
Priestess - Chapter 950

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Priestess - Chapter 950
"Team competition, Tianfu representative team VS Ghost Daomen representative team, the game begins!"

With the referee's order, Long Yu, who was standing at the front of the Tianfu team, suddenly roared towards the five people on the opposite side.

The deafening dragon roar made the ears of the five people of the Ghost Dao Gate tingle, and one of them even shed a trace of blood in his ear.

At the same time, the dragon devouring body instantly magnified several times and turned into a behemoth dragon.

Under everyone's shocked gaze, the dragon roared into the sky again, only this time the roar was louder and more terrifying than before.

The five people of the ghost knife gate who were unprepared, under this sudden dragon roar, their bodies swayed, and they could not stabilize their bodies.

They didn't think that the opponent who did not merge was not underestimating them, but he was not a Terran, but a dragon!

Dragons don't fit together.

The Tianfu team had dragon players, which they didn't expect.

In fact, not only them, those who are watching this game, basically did not think of this layer, and even if they did, they would not think in the direction of the dragon clan.

After all, the Dragon Clan is a proud race, and under normal circumstances, they will not study in the Terran forces.

This sudden scene really caught the Ghost Dao Gate team off guard.

Main stage live broadcast room.

Casa was slightly stunned, turned his head to look at Mu Huang and said, "They have dragon clan players, do you know?" Mu

Huang shook his head, "I said I don't know, do you believe it?" "

I believe it." Casa looked at the same surprised, not like the wooden emperor who was acting, and continued: "In other words, is there a little guy in your family studying in Tianfu?" In

his opinion, there are dragon clans in Tianfu, so the Mu clan should be indispensable.

Sure enough, as he expected, he saw Mu Huang nodding and smiling: "There are indeed a few little guys inside."

"Coming?" Casa asked.

"You guess." Mu Huang smiled and did not give him an accurate response.

"Looking at your expression, it should be eight or nine and ten."

"You can see that?"

"Haha, who let us get along for so long."

"Shhh, looks like I'm moving away from you."

Mu Huang said, and his body silently moved to the side a little.

Casa was about to continue, when he suddenly looked at the ring and shouted, "Watch the match!" The game is coming to an end! Standing

in the ring, without waiting for the five people on the opposite side to react, he directly opened the dragon's mouth, and the terrifying devouring power instantly attacked the five people on the opposite side.

The ring was instantly crazy, and the costumes of the five members of the Ghost Dao Gate representative team made a crackling sound under the action of the devouring power, and the bodies of the five people were also slowly moving towards the dragon devouring under the devouring power.

They didn't fly in front of Dragon Eater at the first time, it was because they were resisting, and although their resistance didn't have much effect in the eyes of everyone, they wouldn't do nothing.

"Zhang Hao, are you coming, or am I coming?" The woman to the left of the dragon eater turned her head to look at the man standing on the right side of the dragon eater.

"I'll do it." Zhang Hao took a step forward, his eyes widened, and the terrifying dream qi instantly rushed out of his body and swept towards the five people on the opposite side.

The sudden dream qi directly became the last straw that overwhelmed the Ghost Dao Gate team, and under the power of the dream qi, the breath in the body instantly collapsed, directly chaotic, one after another, flying towards the dragon devourer in different postures.

When the Ghost Dao Gate team collapsed, Zhang Hao and the four of them were already standing in different directions, holding different weapons, and unleashed different dream techniques towards the Ghost Dao Gate team.

Just waiting for their dream skills to be released, the referee appeared in the ring, and with a flick of his right hand, the four dream techniques that attacked directly turned into dream qi and disappeared into the air.

"The Ghost Dao Gate representative team lost its combat effectiveness, and the winner was the Tianfu representative team!"

After the referee destroyed Zhang Hao's dream skills, he decisively announced the end of the game.

Long Yu returned to his human form, looked at the five people who fell to the ground, and couldn't help laughing: "The effect of this set is really good."

Zhang Hao looked at Long Yu, who was standing there smirking, and shouted, "Brother Long, come and thank you."

"Don't worry!" The dragon devoured and hurriedly walked over.

Immediately afterwards, the five members of the Tianfu team bowed slightly to everyone sitting in the audience and left the ring.

Casa looked at this scene and smiled: "They are quite polite.

"You can't say that."

"What should I say?"

"It should be said that every contestant is very polite."

When Casa heard this, he was stunned for a moment, and then smiled at the camera: "The people who are watching the live broadcast in various schools, you should have heard the words of the Mu Huang just now."

"It's okay if you don't hear it, I think someone will tell you later."

Mu Huang smiled and did not stop Casa, but calmly spoke: "The Void Walker is right, I said it, I think... You shouldn't hit me in the face. The

coaches of the various representative teams who were watching this scene twitched their mouths slightly, and said to the players next to them: "Remember to thank you when you win later." "

Although this kind of thing is usually done by the winning team, there will be some people who forget about it.

For example, Ye Yulong of the Tianfu representative team in the morning, he forgot about this matter.

Therefore, Ye Yulong, who was sitting in the lounge of the Tianfu representative team at this time, couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

After Liu Mufeng felt the movement, he said to Ye Yulong, "Did you hear that?"

Ye Yulong nodded and said, "I heard it!" "

Just hear it." Liu Mufeng continued with a smile: "It doesn't matter if you don't do it, the eldest of the year, Bai Xi, Mo Lingling, and several of them have forgotten experiences.

Ye Yulong thought for a while and said, "I'd better do it!"

"Haha, look at yourself." Liu Mufeng laughed loudly, and walked towards the door to greet the little guys who returned from victory.

Rest area of the representative team of the Hall of All Races.

Team leader Hu Qing looked at the five people of the ghost knife gate who were dejected in the ring, and they were silent.

"This session, it's not easy to fight!"

After seeing the Tianfu team defeat the Ghost Daomen team in the form of crushing, he knew that it would be difficult to win the World Academy Championship this time.

"This time, we will keep three and compete for two!"

Originally, he wanted to say that the two would compete for one, but he thought about it and still forgot.

After all, in the first game of the individual battle, their second-seeded player Inuba was eliminated.

In the case of losing the individual battle, they thought of getting the second place, it was difficult!

So he thought about it and chose to take a step back.

If the leader of the team they came over this time was someone from the Five Races Alliance, then don't think about it, that person would definitely fight with all his might, but unfortunately he was not from the Five Races Alliance.

Although he is a tiger tribe, he is a member of the tiger tribe and a person of the tiger saint.

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Priestess - Chapter 950

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