
Priestess - Chapter 946

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Priestess - Chapter 946
After the awakening ceremony, Qian Muyu discussed with everyone about the arrangements for the teenagers, then came to Han Baoer's retreat place and began to continue to be a doorman, guarding Bao'er, and consolidating his strength by the way.

Han Baoer, who was closing, felt the familiar aura outside the door, opened her eyes warmly, and said softly: "Brother Yu, are you back?" "

Hmm!" Qian Muyu sat down with a smile, nodded and continued: "This time awakened a group of good little guys. "

Donggong Qing awakened Suzaku, Suzaku's potential is very strong, not weaker than Mo Lingling's white tiger."

"Ye Yulong's luck is good, it is the ancient breed Tengu who awakens, and the Tengu is a degenerate."


Qian Muyu introduced the Heavenly Destiny Beasts of the genius youths, and Han Baoer listened quietly, and let out an exclamation from time to time.

She knew about this awakening ceremony, and she also contributed a little strength, Donggong Qing was the genius calculated by Xiaobai.

"What a strong group of teenagers."

"This is a teenager we brought back from all over the world at great expense!"

"Goose, goose, goose..." "

Laughing at what?"

"It must be fun to suddenly think of them going to participate in the school competition."

Qian Muyu was slightly stunned, and then said with a smile: "In a few years, we will take them there." "Good


"Let's practice together."



The 10,000 newly awakened teenagers were assigned to the major high schools in Sky City.

Although Sky City has only been built for a few years, there are still a few senior high schools, enough to eat these ten thousand teenagers.

As for the schools after graduation, there are currently only three cities in the sky, namely Tianfu, Earth and Renfu.

Tianfu only accepts geniuses above blue quality, Difu only accepts geniuses above white, and Renfu accepts anyone.

To put it simply, Tianfu serves geniuses, Difu serves middle-class teenagers, and Renfu serves the public.

Because of the particularity of the twelve wings and the location of the Sky City, the Terrans currently account for only ninety percent of the Sky City, and the other ten are other races.

These races, including the families of the members of the Twelve Wings Guild, and the allies of Sky City have relocated...

In short, all schools in Sky City are mixed, with students of all races, and there is no saying that only one race is accepted.

As for whether you can go to the three major federations or other neutral schools to study, Sky City officials said that those who have not signed an agreement can be discussed, and there is no absolute no.

It is not anyone who presides over the awakening ceremony, they all need to let people sign an agreement, only Qian Muyu needs to sign an agreement when he awakens for the teenagers.

The awakening ceremony presided over by the Holy One is not so easy to attend.

After all, Qian Anguo, Qian Youde, they are not great benevolent people, they will not help others as wedding clothes.

If you want to enjoy the Light Attribute Sage to help you awaken and improve the quality of awakening, then it is inevitable to sign an agreement, except for human affection.

There are not many restrictions on the agreement, just to serve and work for Sky City.

The validity is not permanent, it is time-limited, and when the time comes, the agreement will naturally disappear.

Therefore, most of these 10,000 successful awakened teenagers have signed agreements, and only a few have not.

July 10, 2042.

Qian Muyu, who had been in retreat for three years, walked out of the training room and came to the place where Qian Youde worked.

Qian Youde calmly put down the pen in his hand, looked up at Qian Muyu, who was standing there with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and said, "Is the consolidation intact?"

"No, it's not close." Qian Muyu shook his head, took out a cup of fruit tea from the dream space, and continued: "Addicted to cultivation, there is something I almost forgot to tell you.

Qian Youde's heart tightened, and he thought that it was something important, but looking at Qian Muyu's calm smile, he instantly relaxed.

"What's going on?"

Qian Muyu took a sip of fruit tea and asked unhurriedly, "The first batch of teenagers awakened by me should be able to participate in the academy competition this year, right?" Although

he was addicted to cultivation, he would still come out for a few days every year to breathe, and every year he would help the new teenagers perform an awakening ceremony.

"Yes." Qian Youde looked at him strangely and said, "You want to lead the team?" "

In the previous sessions, because the academy was just established and the foundation was insufficient, he did not get a place, but this year, their lineup, he can use two words to describe, that is, 'invincible'!

This year is invincible, but next year it will not be so strong, next year's students, although Qian Muyu also awakened for them, but the quality is not as high as this year.

The reason is that this year's students, they spent a lot of money to find them, the three major federations also gave them enough face, some of them fancy, did not rob them, so this is also the reason why they are invincible.

And next year's students, although they also put in their energy, but not as much as this year, and the three major federations did not give them face anymore and joined the competition.

Although they can also enter next year, he does not know how many places they can take.

Qian Muyu continued with a grin: "Bao'er said that he wanted to see their demeanor in the ring, so I wanted to go with Bao'er to see it.

"No wonder." Qian Youde muttered and said with a smile: "Okay, I'll talk to Liu Mufeng."

"He leads the team?"

"It was originally him, but now it's you."

"Then my lord, he deputy."

"Yes." Qian Youde nodded, Qian Muyu went voluntarily, he was naturally more relieved.

"Uncle Youde, you are not far from the Saint Level."

"Haha, compared with you and Xuan'er, it's far behind."


Qian Muyu chatted with Qian Youde for a while, and then continued to go to the retreat, he was still a little away from a complete saint-level section.

October 1.

The seven students who represented Tianfu to participate in the World Academy Competition came to the Tianfu playground early.

They looked curiously at Liu Mufeng, the head coach standing there in front of them, and discussed in a low voice.

"What is Coach Liu doing?"

"It looks like you're waiting for someone."

"Do any of you know who is waiting for?"

"I don't know."

"I heard some news and I don't know if it's true."

"Sister Qing, what's the news?"

"It is said that the feather god is going to take us to the star market."

"Really fake!"


Donggong Qing was just about to speak, but after hearing that the voice was wrong, he instantly turned his head to look at Coach Liu.

In the playground, the noisy voice of everyone fell silent collectively under Liu Mufeng's words.

The next moment, Liu Mufeng looked at Qian Muyu and Han Bao'er who appeared beside him, and said, "You guys are coming."

Qian Muyu took out his mobile phone and glanced at the time: "We should not be late."

"Not late." Liu Mufeng nodded and smiled: "I just don't know what to say, just talk about it."

Qian Muyu gave him a blank look and continued, "Why do you need me?"

Liu Mufeng looked at the excited teenagers and said, "Do you want to talk to them twice?"

Qian Muyu wanted to say 'no', but looking at the excited looks of the teenagers, he spoke, "That... Say two words? "

Come on." Liu Mufeng instantly made a gesture of invitation and stood silently aside.

"Ahem." Qian Muyu coughed lightly twice, stepped forward, and told the teenagers about his participation in the World Academy Competition that year.

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Priestess - Chapter 946

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