
Priestess - Chapter 951

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Priestess - Chapter 951
Although the Hall of Ten Thousand Races was established by the Five Races Alliance, the Seven Holy Temples and other forces took the lead, due to the addition of a large number of other forces in recent years, the Five Races Alliance's control over the Ten Thousand Races Hall was greatly weakened.

It is also for this reason that the leader of the representative team of the Hall of Ten Thousand Races has become a strong person of other forces in recent years; It is also for this reason that the sniping attacks of the top schools and higher schools of the Terran against the representative team of the Hall of Ten Thousand Races are a little less, and they are not as fierce as before; It is also for this reason that the representative team of the Hall of Ten Thousand Families will successfully win the championship of the World Academy Competition....


Ring matches.

I don't know if the Tianfu team is too lucky, this time, they are the first to appear.

They are in the No. 1 ring, and their opponents are the tidal sea from the Dream Federation, Lan Xiruo and Lu Yin's alma mater, a top school that mainly focuses on water attributes.

The meaning of the top university here is no longer the previous top university, the previous top university is the meaning of the world's ten university institutions, and the current top university is a school recognized by everyone.

The reason for all this is that in the past few decades, the universities in the chaotic land have joined, resulting in the tidal sea, burning the Hades Mountain, these former top universities are weak, without the previous dominance, the top ten have become unattainable without absolute demon.

Tianfu Team Lounge.

Liu Mufeng looked at Donggong Qing, who was sitting next to him, stroked his chin, and thought.

Donggong Qing felt Coach Liu's gaze, moved uncomfortably, and whispered, "Coach Liu."

Liu Mufeng came back to his senses, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly, "Can you wear five in one go?"

"If I can, I'll let you be the first."

"No, I'll let Xiaoye go first.

Without waiting for Donggong Qing to respond, Ye Yulong, who was sitting on the other side, his eyes instantly lit up, and he shouted directly: "Brother Liu, I can wear five in one piece, let me come first!" In

his opinion, this World Academy Competition is invincible, after all, this World Academy Competition is not an integer world, and in the case of not an integer world, he does not believe that other universities have their configuration.

"If you don't say this kind of good thing sooner, I won't participate in the team competition sooner." The dragon eater lay on the table in confusion, picked up the candies on the side, and threw them into his mouth one by one.

Liu Mufeng did not pay attention to them, but looked at the pensive Donggong Qing, and spoke again: "Can you?" "

I can!" Donggong Qing responded firmly: "Coach Liu, leave it to me!"

"Okay, then there you go." The corners of Liu Mufeng's mouth rose slightly, everything was in his grasp.

He wants the world to know that the champion of this World Academy Competition, they want it! Who comes and who dies!


Qian Muyu watched Donggong Qing walk out of the lounge and said with a smile: "Sure enough, I guessed correctly."

Han Baoer said with some concern: "Is this really good? In

her opinion, wearing five is really not giving the other party face!

Qian Muyu calmly took a sip of fruit tea, "One is not good, two, three is different." "

Han Baoer was stunned for a moment and smiled, "It's the same." "

One is really not good, but every school that fights with them in the future will be worn by them as a five, it will be different."

The leader of the Tidal Sea team, after watching Donggong Qing on the field, his eyebrows trembled slightly, and he looked down at the information in his hand.

Donggong Qing's information, they don't know much, only know that Donggong Qing awakened for ten hours that year, and the Heavenly Mandate Beast was a firebird.

The firebird was still collected by them, after all, before the vision of her awakening came out, she was slashed by Qian Muyu.

Therefore, how strong Donggong Qing's strength is, they can only compare it according to Ye Yulong.

Judging from the strength that Ye Yulong showed in the first game, Donggong Qing must not be weak, even stronger than Ye Yulong!

Thinking of this, Yan Wu looked up at a man sitting at the back and said, "Ma Chaochao, you go up, go and try her strength." "

Since you can't understand her strength, then send a slightly weaker Ma Chaochao to try it and explore the way."

"Good teacher!" Ma Chaochao stood up excitedly and, with Yan Wu's encouragement, walked towards the ring.

In the ring.

Donggong Qing nodded expressionlessly towards Ma Chaochao, who walked onto the stage.

Ma Chaochao looked at this sudden scene and immediately nodded in response.

Then, the two fell silent.

A few minutes later, the referee appeared in the center of them and said directly: "Both sides introduce themselves." "

Donggong Qing: "Tianfu Donggong Qing, super eight dan, from Sky City, please advise!"

After Ma Chaochao heard the super eight paragraphs, he directly looked at Donggong Qing dumbfounded, and shouted madly in his heart: "Lie in the groove!" Super Hachidan! I heard you right! Not

only him, but most of the people present couldn't help but be shocked after hearing Super Eight Duan.

Although in recent decades, because of the various operations of the dream god, the strength has improved faster than before, but no matter how fast, there is also a degree, this super eight stages, it is true that they did not expect it.

"What kind of configuration of Heavenly Destiny Beast and Contract Beast can make her reach Super Eighth Dan at this age." With doubts and curiosity, the referee shouted at Ma Chaochao, who was shocked: "It's your turn."

Ma Chao came to his senses, couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva, and spoke: "Tidal Seahorse Chao Chao, Super Five Stage, from Harbor City."

"Sister, please show mercy to your subordinates!"

Donggong Qing, who was expressionless, smiled slightly and nodded.

"It's beautiful!" Ma Chaochao looked at this scene and blurted out.

Yan Wu, the leader of the Tidal Sea, listened to Ma Chaochao's words, his face turned dark, and he shook his head.

Donggong Qing, on the other hand, responded calmly: "Thank you!"

Ma Chaochao instantly closed his mouth and secretly looked to the side, listening to the laughing crowd around him, he immediately looked towards the referee.

The referee did not disappoint him and said directly: "Merge the time period." "


As soon as the referee finished speaking, Ma Chaochao directly entered the state of fit.

Seeing this, Donggong Qing spoke unhurriedly: "Contract!" The

dazzling combined light landed on the major rings, and the audience's eyes were instantly attracted by various contract lights.

The contract light disappeared, and Donggong Qing's appearance did not change, but there was an extra beautiful feather fan in his hand, and the main body was crimson.

She didn't combine them all, but only with Suzaku, and in her opinion, Ma Chaochao was not enough for her to use her full strength, so she was ready to hide a little and satisfy what he just said by the way.

Ma Chaochao, who was holding a spear, looked at the feather fan in Donggong Qing's hand and scratched his head embarrassedly, "Sister, my strength should be okay, you don't have to let me do this."

Donggong Qing smiled slightly, "That's enough."

Ma Chaochao looked at Donggong Qing, who was full of confidence, and took a deep breath, "Then I'm welcome!"

Donggong Qing: "Come on!"

The referee looked at the two who ignored him, coughed lightly, and shouted: "Tianfu representative team VS Tidal Sea representative team, the first match of the ring match, the match begins!" "

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Priestess - Chapter 951

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