
Priestess - Chapter 944

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Priestess - Chapter 944
The boy who awakened the orange quality ancient species gradually woke up, and an excited smile instantly appeared on his calm face.

"Come with me."

Without waiting for him to get too excited, the shepherd boy's voice reached his ears.

The young man looked up at the shepherd boy, and immediately stood up obediently, followed the shepherd boy, and left the Awakening Square.

Awakening the young people above the yellow quality, they are not registered on the literary side, but on the Qian Duoduo side.

Qian Duoduo glanced at the young man behind the shepherd boy and said to the shepherd boy, "You fancy him?" The

shepherd boy nodded slightly, "It's not bad, you can cultivate it." The

young man listened to the shepherd boy's words, and his nervous mood became excited again.

"It's really good, it's a real dragon." Qian Duoduo said, looked at the young man and said, "Little fellow, say the name and the name of the Heavenly Destiny Beast, and you can go with him after speaking."

"My name is Yu Jiang, and the name of the Heavenly Mandate Beast is Fog Shadow Cloud Dragon." Yu Jiang quickly responded.

"That's it." Qian Duoduo closed the notebook in his hand and asked the shepherd boy curiously, "What are you doing over there?"

"I'm playing a game with them, are you coming?"

Soon, the shepherd boy told Qian Duoduo about the content of the game.

After Qian Duoduo listened, he said with a smile: "Accepted, four oranges and one color."

"I'll tell them."

"Fast enough."

"Of course."


Han Yi stood beside Mo Lingling, looked at the awakened teenagers not far away, and asked with some puzzlement: "Sister Mo, why can so many purple and ancient species awaken out of these ten thousand people!" "

Of the awakening ceremony of 10,000 people, only the last fifty people remain, and in addition to these fifty people, 22 purple quality Heavenly Destiny Beasts and 4 orange quality Heavenly Destiny Beasts have awakened.

These 4 awakened ancient species really made her a little incomprehensible.

The odds are too great!

"That's because, of course, these ten thousand people were selected by them." Mo Lingling took a sip of milk tea and continued with a smile: "Just what I know, two of these ten thousand people have dream qi, and those two people who have dream qi have not awakened yet.

When Han Yi heard this, she was silent for a few seconds and muttered, "No wonder! "

In order to give the world a big surprise, in order to let the world know the strength of their Sky City, Lao Zu spent a lot of money to find these ten thousand people.

It's just that this big price has suffered the Han family and the mirror of the world.

Hours later.

Qian Youde looked at the last two unawakened men and a woman, and reported to Lao Zu: "Lao Zu, at present, a total of 1120 people awaken white, 2505 awaken green, 3360 awaken cyan, 2278 awaken blue, 685 awaken yellow, 42 awaken purple, 7 awaken orange, and 1 awaken red.

"The remaining two, if nothing else, should be above yellow."

"Hmm!" Qian Anguo looked at the people who were around the awakening consciousness, and his heart was shocked for a long time, and he showed a satisfied smile, this is what he wanted.

He didn't even need to look at it to know that the major network platforms of the three major federations had been dominated by the content of their awakening ceremony.

Well, he really didn't need to look at it, because Qian Youde on the side had already told him about it.

Not long after Qian Youde finished reporting, a huge purple light rushed out from the body of the girl sitting there.

Unfortunately, the purple light had just rushed halfway through and was extinguished by Qian Muyu's sword.

Those who were concentrating on the vision were caught off guard by this sudden scene.

I showed it before, but now I don't show it, which really made them a little unexpected.

But after they thought about it, they thought it was normal.

After all, the purple quality Heavenly Destiny Beast that has awakened for almost ten hours is definitely not ordinary!

Qian Muyu yawned lazily, and did not open his mouth to explain, but silently threw a probe towards the girl.


Level: Apprenticeship Section

: Phantom Beast Species

Quality: Purple

Attribute: Fire

Dream Technique: Suzaku Feather Coat, Flame Vermilion Rain, Suzaku Slash."

"It's really not ordinary." After Qian Muyu read it, he directly sent the information to Mo Lingling.

Mo Lingling, who was standing there, opened his eyes slightly, and with a swoosh, he appeared next to the girl.

She looked at the few people who were eager to try, and shouted domineeringly: "She is mine, don't rob it!" "

Before the awakening ceremony, they agreed that one person could only choose one, and after the selection, they could not choose again, and they could only wait for the awakening ceremony to be over, and they could only rob each other with others.

Qian Anguo looked at this scene and calmly transmitted to Qian Muyu: "What is it?" "

Fire attribute phantom beast species, Suzaku."

"Hmm." Qian Anguo looked at the girl who silently followed behind Mo Lingling, with firm eyes, and said to Youde: "The protection level has been raised by one level."

"Good." Qian Youde nodded slightly.


Qian Duoduo looked at the girl and said with a smile: "Donggong Qing." "

Ugh!" The girl was stunned, not knowing why he knew herself.

Seeing this, Qian Duoduo explained with a smile: "You are one of the five people who can dream among the 10,000 people this time, and you are on the list we are concerned about.

Donggong Qing asked curiously, "Is the dream qi that can make people dizzy and uncontrollable?"

"Yes." Qian Duoduo looked at Donggong Qing, who still wanted to ask, and quickly spoke: "Register first, what is the dream qi specifically, how to control it, someone will teach you in a few days."

"Okay, what do I need to register?"

"Name, Destiny Beast, Species, Quality, Attributes."

"Donggong Qing, Suzaku, phantom beast species, purple, fire attribute."

"That's it." Qian Duoduo closed his notebook and smiled at Donggong Qing, then turned his head to look at Mo Lingling, who was full of smiles, and said, "Sister Mo, the boss told you?"

"Even if the boss doesn't say, I'm ready to strike." Mo Lingling raised his head arrogantly.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Qian Duoduo nodded seriously.

"Hmph!" Mo Lingling snorted lightly, and left here with Donggong Qing.

One o'clock in the afternoon the next day.

The awakening ceremony, which lasted for more than a day, continued, and the onlookers did not leave because of the time, and even more and more.

If it weren't for the fact that people other than the core members of the station were not given in the sky, the sky would be full of onlookers now.

At this time, Qian Muyu, who helped them awaken, no longer restrained himself, sitting lazily on a stool, yawning and drinking fruit tea.

Just after taking a sip of fruit tea, a trace of fluctuations emerged from the teenager's body.

Qian Muyu instantly raised his head, stared at the young man, and said to the old ancestor: "It should be colorful, extinguished?" "



"Not extinguished, colorful visions can only shield the surroundings, can not be extinguished, let them see."


The next moment, Qian Muyu disappeared on the stool and appeared in the sky, ready to 'welcome' the arrival of the vision.

The onlookers watched Qian Muyu's sudden operation, and they were shocked, and one by one they looked towards the only teenager on the awakening stage.

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Priestess - Chapter 944

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