
Priestess - Chapter 948

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Priestess - Chapter 948
October 1, 2142, night.

Star Market, Starry Night Stadium.

The opening ceremony of the 2064th World Academy Competition is in full swing, and the host Zhang Yeqi is introducing the participating teams of Hanging Longya.

The official live broadcast room of the World Academy Competition.

After introducing the Hanging Dragon Land, our old friend Voidwalker Casa instantly sat up and smiled at Mu Huang, who was sitting on the side, and asked, "Mu Huang, do you know which school they are most looking forward to this time?"

"Which school is it?" The corner of Mu Huang's mouth smiled, and his eyes looked at Casa curiously.

Casa glared, "You don't know this?

Mu Huang shrugged, "You don't know how busy I am.

"Well, busy planting trees." Casa said while looking at the camera, "Are you looking forward to Tianfu this time?" "

Yes, buckle '1', not buckle '2'."

Casa looked at the '1' full screen and said to Muhuang: "See?" "

See." Mu Huang nodded and continued with a smile: "So the academy that appears next is not Tianfu?"

"That's right!" Casa shouted, "Let's look at the main stage, I don't want you to miss the best scene of this opening ceremony." "

Main stage.

Zhang Yeqi looked at the excited audience and shouted passionately: "Next, let's invite the players from Tianfu to enter the arena!" "

Tianfu comes from the Terran Sky City, the Sky City is located in the Chaos Continent, it is a newly established city of our Terrans in the Chaos Continent, and its strongest is the Star Saint of our Terran Race!"

"In addition to the Star Saint, there are several Sages in Sky City, the most famous of which is the leader of the Twelve Wings Guild, the most evil genius of our human race, the Feather God!"

Zhang Yeqi, who shouted this sentence, looked at the figure coming out of the passage, and was instantly stunned over there.

Immediately afterwards, he excitedly shouted: "Feather God, it's Feather God!"

"This time, the leader of the Tianfu team is Yushin!"

Qian Muyu calmly walked in the front, and behind him were Liu Mufeng and Donggong Qing.

As for Han Baoer, Lei Ming, and Ye Feng, they did not follow, but sat in the audience and watched this scene with a grin.

When Donggong Qing heard the shouts that suddenly erupted around them, they were collectively stunned, and their steps slowed down a little.

"Calm down, follow along."

The next moment, Liu Mufeng's voice sounded in their ears, they came back to their senses, quickly took a deep breath, looked at Qian Muyu's back with their heads held high, and their hearts became more and more adored.

Hagami, our leader!

"Tianfu from Sky City, although it is the first time to enter the World Academy Competition, you should not underestimate them, their strength this time should not be underestimated."

"The players in their team are said to have three dreamy qi, as well as the legendary owner of the colorful ancient species..."

In the live broadcast room of the main stage, Casa introduced the players of the Tianfu team to the audience with a smile.

He still knows some of the core content, but of course he won't say it, and what he says is the content that he discussed with Qian Muyu in advance.

Casa looked at the screen full of shocked barrage, and his heart became more and more satisfied, he liked this feeling, this feeling that others did not know, he knew.

For example, the host didn't know that Qian Muyu was the leader, but he knew, so at the moment Qian Muyu walked out, when everyone was shocked, he was very calm.

Casa looked at Qian Muyu, who was standing calmly in the designated venue, and said to the Muhuang: "In other words, this kid is so bold!" Aren't you afraid of the Five Races Alliance?

"It's not for me to tell you, you didn't even know that this kid was back, so you think those old guys of the Five Clans will know?" Mu Huang's calm voice sounded in Casa's mind.

"It seems to be so." Casa nodded slightly and continued, "Then how do they go back?" "

They didn't expect it when they came, but when the World Academy Championship is over, they won't do nothing.

"I follow them." Mu Huang smiled, obviously not taking this matter to heart.

Casa was silent for a few seconds and gave a thumbs up to Muhuang, "Bull's, I almost forgot you." "

The fact that Mu Huang's daughter is Qian Muyu's contract beast, if Mu Huang doesn't say this, he almost forgot.

"What about your daughter? Holy One?

"You guess."

Casa looked at the smile that filled Mu Huang's face and knew the answer in an instant.


"Thank you."


The 36 institutions participating in the World Academy Competition entered the venue in an orderly manner amid the enthusiastic shouts of the crowd.

Soon, all the schools came to their respective places, and Zhang Yeqi also entered the topic and began to talk about the precautions of this competition, the process of the competition, etc.

Qian Muyu looked at the random names on the screen of the gymnasium, and transmitted a voice to Liu Mufeng: "The process of this competition is similar to when we participated!"

"Not almost, it's the same."

"Well, it's boring."


"Wait to eat?" I treat you.

"The boss treats, then I'm welcome."


After the contestants of each university were randomly completed, the opening ceremony of this World Academy Competition officially came to an end.

Qian Muyu also led their team and left the Starry Night Stadium.

October 2.

On the first day of the official start of the World Academy Competition, I don't know if it was an official special arrangement, or fate, the first game of the first day, Tianfu Ye Yulong faced off against the Inuha of the Hall of Ten Thousand Races.

The Hall of Ten Thousand Races is a top-level academy established by the Five Races Alliance and the major forces after the Order of Ten Thousand Races.

In the years since its establishment, the Hall of Ten Thousand Families has won the World Academy Championship 12 times, and its strength has stood as one of the ten universities in the world.

In this competition, the Hall of Ten Thousand Races is also the main target of Tianfu.

Although most of the people in the Hall of Ten Thousand Races were not people from the Five Races Alliance, who let the Hall of Ten Thousand Races was initiated by the Five Races Alliance, so the Hall of Ten Thousand Races naturally became the main target of the All Races Academy.

Ye Yulong stood in the ring, his eyes fixed on Inu Yu, who was standing on the opposite side, full of seriousness.

They didn't say anything more to him before he came on the field, but he knew that this game, he must win, and he must win beautifully!

The referee appeared in the center of the two, looked at the two, and then said the precautions of the game with an expressionless face.

"The game is never allowed to lay a dead hand, and the one who kills is directly eliminated! and cannot represent the institution in any subsequent competitions!

"Hear no!"

The two nodded together and did not speak.

When the chief referee of the 99th World Academy Competition saw this scene, it was already commonplace, "The two sides introduced themselves, starting with the Tianfu side."

He was afraid that the two would continue to be silent, so he specially added.

"Tianfu Ye Yulong, Super Seven Stage, from Sky City, please advise!"

"Ten Thousand Clans Hall Inuha, Super Six Stages, from the Howling Heaven Plain, please advise more!"

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Priestess - Chapter 948

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