
Priestess - Chapter 949

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Priestess - Chapter 949

At the moment when Ye Yulong forcefully shouted out the contract, the dazzling convergence light instantly landed on the ring, wrapping him up.

The next moment, the contract light disappeared, and Ye Yulong, who was holding a wolf tooth long knife, wearing a black robe, black boots, and waving black wings, appeared under everyone's gaze.

Looking closely, there were several faint black rays of light connecting the wolf tooth long knife and black wings.

This is the appearance that Ye Yulong showed after merging with the Tengu, with a long knife and wings.

This state of integration is not unique, but the number is relatively rare, and the degree of rarity is a little less than that of elemental species.

"Tetragram? Isn't he Super Seven?

"It should be a fit diversification, he has a contract beast with the characteristics of fit diversity."

"Judging from Ye Yulong's appearance after merging, it should be caused by his ancient species, the terrifying dog clan boss."


Ye Yulong possessed the ancient Heavenly Destiny Beast, as long as anyone who paid a little attention to the awakening ceremony three years ago, basically knew it.

Although there are some differences in appearance, it can still be seen from the pair of black wings.

The referee watched Ye Yulong finish combining, turned his head to glance at Inuha, and then looked at everyone and shouted: "The game begins!" Ye

Yulong, who was extremely concentrated, rushed out first, slashed towards Inu Yu, and the black dark attribute blade quickly condensed from the blade and blasted towards Inu Yu.

The expressionless Inu Yu felt the incoming knife, his eyebrows wrinkled slightly, his hands opened hard, formed claws, swung away with one claw, and grabbed the knife mang.

With a bang, the blade shattered, and a drop of blood dripped from Inuha's palm.

Without waiting for Inu Yu to gasp, Ye Yulong struck with a knife and stabbed Inu Yu's waist.

Inu Yu quickly turned around and roared suddenly, and the huge dog roar did not stop the pace of Ye Yulong's attack.

Ye Yulong was not affected by the dog roar, and under the puzzled gaze of the dog feather, he calmly turned around, swung the knife, and slashed at the waist of the dog feather.


Inuha screamed in pain, and his body flew directly in the direction of the knife under the power of the knife.

Ye Yulong waved his wings and soared into the sky, and the huge bright moon appeared behind him with a roar, and the sunlight shining around the ring disappeared in an instant at this moment, turning into a moonlight.

Under the moonlight, Ye Yulong expressionlessly looked at Inu Yu, who stood up, and waved the wolf tooth long knife in his hand.

As he swung out one sword after another, one after another dark moon-colored blades carrying terrifying dream power blasted towards Inuha with lightning speed.

In the audience.

Qian Muyu leaned on the seat, drinking fruit tea, looking at the ring wrapped in the Dark Moon Enchantment, watching Ye Yulong quickly swing the knife in the enchantment, and smiled calmly: "It's over." "

It's a pity." Han Baoer looked at running around, and was hit by the knife from time to time, and some embarrassed dog feathers showed a trace of regret.

Inuha's strength is still very good in her opinion, and if it doesn't work, she won't participate in a personal battle on behalf of the Hall of Ten Thousand Races.

It's just a pity that he is a dog race, and he is a race from the Tengu, and under the same race, the damage of the dog feather will be weakened to a certain extent on Ye Yulong, who has the ancient Heavenly Destiny Beast Tengu.

The most obvious of them was the roar of Inu Yu just now, and that mighty roar may be a little itchy in Ye Yulong's ears.

1 minute later, as Qian Mu Yu expected, the bloody, exhausted Inu Yu lay on the ground, looked at Ye Yulong in the sky in puzzlement, and roared: "Why?" Why was that roar I just made useless to you? In

his opinion, the key point of this game was his useless roar, and that roar directly made him passive.

Ye Yulong did not respond to him, but looked towards the referee who appeared on the side.

The referee felt Ye Yulong's gaze, looked at Inu Yu lying on the ground, and said directly: "Inu Yu lost his combat effectiveness, and the winner of this match is the Tianfu representative team, Ye Yulong!"

Ye Yulong heard the referee announce the end of the match, and said to Inu Yu: "My ancient breed Heavenly Destiny Beast is called Tengu, Dog Clan.

With that, he lifted his state of convergence and turned to leave.

"Tengu, canine, ancient breed." The feather dog was slightly stunned, took a deep breath, and said softly: "Is this the advantage of the reincarnation boss?" "

Hey!" A man appeared next to the feather dog, sighed softly, and carried the feather dog down.

"Teacher, I lost."

"I don't blame you for this one, we are not prepared enough, just come back from the ring match."




In the first game of the team competition, the Tianfu team was lucky to draw the first round, and their opponent was the Ghost Dao Gate team from the Star Federation.

Ghost Daomen is a frequent visitor to the World Academy Competition, basically every year there is him, although the strength of Ghost Daomen is not as strong as the world's ten universities, but in the institutions of higher learning, it is still possible.

Tianfu team rest area.

After Liu Mufeng talked about the strength of the Ghost Dao Gate players again with the five players who were about to play, he said with a smile: "Their strength is average, let's end the speed."

"Brother Liu, just watch me perform." The little fat man sitting next to Ye Yulong said with a grin.

The little fat man, named Dragon Eater, is from Ying Longtan, is the only dragon clan among the seven, and the only alien race in the Tianfu representative team this time.

At the same time, he is also the number three person in the Tianfu team, and he is the strongest person besides Donggong Qing and Ye Yulong.

Donggong Qing and Ye Yulong did not participate in the team competition, they participated in the individual competition and the ring competition, so they could not play in the team competition.

Without the two of them, Long Yu, who chose the individual competition and the team competition, naturally became the core of the team competition of the Tianfu representative team.

"Don't be skinned, fight well, your master is watching in front of the phone." Liu Mufeng looked at the little fat man whose body couldn't help but tremble, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

The little fat man's body is a dragon eater, a dragon devourer, and its attribute is naturally devouring, and the person with the strongest devouring attribute in their sky city is, of course, the white underworld with the devouring attribute.

Therefore, the little fat man naturally became Bai Hao's apprentice, and he was also Bai Hao's first apprentice.

Bai Hao was naturally conscientious to his first apprentice, and then the little fat man was miserable.

Although Liu Mufeng didn't know what the little fat man had experienced in the past few months when he was next to Bai Hao, Liu Mufeng knew that when the little fat man had just returned, he was very honest, and the honest Liu Mufeng almost thought that the little fat man was taken away, and specially went to ask the ancestor of the Han family to take a look.

Although the dream skills about taking the house are not common in the dream star, there are still some, especially those who are old and have little life, and they like to find the dream technique about taking the house to continue their lives.

The little fat man came back to his senses and shouted, "Okay! "

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Priestess - Chapter 949

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