
Priestess - Chapter 956

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Priestess - Chapter 956
Elemental empire.

Cloud Pavilion, Cloud Pavilion is located above the clouds and is the palace of Yun Nie, one of the three gods of the Elemental Empire.

The three gods of the Elemental Empire are Yun Nie, the Wind God Spirit Wind Fury and the Golden God Spirit Jin Hao.

Among the three gods' strength, the strongest is Yun Nie.

At this time, Yun Nie leisurely reclined on the seat, eating the unknown variety of grapes in his hand, looking at the live broadcast screen not far away, and smiled lazily: "These two old immortals are really boring!" Listening

to Casa and Muhuang talk about him again, he was not angry, but listened with relish.

For an old guy like him who has lived for thousands of years, this measure is still there.

In fact, he was not interested in the World Academy Competition, and he didn't think much about it, after all, no one from them participated.

Until a message a few minutes ago, he instantly became interested, making him quickly open the live broadcast and watch it.

"It's really a Vulcan elf!"

He looked at the Vulcan Spirit flying around Donggong Qing after disarming the God Monarch form, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but show a faint smile.

"The little one is so beautiful, he is worthy of being the elf of our family."

In his opinion, no matter what attributes you are, as long as you are a god and spirit, then we are a group, that is, our own family!

Therefore, he sat up and instructed the little brother below: "Go to Sky City... Yun

Nie stuck for a few seconds and shook his head: "Forget it, I'll let Jin Hao go."

With that, he sent a few messages to Jin Hao.

The content of the news is very simple, that is, to open diplomacy with Sky City, and bring Donggong Qing over to live for a few days by the way.

To say who in this world knows the most about the gods and spirits, he said two, but no one dares to say one, so his idea is very simple, that is, let Jin Hao bring Donggong Qing back, let the little guy recognize the ancestor, and teach some things by the way.


A few days later, the individual finals of the World Academy Competition.

The final was not bored because both of them were from the Tianfu team, but the fierce confrontation between Donggong Qing and Ye Yulong made the audience excited.

In the end, Ye Yulong lost to the second blow of the God Monarch after successfully withstanding the blow of the Donggong Qing Shenjun, and ended in defeat.

Donggong Qing also won the individual championship with the strength of the god king, and Ye Yulong won the runner-up in the individual competition.

Ye Feng looked at the two lying on the left and right hands, and smiled speechlessly: "It is necessary to fight like this." "

Yes!" Ye Yulong shouted without hesitation.

As soon as he finished shouting, he subconsciously twitched the corners of his mouth and cried out in pain.

When Ye Yulong shouted in pain, Donggong Qing couldn't help but give him a blank look, "Deserve it." She

actually had an anti-heavenly dream technique that he hadn't released, and he also knew that he just saw that she wouldn't release that dream technique, so he would fight her desperately, wondering if he could win her who didn't release the anti-heaven dream technique.

The end result was that both of them were lying here, and he didn't win over her.

"I really deserve it." Qian Muyu appeared in front of the two, and with a flick of his arm, two holy healing techniques landed directly on their bodies.

The next moment, two different strange sounds sounded in the lounge, causing everyone to blush.

After the sound, Ye Yulongsheng looked at the ceiling lovelessly, he regretted it, regretted playing so seriously.

Donggong Qing's eyes were a little confused, he opened his mouth, and glared at Ye Yulong with a rosy face, as if to say that you wait for me!

Qian Muyu looked at this scene, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and patted Ye Yulong's shoulder, "Rest well."

Then he chatted with Liu Mufeng and them, and left the lounge.

A few days later, at the closing ceremony of the World Academy Competition, the Tianfu team successfully won the first place in the 2064th World Academy Competition with the first place, second place, first place in the team competition, and first place in the ring competition!

Qian Muyu, as the leader of the Tianfu team, walked to the award stage under the enthusiastic cheers of the audience.

The host Tang Haochen looked at Qian Muyu who walked in front of him, and directly stuffed the microphone in his hand into Qian Muyu's hand, for fear that Qian Muyu would turn around and run.

Qian Muyu looked at the microphone in his hand, a little confused, but soon he took the microphone, nodded to Tang Haochen, then looked at the audience and smiled: "Good evening everyone, I am your feather god, Qian Muyu." "

Feather God!"

"Feather God! Feather God!

"Feather God! Feather God! Feather God! "


After hearing Qian Muyu's voice, the audience instantly shouted highly.

Qian Muyu listened to the deafening cheers, and couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, then bowed slightly to the audience, and thanked him: "Thank you!" Thank you all for your enthusiasm!

After that, he waited for the enthusiasm of the scene to be a little quieter, raised the microphone, and said some thoughts and some words with a smile.

Immediately after saying his feelings, he raised the microphone to Tang Haochen, waved with the audience, and left the award stage.

Tang Haochen looked at the departing Qian Muyu, picked up the microphone and said a few words to the audience, and then officially announced the perfect end of the closing ceremony of the 2064th World Academy Competition.


After the World Academy Competition, Qian Muyu did not lead the Tianfu team back to Sky City at the first time, but took them to play in the Star Federation for a month before starting the journey back.

On the way back, Qian Muyu knew that this road would definitely not be simple, so he immediately asked Han Baoer to summon the little whales out and let the little whales swallow them.

Immediately afterwards, he rode with Han Bao'er on the little whale, took Liu Mufeng, Ye Feng and the others and left the Star Federation.

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Priestess - Chapter 956

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