
Priestess - Chapter 952

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Priestess - Chapter 952
At the moment when the referee shouted the start of the game, the feather fan in Donggong Qing's hand was instantly wrapped in the dream power of the fire attribute, and I saw her holding the feather fan and waved it gently, and a firebird rushed out of her feather fan with monstrous fire, hitting Ma Chaochao not far away.

Seeing this, Ma Chaochao quickly dodged to the side, and after taking a few steps, he looked at the firebird who turned the corner, decisively stopped, the spear in his hand condensed with the dream power of the water attribute, and suddenly stabbed forward, a huge tigerfish rushed out from the spear, opening a huge mouth to the firebird.

With a loud bang, the tigerfish disappeared instantly, turning into pieces of water vapor, covering the ring with a faint layer of smoke, while the firebird flew forward bravely towards the horse.

Ma Chaochao looked at the firebird that continued to rush, his face was slightly startled, and he swung his spear to shake down, and the water attribute light mask quickly wrapped him up with the sound.

"Tweet..." The

firebird raised its head slightly, and the attack was accompanied by a loud sound, and it slammed into the aqua-blue light mask.


Donggong Qing calmly waved his feather fan after watching a firebird on the left and right collide.

The moment she saw the light mask rising, she waved the feather fan again and released a 'flying bird'.

Asuka: Active dream technique, unleashing a bird with its own tracking function towards the target, causing significant damage, the type of bird is determined by the releaser.

Flying bird is not too rare dream skill, although this dream skill is not too rare, but the effect released by different people can be said to be completely different.

If Donggong Qing's contract is an ordinary firebird, then the power she unleashed will definitely not be so powerful, and even Ma Chaochao's first move cannot be blocked, but unfortunately, her firebird is a phantom beast species Suzaku, a terrifying dream beast.

"Ma Chaochao lost his combat effectiveness, and the winner of the first match in the ring was Tianfu representative team Donggong Qing!"

The spectators watching the match collectively came to their senses after hearing the referee announce the winner, and a deafening cheer erupted.

"Wow! This little girl is also too strong! Two firebirds took him for a second?

"This is a firebird? Is the Firebird so powerful? Why is my Firebird so weak? "

Is your firebird and her firebird a bird?"

"It's not."

"That's not it."


Tidal Sea Team Lounge Area.

Yan Wu looked at Ma Chaochao, who was instantaneous, and slowed down for a minute before slowing down.

I saw that he looked at Donggong Qing, who was leaving, shook his head helplessly, and couldn't help but complain in his heart: "What is this fighting?" "

Two firebirds the whole time, he really can't see anything, at most he sees that her firebirds are very strong, terrifyingly strong.

But she is strong, and he does not know that she is strong....

"Teacher, I tried my best, she is really strong!"

Yan Wu looked at Ma Chaochao, who was brought down by the medical staff, and soothed: "The teacher saw it, you have a good rest."

Subsequently, Ma Chaochao was pulled into the lounge by the medical staff.

Yan Wu looked at the departing Ma Chaochao, and after being silent for a few seconds, he took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

"Brother Yan, help!"

"Haha, I knew you were looking for me."

"Brother Yan, do you see something?"

"I can see that her firebird is strong, and the tinder is stronger than mine, and the others can't be seen."


"Haha, good luck!"

Yan Wu put down his phone and scratched his forehead with some headache.

Tinder is the meaning of flame level, she does not have an emperor level, and the fire is stronger than the leader of the Burning Fire Mountain, which shows that her firebird is at least a top-level high-level potential!

And the strongest player on their representative team has just reached the top level... This is still a fart!

Although the fire can't decide the victory or defeat, Donggong Qing's strength is not super five dan, but super eight dan!

Super eight dan + top fire Donggong Qing, enough to extinguish them.

"Hey, if only Lan Xi were a student in this class." Yan Wuxin sighed, then took a deep breath, calmed his inner mood, and walked into the lounge.

A few minutes later, the third seed of the Tidal Sea team walked out of the lounge and towards the ring.

Since it's too weak to be good, let's go to the stronger one and try her strength.

Yan Wu actually wanted the No. 2 seed player to go, but unfortunately, the No. 2 seed player chose the individual battle and the team competition.

As for the first-seeded player, he was ready to put him on last.

Their school mainly plays team competitions, so neither their first seed nor the third seed chose an individual battle.

Five minutes later, Yan Wu looked at the second-seeded player who was beaten by Donggong Qing's five moves and fell silent.

"Wow! Play fart! Yan

Wu was ready to put it on the table, this time he saw something, but this thing, in his opinion, was useless.

Because this Donggong Qing was the same as the previous one, only merged with the firebird, that is to say, Donggong Qing also had two hidden contract beasts!

It was this operation that made him completely unable to see any hope of winning.

So, he silently took out his mobile phone and dialed the principal's number, he was ready to let the principal go to say hello, don't let them lose so ugly, it was a shame to be worn by five.

In the audience.

Qian Muyu took out his mobile phone, looked at the caller number on the mobile phone interface, and smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, "Good evening Grandma Han." "

The ancestor of the Han family is named Han Yu, and he is currently a Saint level powerhouse.

After breaking through the Saint Level, she put down what she was doing and became the first principal of Tianfu.

"Good evening Yu'er."

"Grandma Han, are you looking for me for something?"

Without waiting for Han Yu to respond, Han Baoer, who was sitting next to Qian Muyu, smiled and pasted it in front of the mobile phone and shouted, "Good evening grandma."

"Bao'er, grandma just saw you on TV."


"Really, but only saw a few empty seats, but I knew it was a few of you."

In addition to Qian Muyu and Han Baoer, Mu'er and Xiaobailong also sat on the side and watched the game.

"Grandma is amazing!"


After Han Baoer chatted with Han Yu for a while, she handed the phone to Qian Muyu.

"Xiao Yu, their principal personally called me."

"Grandma, I get it!"

"If you know, I won't say more."

"Okay grandma."


Qian Muyu hung up his mobile phone and said to Liu Mufeng, who was standing not far from the ring: "Let Ye Yulong go up later."

Liu Mufeng nodded slightly, "Don't wear it?"

"Their principal came to the door."

"Understood, let Ye Yulong go after this fight."

"Hard work."

"Fart, what's so hard."

"Haha, I'll treat you to barbecue later."

"I knew there was something to eat, and I had already found a good store."


While they were chatting, the match in the ring was over, and Donggong Qing left the ring under a cheer.

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Priestess - Chapter 952

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