, as a speaker of the twelve wings, the speaker has been promoted to the holy level, and it is not normal for such a big event to hold a celebration!"

Saying that, Qian Duoduo turned to the others and asked, "What do you think?"

Lei Ming: "It's quite normal.

Liu Mufeng: "Both hands agree!" "


Qian Anguo: "It's not good not to do this kind of big thing."

Qian Muyu listened to the words of everyone and the ancestor, and couldn't help sighing, "Then do it, but try to keep a low profile."

Qian Duoduo instantly assured: "Don't worry, boss, I know your personality, and I must be low-key!"

Although he opened his mouth and told the boss about this, when he discussed with everyone, he prepared according to the lowest key scale.

After all, everyone knows about the boss's low-key affairs.

"Okay." Qian Muyu nodded slightly and asked, "What number is it?"

"Boss, tell me a day." Qian Duoduo looked at the boss's puzzled eyes and continued, "We have notified, but we haven't told them the date yet.

Qian Muyu gave him a blank look, picked up his mobile phone and looked at it, and said, "Then May 1st."

"Okay, I'll let them know." After Qian Duoduo finished speaking, he immediately took out his mobile phone and began to notify the personnel of all parties.

After Qian Muyu watched Qian Duoduo go to inform the personnel, he chatted with the others, chatted for a while, and the meeting officially ended after the meal.

At the same time, the twelve winged personnel who were out of the house and those who had a relationship with Qian Muyu all received Qian Duoduo's notice and began to prepare.

On the afternoon of the second day after Qian Muyu left the customs, he came to the ancestral courtyard.

"Grandpa Zu, exploiting people is not so exploitative, I'm only the second day." Qian Muyu walked in front of the old ancestor with a wail.

Qian Anguo looked at Qian Muyu's appearance, and instantly smiled: "Haha, don't get excited, I didn't let you do it now."

"Sure enough, something!" Qian Muyu deflated, came to the side of Lao Zu, and sat down.

Lao Zu pointed to the tea in front of Qian Muyu's table and said, "Taste."

"This is the Narcissus Emperor Tree?"


Qian Muyu picked up the tea bowl, looked at the clear tea in his hand, revealing a trace of light fragrance, and took a sip.

"Good." Qian Muyu's eyes were slightly bright, and he drank the tea into his stomach in one sip, and smacked his lips, "It's good, it's good, but it's still not as good as fruit tea." "

When he pulled out the tree, he still left some emperor leaves in the dream space, but he didn't like to drink tea, so he didn't brew it, and over time, he forgot.

"What a waste!" Lao Zu looked at this scene with some distress, and silently decided in his heart that he would never give tea to the smelly boy again in the future.

Qian Muyu smiled and asked, "Grandpa Zu said, what's the matter with me?"

Qian Anguo calmly spoke, "Saint-level Awakening Master, the effect should be good.

"Got it!" Qian Muyu suddenly smiled and said, "You say a time, I will be free at any time during this time."

Mentioning this matter, he also wanted to know what quality of Heavenly Destiny beasts he could help those little fart children awaken after he reached the Saint Level, and what was the chance of awakening each quality.

"After the celebration, I asked Youde to choose a date."


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Priestess - Chapter 941

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