
Priestess - Chapter 947

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Priestess - Chapter 947
Soon after, after Qian Muyu finished speaking, he looked at Liu Mufeng who was standing on the side with a grin, "Coach Liu, can you tell me something?" "

Okay." Liu Mufeng calmly stepped forward and began to say inspiring words, his proficiency in speaking made Qian Muyu, who was ready to watch the play, directly stunned over there, he really didn't expect him to speak so skillfully!

A few minutes later, Liu Mufeng looked at Qian Muyu and smiled proudly, "How is it?" Okay to say?

When Qian Muyu heard this, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, "Not bad, the child has grown up."

Liu Mufeng rolled his eyes and looked at the contestants, "Do you have anything to ask?" No, we left. The

seven people of Donggong Qing, who represented Tianfu to participate in the World Academy Competition, listened to Liu Mufeng's words and collectively shook their heads.

"Go?" Liu Mufeng turned his head to look at Qian Muyu.

"Go." Qian Muyu nodded and looked at Han Bao'er and said, "It's over to you."

Han Baoer smiled slightly, a ball of light flew out of her body and landed beside her, and the little whale appeared under everyone's gaze.

"People who want to go to Star City, stand around Donggong Qing, and those who don't go, stay away from Donggong Qing."

As Han Baoer spoke, the little whale flew into the sky and emitted a whale sound.


the sound of whale chirping, the baby whale quickly zoomed in and returned to its original state.

The behemoth in the sky covered the sky, making the weak people around them tremble.

"Wake up!"

Qian Muyu's voice sounded in their ears, they were slightly stunned, instantly clear, looking at the body of the little whale, although there was no fear before, but still couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

Liu Mufeng looked at the crowd standing motionless over there and spoke, "Why are you still stunned, move quickly!" The

people of the logistics team took a deep breath and quickly walked towards Donggong Qing's position.

It didn't take long for Donggong Qing to be surrounded by people.

Qian Muyu looked at the team of less than fifty people and said to Liu Mufeng: "Is that all?"

Liu Mufeng glanced at it and said, "There should be so much."

"So much for that." Qian Muyu yawned lazily and continued, "Bao'er, let the little whale swallow them."

Han Baoer nodded and said to everyone: "Don't resist, the little whale has its own space in the body."

After Han Baoer said something to them, she gave instructions to the little whale.

The little whale raised its head to the sky, turned around in the sky, opened its huge mouth, and swallowed it towards everyone.

The huge phantom whale mouth directly wrapped everyone up, and then everyone disappeared in place.

Liu Mufeng looked at the disappearing crowd and said to Qian Muyu, "Go?" "

Go!" Qian Muyu followed behind Han Baoer and jumped onto the little whale.

"Envy." Liu Mufeng looked at this scene and showed a hint of envy, but he didn't jump, because he knew that the little whale would not give him a seat.

Immediately afterwards, the little whale sang and flew into the sea of clouds, and Liu Mufeng followed closely behind.

This time, their lineup to Star City was very strong, in addition to Qian Muyu, Han Baoer and Liu Mufeng, Ye Feng, Han Ming and Lei Ming were also on their way to Star City.

Ye Feng is the doctor of the Tianfu team, and Hanming and Lei Ming are Ye Feng's assistants.

They had taken a mission before and went out, so they weren't in Sky City.

Dozens of days later, Qian Muyu and his party came to Star City in a low-key manner, and on the way, except for being learned by the Star City official, there was no second force that knew that they had arrived in Star City.

Of course, even if other forces knew, it would be nothing.

"Boss, long time no see!" Lei Ming, who came to Star City in advance, looked at Qian Muyu and his group not far away, stepped forward excitedly, and gave Qian Muyu a big bear hug.

Qian Muyu, who was suddenly hugged by Lei Ming, was a little confused, but soon he pinched Lei Ming's muscles and said with a smile: "I haven't seen it for a few days, and I'm a lot stronger!"

Lei Ming let go of Qian Muyu and laughed, "Haha, that's not it!" Hanming

: "Boss."

Ye Feng: "President."

Qian Muyu nodded at the two, and after reminiscing, he led everyone into the hotel and began to register.

An hour later, the news that the Tianfu representative team came to Star City ten days in advance quickly appeared on the major hot search lists.

As the favorite team to win the 2064th World Academy Competition, their every move will be watched by countless people.

Although it was their first time to participate in the World Academy Competition, their awakening ceremony three years ago shocked the eyes of countless people, so they would not think that they were weak people because they were participating in the World Academy Competition for the first time.

"I believe you have all seen the information on the Internet."

In the conference room, Liu Mufeng stood on the podium, looking at the seven teenagers sitting there, with a serious look on his face, but in this serious expression, there was a smile that ordinary people could not see.

Donggong Qing saw that several people around had different expressions, and as the captain, she was the first to speak: "I saw it!"

Liu Mufeng turned to the rest of the people: "What about you? "

See!" The crowd shouted one after another.

"It's good to see it." Liu Mufeng nodded and continued, "What do you think?"

"I don't think about it, them and it's over." Ye Yulong grinned.

As the number two person in the team, his strength is actually not much different from Donggong Qing, if it were not for Donggong Qing's firebird's dream skills are too disgusting, he would be the number one person in this team.

As a person with colorful ancient species, he can only be the number two person, and he really feels a little uncomfortable.

"Agreed!" A little fat man silently raised his hand and put it down again.

Liu Mufeng looked at Donggong Qing, then at the other people, and after seeing that they didn't speak, he spoke: "Xiao Yezi is right, it's done."

"But in the process of doing it, I don't like to see you underestimate the enemy and be cowardly."

"I want to see you fight every game with all your strength, let them see the strength of our Tianfu, let them know how powerful we are, let them see that we are afraid, and they are afraid!"

"The primary purpose of our line is not to win the championship, but to play our momentum, play our strength, and let them know that our Tianfu is coming!" Let them know that our Sky City has an infinite future in the future!

"Hear no!"

Liu Mufeng looked at them, his eyes widened, and his tough and powerful voice instantly reached their ears.

"Heard me!" The shouts of the seven echoed through the conference room.

Qian Muyu, who was sitting on the side, looked at this scene, his face showed a hint of surprise, "I haven't seen it for a few days, Xiao Liu Zi can!"

Lei Ming said with a smile: "When you are older, your strength is strong, and it is normal to make a little progress."

Qian Muyu nodded and said, "It's the same!" "

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Priestess - Chapter 947

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