
Priestess - Chapter 954

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Priestess - Chapter 954
"Knock knock..."

Tang Ming looked at the vibrating mobile phone on the table, looked at the name displayed on the mobile phone interface, and couldn't help but feel a trance.

Why did she call?

With doubts, Tang Ming took a deep breath, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and picked up the phone, "Hey, is there something wrong with you?"

"Ming, let's merge."

"What did you say?" Tang Ming was slightly stunned, looking at the name displayed on the mobile phone interface, and he couldn't believe the voice he had just heard.

Is this what she will say?

"I explain, let's merge!"

Listening to a clear female voice coming from the phone, he fell silent.

Huo Rong, founder of Burning Fire Mountain, his former girlfriend.

Huorong on the phone was not in a hurry, and did not speak again, but waited for his response.

After Tang Ming was silent for a few seconds, he spoke, "Why?"

"We've never been apart, have we?"

Tang Ming listened to Huorong's voice, looked at the live broadcast screen not far away, and a smile subconsciously appeared at the corner of his mouth, "Thank you, Rong."


month after the end of the World Academy Competition, a shocking news appeared on the major hot search lists.

The content of the news is that the Tidal Sea and the Burning Fire Mountain have officially merged, and the new school is called, Ice Yan.


Time returned to the World Academy Competition, and after dozens of days of competition, the Tianfu representative team Donggong Qing, Ye Yulong, the God of War Hall representative team Wang Zhan, and the Chidori Palace representative team Feng Qing successfully entered the individual semifinals.

The Tianfu representative team was lucky, Donggong Qing and Ye Yulong did not meet in the semifinals, one met Feng Qing from Chidori Palace, and the other met Wang Zhan from the War God Temple.

In the first game of the semifinals, Tianfu representative team Ye Yulong VS War God Temple representative team Wang Zhan, under the enthusiastic shouts of the audience, the game officially began.

Wang Zhan is the trump card of this War God Temple, with red quality ancient species of Heavenly Destiny Beast, Ghost Martial Ninja Dao, and he also ate the Ghost Martial Ninja Knife Dream Fruit.

The Ghost Martial Ninja Knife is a humanoid race, a dark attribute dream beast, holding a double knife, very cool.

Cool is cool, but it's a pity that he met Donggong Qing and Ye Yulong this session, and under the light of Donggong Qing and Ye Yulong, he didn't look so bright.

Although it was not bright before, in this fierce duel with Ye Yulong, the audience recognized him again, saw him, and cheered for him.

Unfortunately, he lost to Ye Yulong in the end and lost the game.

"Ahem!" Ye Yulong coughed lightly twice, and after coughing out the blood in his body, he looked at Wang Zhan, who was lying there unable to move, and grinned: "You are very good, are you interested in coming to the Twelve Wings?"

"I'm just like you." Wang Zhan turned his head to look at him with difficulty, then continued to look at the sky, waiting for the teacher's rescue.

He couldn't move.

"That's a pity." Ye Yulong muttered regretfully, bowed slightly to the audience, and turned to leave the ring.

Wang Zhan, like him, is a person who is cultivated by forces, but the forces that cultivate Wang Zhan are official of the Dream Federation.

In order to maintain the reputation of the God of War Temple, the Dream Federation will specially send several talented teenagers to the God of War Temple for further training every year, so that the God of War Temple can maintain the top five results in the World Academy Competition.

Not only the Dream Federation, but also the Star Federation and the Soldier Federation will do this, but the academy they established is the Hell Gate and the Soldier God Temple.

In the second game of the semifinals, Tianfu team Donggong Qing VS Chidorigiya representative team Feng Qing.

Feng Qing, male, whose body is Bingqing Yanfeng, a dual-attribute dream beast of ice and fire, is the top demon of the Feng clan.

Feng Qing stood in the ring, looked at Donggong Qing, who was standing not far away with an expressionless face, and said in a serious tone: "I hope you can use all your strength." "

In these dozens of days of competition, Donggong Qing only used a fan.

That is to say, until now, except for Qian Muyu and them, no one knew what her contract beast was.

Donggong Qing looked up at him and smiled slightly, "I will."

Even if he didn't say it, she would use her full strength in this game, because Liu Mufeng had already given a task, and the task content was to use all her strength to crush him.

Feng Qing was slightly stunned, he didn't expect that he would get a response with a casual word.

Soon, he came back to his senses and nodded towards Donggong Qing, "Thank you!"

After looking at the time, the referee spoke, "The two sides introduce themselves." "

Although after dozens of days of competition, everyone knows each other, but the link that should be taken still has to be walked.

Feng Qing: "Thousand Bird Palace Feng Qing, Super Seven Stages, from the Phoenix Clan Ice Phoenix Palace, please advise more!" "

The Ice Phoenix Palace is one of the top forces of the Phoenix Clan, and the power lord is the saint-level powerhouse Feng Bing, known as the Ice Lord, the Ice Saint.

Donggong Qing: "Tianfu Donggong Qing, Super Eight Duan, from the Terran Sky City, please advise more!"

The referee looked at the time and shouted: "After the introduction of the two sides, the second game of the semifinals, Tianfu representative team Donggong Qing VS Chidori Palace representative team Feng Qing, the game begins!"

With that, he disappeared in place.

The next moment, Donggong Qing's whole body was instantly wrapped in flames, and the dazzling combined light shone in everyone's eyes.

Feng Qing, who was standing opposite Donggong Qing, also decisively turned into a body, and the ice and fire intersected Ice Qing Yanfeng made everyone's eyes shine, and they couldn't help but sigh: "The Feng Clan is worthy of being a Feng Clan!" It's beautiful!

As they sighed, the flames on the opposite side of the wind became hotter and purer.

Immediately afterwards, with a loud bang, flames splashed, and a beautiful firebird, waving its wings, stayed in the air, and calmly looked at Feng Qing, who was already dumbfounded.

Around the firebird, a fire elemental elf was looking around curiously, making pleasant sounds from time to time.

Main stage live broadcast room.

Casa looked at this scene and said to the Mu Huang beside him: "Do you know this bird?" "

I don't know." Mu Huang shook his head and said with a smile: "But I know that little elf.

"I know this little guy too." Casa looked at the camera with a smile and continued: "I didn't expect Donggong Qing's luck to be so good, and he actually contracted the top elemental species, the Vulcan Spirit.

Mu Huang nodded and smiled: "It is indeed a Vulcan Spirit, but I like its other name, Vulcan Kun." "

There is the Fire God Lord, naturally there is the Water God Lord, the Wood God Lord, the Dark God Lord...

Casa continued, "Speaking of Vulcan-kun, I think of him.

"I also thought of it, the power lord of the Elemental Empire, Yun Nie."

"Okay, that's the end of it, let's go to the game." Casa instantly changed the topic, looked at the ring and continued: "Although I don't know what this firebird is called, I know that Donggong Qing should be the owner of Firebird and Firebird Dream Fruit.

"I don't think it's nice to call a firebird."

"What should that be called?"

"Well, I don't hide it, I do know what her name is, it's called Suzaku, Higashinomiya Haru is Suzaku, Suzaku Dream Fruit, Vulcan Spirit Owner!"

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Priestess - Chapter 954

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