
Priestess - Chapter 942

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Priestess - Chapter 942
On May 1, the holy feast was officially held in the Sky City.

Qian Muyu, as the protagonist of the holy banquet, said a few words briefly on the stage, and then began to eat and drink with everyone.

The holy banquet was held for seven days, and during these seven days, tourists from all over the world saw the true face of the Sky City, and also made the real consciousness of the Sky City appear under the eyes of everyone, letting the race know that there is also a safe place belonging to the Terran race in the land of chaos!

After the holy feast, Han Baoer officially entered the secret room and began the retreat, preparing for sanctification.

In the secret room, after Qian Muyu told Han Bao'er a bunch of precautions for eating the holy fruit, he looked at her silently, with a smile in his eyes, "When you come out, let's retreat and consolidate together, and then go to the Valley of the Fallen and take the Dark Ancient River, and then go to the Flower Fragrance Country... Just the two of us.

"Good." Han Baoer blushed slightly and nodded.

After forcibly upgrading to the Saint Level, their strength could not be consolidated so quickly.

If you want to consolidate and continue to improve your strength, Qian Muyu will take 3~6 years to visually detect.

Spending 3~6 years to consolidate his strength, Qian Muyu felt that it was still very cost-effective, because if he slowly promoted to the Saint level, it would take much more time than this.

After Qian Muyu whispered to Han Baoer, he withdrew from the secret room, and Han Baoer officially began to attack the Saint Level.

After coming out, Qian Muyu came directly to the ancestral courtyard and began to discuss the awakening ceremony with the ancestors.

Since the establishment of Sky City, those families who are close to the Qian family have also officially begun to choose, choosing not to follow the Qian family and relocate their families.

In the end, most of the families chose to move with the Qian family, and only a small number of families chose to stay in the Dream Federation.

The families that have been relocated by the family are, Han Baoer's Han family, Bai Hao's Bai family, Qian Duoduo's Qian family (merged), Lan Xiruo's Lan family...

Moving does not mean giving up all the industries of the Dream Federation, but only moving the base to Sky City.

Of course, if the base leaves the Dream Federation, the industry in the Dream Federation will naturally be subject to certain fluctuations.

At present, the fluctuation of their industry is not large, but after a long time, the amplitude will naturally become larger and larger, until only a part of the immovable area remains.

This phenomenon is normal for the three major federations, and it is something they are happy to see.

Only when strong families go out, those weak families can grow up, become strong families, and then continue to go out and replace the next batch.

Most of the Terran cities established in the chaotic land are such families, such as Mo Hongfei's Mo family, Zuo Wu's Zuo family...

After some discussion, it was finally set for June 1, which is a dozen days later.

After setting the date, everyone left and began to prepare for the work needed for awakening, such as notifying the children to come, such as counting the children who had not yet awakened...

Time passes slowly.

June 1, 2139.

8 a.m.

Sky Plaza.

Amid the cheers of everyone, Qian Muyu stepped onto the makeshift stage step by step, looked at the 10,000 fiery eyes and excited teenagers below, and said softly: "Quiet!" The

words fell, and the noisy square instantly fell silent.

This awakening ceremony, they are openly carried out, they want to use this awakening ceremony to let all the races in the world know that they have a saint-level awakening master!

If you want a saint-level awakening master to help your child awaken, then come to Sky City and work for Sky City!

In fact, most of these 10,000 young people are orphans, and they are all bitter people brought back from all over the world.

After all, no matter how many people they have in their major families, it is impossible to have so many children every year.

Of course, bringing orphans back is something they would do even if they didn't hold this awakening ceremony.

After all, cultivate dead men, cultivate people loyal to the family ... Orphans are the best choice besides their own families.

"Sit down, hold the dream stone in your hand, close your eyes, feel the power of the dream stone in your hand, and the awakening will begin immediately."

A dazzling light instantly emerged, and Qian Muyu waved twelve wings and appeared in the sky.

The next moment, an even more dazzling light directly enveloped 10,000 people.

The people around looked at this scene and couldn't help but open their mouths slightly.

Is this the power of the Sage?

So strong!

The teenagers bathed in the light gradually entered a state of awakening, and the dazzling light wrapped around the teenagers gradually weakened a little.

The crowd who were standing around watching this scene finally saw the situation inside, and looked at the teenagers who entered the awakened state one by one, and their faces showed expectant expressions.

Not long after, with a white glow on a person's body, the teenagers who were awakening, like lights turned on in the night, lit up one after another, white, green, blue, that is, there was no blue, yellow, purple, orange, and red color.

Liu Mufeng leaned against a small corner and muttered, "The first batch has begun."

Tong Yaoyao, who was standing beside him, said softly: "Every time I see this scene, I feel so amazing."

"Indeed!" Liu Mufeng nodded slightly, and his eyes looked towards Qian Duoduo, who walked onto the stage not far away.

Qian Duoduo looked at the teenagers who had woken up and spoke, "After the awakening is successful, please leave the scene in an orderly manner under the guidance of the staff, and do not disturb the other students who are awakening." "

The Heavenly Destiny Beast is your starting point, but not your end, awakening unsatisfactory students, don't be sad."

"In this world, there are still many heavenly materials and earth treasures that can improve their quality and change their lives against the sky..." Among

the 100,000 people, the first batch of people who successfully awakened accounted for three-tenths, and this achievement directly stunned everyone who came to watch the play.

Of course, the reason why there are such good results is also because most of those orphans are carefully selected and not brought back casually.

Although there is currently no 100% way to predict what quality Heavenly Destiny Beast he can awaken, according to his various indicators, he can still estimate an awakening range.

Qian Youde stood beside Lao Zu and said: "Out of blue, not white, the first batch ends, and the second batch begins."

"At present, a total of 1,120 people have awakened white, 1,205 have awakened green, 725 have awakened cyan, and 1 has awakened blue."

Qian Anguo nodded slightly, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

Obviously, he was very happy in his heart for this end.

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Priestess - Chapter 942

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