
Priestess - Chapter 955

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Priestess - Chapter 955
Before Mu Huang really didn't know that he listened to Qian Muyu when he had dinner with Qian Muyu and them these days.

At the same time, it was also Qian Muyu who let him say it, and the reason was that Qian Muyu listened to them every day about the firebird and the firebird, and he had to think that it was not Suzaku who contracted Donggong Qing, but a firebird, so Qian Muyu decisively told the wood emperor about the firebird named Suzaku, and let the wood emperor tell everyone.

It's just a name, Qian Muyu is not ready to hide it, as for why he didn't say it before, it's because he was too lazy to say it....

As for why the people of other forces did not know, in addition to the fact that they had not seen it, those who had probing skills had also tried, but they all ended in failure, and those who tried were all damaged to varying degrees.

The people who watched them in front of Qian Muyu and Han Baoer could not be done by anyone, so this also led to the World Academy Competition being held for dozens of days, and no one knew the details of Donggong Qing.

In the ring.

After Donggong Qing gave Feng Qing a set of combos, he flew in the sky and looked at the Vulcan Spirit on the side: "The strength is almost touched, Huo'er, use that move to end the game directly." "Good

!" The Vulcan Spirit exclaimed in a high and happy voice, and left a trail of flames around Donggong Qing and flew into her chest.

The next moment, a monstrous fire suddenly erupted in Donggong Qing's body, and the thick flames caused the surrounding temperature to rise rapidly, and the ice ballast left by Feng Qing on the edge of the ring also melted instantly at this moment, turning into pieces of water vapor.

Donggong Qing's body rose warmly with the monstrous fire, and in Feng Qing's gaze, it merged with the sun in the sky, and then under the shocked gaze of Feng Qing and everyone, Donggong Qing turned into a majestic, domineering flame giant, Optimus Colossus.

"Coming, coming, God-kun! Vulcan-kun! In

the live broadcast room of the main stage, Casa watched this scene, instantly stood up excitedly, and shouted.

"It's over." Mu Huang looked at the flame giant composed of rich fire elements, and couldn't help but feel a burst of emotion in his heart, "Shenjun, I haven't seen it for a long time. "

The exclusive dream techniques of God Monarch, Fire God Spirit, Cloud God Spirit, Wind God Spirit, and various attribute God Spirits, the effect is to transform into the form of a God Monarch and master life and death.

The reason why the wood emperor said that the gods and spirits of various attributes were top dream beasts was also because they had the dream skill of the god king, and this dream skill also made them successfully become the gods of the elemental species, and among all dream beasts, the existence of the top in the top.

As for the true effect of the God Monarch, it is to turn into a God Monarch, and in the state of the God Monarch, his own strength will be multiplied.

Of course, the premise of improvement is that in this form, the consumption of each attack is very terrifying, with the current strength of Donggong Qing, she can only launch two attacks, and after two attacks, her dream power will be exhausted.

Donggong Qing in the form of a god monarch, looking at the stunned Feng Qing in the ring, held his right hand, which was about the size of half of the ring, and swung it down.

"How can this be blocked?"

Feng Qing looked at the flame giant fist swung at him in the sky, his mind was instantly blank, and he stood in place at a loss, motionless.

But soon, his confused eyes regained a trace of radiance, and I saw him gritting his teeth, puffing out his mouth, and the dream power in his body instantly rushed out, the red and blue dream power quickly turned into blue dream power, and the ice phoenix phantom also appeared behind him at this time.

It's just that this phantom is as inconspicuous as an adult and a puppy compared to the Vulcan King.

The next moment, a large amount of ice attribute flames spat out from his mouth and shot towards the flame giant fist.

He wanted to release other dream techniques, but it was too late, so he could only convert his dual-attribute flame into a single attribute, and use ice to cool down, so that he would suffer less damage.

As for why not use dual attributes, well... He doesn't want to die yet.

His thoughts were good, but when his ice flame touched the flame giant fist, his face changed instantly, and a sense of powerlessness instantly surged in his heart.

"Is this the power that Super Eight Dan can unleash?"

Feng Qing looked at the Fire God Monarch in the sky, with doubts in his heart, decisively closed his mouth, blocked his own jet, and then released an ice shield for himself, and quickly ran to the side.

But he didn't run a few steps, and the flame giant fist flooded his body, slammed into the ring, and made a loud noise.

Under the loud noise, the noisy stadium instantly fell into tranquility, and when the flame giant fist raised his hand, the audience saw the half-destroyed ring, and Feng Qing, who was lying in the ring without knowing whether he was alive or dead, burst into warm cheers.

"Groove! So strong! "

Feng Qing shouldn't be dead, right?"

"I didn't die, but I was saved by the referee in the end."

"How do you know?"

"I saw it."


Donggong Qing, who was in the state of the god king, looked at the referee with an expressionless face.

The referee appeared in the ring unhurriedly, glanced at Feng Qing, who was lying next to him in a coma, and loudly announced: "Feng Qing fell into a coma and lost his combat effectiveness, and the winner of the second match of the semifinals is, the Tianfu representative team, Donggong Qing!" "

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Priestess - Chapter 955

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