
Priestess - Chapter 945

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Priestess - Chapter 945
The aura emanating from the young man's body became stronger and stronger, and the surrounding temperature was also under the breath, gradually gloomy and cold, and the temperature of the entire Sky City instantly dropped by several degrees.

The audience with weak strength, feeling the temperature around them, couldn't help but tighten their clothes.

Qian Muyu looked at this scene and silently exuded the power of light in his body, restoring the most serious area to its original temperature.

The next moment, the bright sky gradually darkened, and a towering cliff appeared under everyone's gaze.

Not far from the cliff, a bright moon slowly rose, and a dog with huge wings appeared on the cliff out of thin air, step by step to the tip of the cliff, and then raised its head and howled the moon.


Qian Muyu plucked his ears and threw a probe at the young man.

"Tengu Level: Apprenticeship Category

: Ancient Species

Quality: Colorful

Attribute: Dark

Dream Technique: Tengu Eats Moon, Tengu Changes..."


stopped howling, jumped up, opened his mouth, and swallowed the moon.

The huge bright moon, under his mouthful, swallowed directly into his stomach.


Tengu smacked his mouth, stood on the cliff, and said to Qian Muyu: "Your strength is not bad, are you interested in being my subordinate?" "

Get out!"


The tengu snorted, like a mouse seeing a cat, and slipped into the teenager's body.

The vision of the city instantly dissipated at this moment, like a rolling tide, following behind the tengu, and poured into the boy's body.

Qian Muyu looked at the phantom of the depraved dissipation, and knew that this day the dog was not an accident, it was an old acquaintance of the depravity.

After the vision disappeared, he calmly returned to the awakening stage under the shocked gaze of everyone, lifted the state of integration, and left the sky square with the boy who had just opened his eyes.

Qian Duoduo watched the boss leave without saying a word, quickly appeared on the stage, and began to rectify the order.

On the roof.

Bai Hao asked the friends around him: "711, who guessed?"

Liu Mufeng: "Nobody." Bai

Hao: "Then disperse, I'll go see that little brat."

Liu Mufeng: "After the meeting, I will also take a look."

Lei Ming: "Go, go together." "


Several people chatted and disappeared on the roof together.

Twelve Wings Guild Station.

Inside the hall.

Qian Muyu sat on the main seat and looked at the young man who was standing a little overwhelmed below, "What to drink?"


On the side, Bai Hao, who was also sitting there, shouted at the young man who did not dare to speak: "Don't panic, we Yushen like to invite people to drink fruit tea, what you want to drink, just say it, if you don't drink it, he won't like it."

When the young man heard this, he immediately shouted: "I want to drink grape-flavored fruit tea!" "

Haha!" Qian Muyu laughed loudly, and after throwing a cup of fruit tea to the young man, he looked to the side.

At this time, next to the young man, a winged puppy was silent, shivering and lowering his head.

And the reason for all this is that next to him, he is holding a mobile phone and playing the degradation of the game.

Although he was panicked, from his excited eyes, it could be seen that he was excited and happy.

Qian Muyu looked at this scene, shook his head with a smile, and said to the young man: "What is your name?" "

Feather God, I

, Ye Yulong, come from the Dream Federation..." Liu Mufeng waited for Ye Yulong to finish talking, and said to Qian Muyu: "He will dream qi, I specially snatched it from the local Dream Federation."

Qian Muyu said with a smile: "Good grab, please go and eat well in the evening."

"Then you're welcome." Liu Mufeng changed his posture, he had to think about how to slaughter at night.

"You're welcome, please eat money, I still have it." Qian Muyu smiled and looked towards Mo Lingling, who was teasing the dog on the side.

Mo Lingling looked at the tengu who opened his teeth and danced his claws at her, but helplessly, and muttered: "Fallen sister, is he a fallen messenger?"

"It's the degenerate." Fallen glanced at Tengu and continued to play with his phone.

Mo Lingling poked the Tengu and said, "You are a degenerate, so why don't you know Brother Pig?" "

Wang!" Tengu shouted and responded calmly, "That lazy pig, I don't recognize him." The

little pig, lying on his fallen head, opened his eyes and said, "Don't look for me if you are hurt."

"Brother Pig, the little brother is wrong." The speed of Tengu's recognition instantly frightened everyone present.

"Gee." Mo Lingling smacked his mouth, stood up wordlessly, and walked to the side.

She didn't want to be infected either.

Qian Muyu looked at the silenced atmosphere and spoke, "Did any of you guess?"

Bai Hao shook his head and said, "No." "

Okay, then disperse." Qian Muyu looked at Ye Yulong and said to Liu Mufeng: "Give him to Duoduo or Uncle Youde."

"Okay, I'll take him." Liu Mufeng appeared beside Ye Yulong, grabbed his shoulder and said, "Put away the dog, let's go." When

Tengu heard this, he immediately angrily looked at Liu Mufeng and said, "You just instigated the dog!" I call this knowing that mistakes can be corrected!

The old pig looked at this scene, afraid that the tengu would leave an impression on everyone, and rarely spoke for him: "He really does not intimidate others, but only instigates me and depravity." Tengu

nodded seriously, "The lazy pig is right, I only provoke the eldest sister and the lazy pig."

A ball of light flew out of Lei Ming's body and said to the Tengu, "What about me?" Tengu

looked at Kui, his eyebrows furrowed slightly, and shouted in surprise: "Buffalo?

He smiled calmly, "Remind you, you only have the second stage of apprenticeship now." "

Cut, sooner or later will catch up." Tengu glanced at him with disdain, not panicking in the slightest.

Qian Muyu looked at this scene and said with a smile: "It seems that the old pig's words are true."

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but nod.

Tengu watched his reputation recover a little, and asked with a grin: "Buffalo, how many acquaintances are there here?"

He replied lazily, "Seven or eight."

He was not angry because of Tengu's words just now, after all, he came out to help everyone change their opinion about Tengu.

Tengu's eyes widened and he shouted in shock, "Seven or eight! "

Tenki, Black Dog, Yagi, Orange Cat..." said Kui slowly.

Tengu listened to one familiar name after another, and couldn't help but open his mouth.

Especially after learning that the sword ghost and death were not dead, he was stunned.

"Groove! A few of them are really meticulous, this is not dead! "

Tengu really admires the few people who did not die, and they can't be disobeyed.

Qian Muyu looked at the cow and dog that were chatting idly, and did not open his mouth to let them go, but listened to them curiously.

Just said that the meeting was dismissed, but he felt that there was nothing to say, and everyone had nothing to say, so he said it.

Now that someone had spoken, he not only did not leave, but became a professional listener, listening to their small stories that had happened before.

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Priestess - Chapter 945

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