
Priestess - Chapter 943

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Priestess - Chapter 943
After another while, as the yellow appeared, the green disappeared, and the awakening officially entered the third stage.

The yellow quality awakening light instantly rushed out, but before the vision appeared, it was directly suppressed by Qian Muyu and dissipated in the air.

It is also this scene that makes people come back to their senses and make people think of the thing of vision.

As for the visions of other qualities, under Qian Muyu's light, he didn't even have the qualifications to appear.

Because these visions were destroyed before they appeared, so up to now, except for the young man who had completed his awakening, and the literary style that was helping the young man register the Heavenly Destiny Beast, no one else knew what Heavenly Destiny Beast they had awakened.

For this situation, Qian Anguo and they were very calm, they discussed it before, and finally decided not to show any other visions except for the ancient vision, so Qian Muyu did not relent, and came to destroy one by one.

As for the ancient visions, to show them is to see, but only to see a few times.

As more and more yellow visions rose up into the sky, a powerful purple light instantly rushed out, and among the many yellow visions, it was particularly dazzling.

Just without waiting for it to appear, the purple light was directly cut down by a sword light like the yellow light.

Qian Muyu flicked the feather sword in his hand, looking at the somewhat confused crowd around him, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise slightly.

Want to see?

Don't give!

A man looked at this scene and shouted at Qian Muyu with some puzzlement: "Feather God, can you show me the vision?"

A woman shouted: "Feather God, don't give purple, show it yellow, otherwise it's so boring!"

"Brother Feather God, can you show us the vision?" A little fart boy looked pitifully towards Qian Muyu.

Qian Muyu, who didn't want to pay attention to them, was stunned for a moment after hearing the little fart child's voice again, and then nodded with a smile, "You can't stand purple and yellow, I'll show you cyan and blue."

With that, he silently removed control of cyan and blue.

I saw that at the moment he regained control, four visions rose together and instantly appeared under everyone's gaze.

"Narcissus into a forest!"

"Bear Tiger howl!"

"Eagles spread their wings!"

"Fish leaping over the dragon gate!"

"Cyan quality narcissus forest tree and howling bear tiger, blue quality black shadow eagle and water dragonfish!"

The next moment, someone called out the names of these four Heavenly Destiny Beasts.

The little fart children looked at this spectacular vision and collectively shouted excitedly, "Thank you, Brother Yushin!"

Qian Muyu shook his head with a smile, and at the yellow vision that appeared in the distance, he casually had a sword in his hand.

He didn't care about the cyan and blue visions, but he still had to take care of other visions.

As for the green vision, the green vision disappeared completely by the time the first purple vision appeared.

"At present, a total of 1120 people have awakened white, 2505 people have awakened green, 1725 people have awakened cyan, 1300 people have awakened blue, 325 people have awakened yellow, and 1 person has awakened purple."

Qian Anguo listened to Qian Youde's words and nodded, "In the future, the vision below yellow will not be suppressed."

Qian Youde: "Good! "

After another period of time, as the cyan decreased, the blue and yellow increased, the number of purple quality Heavenly Destiny Beasts also began to rise with many rays of light, instead of the same as before, a few minutes, ten minutes.

Qian Anguo watched several purple rays of light rise one after another, and the smile on his face became more and more brilliant.

At the same time, the number of strong people on the scene is gradually increasing to prevent accidents.

"The cyan is gone, the ancient species should be coming soon." Liu Mufeng subconsciously licked his lips and said to Tong Yaoyao on the side: "I'll go to the roof to see."

With a whoosh, he disappeared in place and appeared on the roof next to him.

Tong Yaoyao looked at Lei Ming, who appeared next to Liu Mufeng, and couldn't help but roll her eyes and walk towards the sister group on the other side.

Bai Hao appeared on the house and shouted at Liu Mufeng: "Come on, is anyone betting on it?" After

the holy feast, he did not leave, but prepared to wait for this awakening ceremony to be over before going out on an adventure.

Not only him, but most of the core members of the Twelve Wings did not leave, they were watching this awakening ceremony.

The shepherd boy appeared on another house and asked curiously, "How is the bet?" At

the same time, one core member after another came from the surrounding rooftops.

Bai Hao looked at this scene and said with a smile: "Is there anyone else?"

Hanming looked around and spoke, "It's gone, open quickly." "

Okay." Bai Hao followed and looked around, and continued: "At present, there are still a thousand people who have not awakened, let's guess how many of these thousand people have awakened.

"Whoever guessed right, take it all."

"If no one guesses correctly, then each takes its own chips and dissolves in place."


Liu Mufeng: "Engaged, 10 oranges, 2 reds and 1 color, bet on an orange heavenly treasure." When

Lei Ming heard this, he was slightly stunned, and looked at Liu Mufeng speechlessly: "10 oranges? You should grow Chinese cabbage in ancient times!

Liu Mufeng smiled indifferently: "Play casually, and there is not much pressing." The

shepherd boy glanced at them and said softly: "5 oranges and 1 red, an orange heavenly treasure." "

4 oranges, 2 red, the chips are the same as theirs." Hanming said, yawning.

"All one, then I am one." Mo Lingling, who was standing in the sister group, looked up and shouted: "2 oranges, 1 red and 1 color, believe that I am invincible!"

"All of you, then we will all have one table, and those who come to our table are all an orange heavenly treasure." Bai Hao continued lazily: "I bet 7 oranges, 3 reds and 1 lottery.

"Count me in." Qian Muyu's voice sounded in their minds, "5 oranges and 1 color."

"The boss sends benefits, and we can accept them." Bai Hao grinned and shouted at the drunkards, "Do you guys play?" "

Play!" The wine swallowing boy who was drinking a small wine with Li Rin looked up and said, "2 oranges and 2 colors." "


When the others pressed it, a powerful aura burst out along with an orange light.

"Ancient species? It's an ancient species!

"Groove! Ancient species! As

the vision appeared, the crowd who were watching showed shocked expressions.

Qian Muyu looked at the sky that was instantly surrounded by fog, motionless, and did not have the slightest idea of breaking his hand.

In the fog, a pair of dragon eyes appeared, and he looked at Qian Muyu, whose eyes did not fluctuate, and couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva.

"That's pretty much it, disperse quickly, don't scare the children." Qian Muyu looked at the little boy who was holding his mother's thigh below, shivering, and looked towards the dragon's eye in the mist.

The little dragon was silent for a few seconds, his body gradually dissipated, and the sky wrapped in fog gradually brightened.

Soon, the vision dissipated and calm returned to the surroundings, as if nothing had happened.

At the same time, the shepherd boy appeared next to the boy who awakened the orange Heavenly Destiny Beast, waiting for the boy to wake up.

Of course, the shepherd boy on the roof did not disappear at this time, and was chatting with them.

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Priestess - Chapter 943

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