
Priestess - Chapter 957

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Priestess - Chapter 957
> A place of chaos.

Wilted woods.

The Wither Forest is located at the center point of the Star Federation and Sky City, and the area level is orange, that is, the Withered Forest area has the power established by the Great Emperor.

December 20.

On this day, the Withered Emperor was exhausted as usual, sitting in the garden made of various withered trees and enjoying the good time of afternoon tea.

As soon as he took a sip of green tea, he felt a faint terrifying aura coming from afar.

"Who doesn't want to die, he actually spread wild in my territory!"

His eyebrows wrinkled slightly, he put down the tea in his hand without hesitation, and disappeared into the seat angrily.

The next moment, he appeared not far from a team of six.

Feeling the breath coming from behind him, Eagle Mark turned to look at his face and said angrily: "Something?"

As he spoke, a holy power inadvertently emanated from his body.

"Sage!" Exhaustion's face was shocked, and he quickly put away his anger and responded: "I'm sorry, you guys continue." At

this time, he didn't need to think about knowing that these people were not here to beat him, but wanted to squat here!

Although there is an order of ten thousand races, the saint cannot move indiscriminately, but the battle between the saint and the saint, the order of ten thousand races has no right to stop it.

So the people who squat don't need to think about it, they must be the Holy One!

Thinking of all this, the exhausted heart was not very good in an instant, and he now only hoped that they would not destroy the withered forest too much.

As for his family, he is very relieved that there are ten thousand clan orders, no matter how they fight, they will not dare to hit his house, if they do, he will report it, and then someone will naturally rectify them.

After exhaustion finished speaking, he decisively turned around, and just when he wanted to leave, Eagle Mark looked at his back and smiled: "You can't go." The

corners of his mouth twitched slightly, sighed slightly, and nodded.

"Isn't tea delicious? I came here bored! Exhaustion

was puzzled, but he understood the eagle marks, and if he were, he would do the same.

After all, no one would release a passerby with an emperor-level eighth dan at this time.

In this way, exhaustion followed them helplessly, and dangled in the withered woods.

A hundred kilometers away from the withered forest, Han Baoer, who was chatting with Qian Muyu, instantly raised her head and looked ahead.

"There is Saint ahead!" Han Baoer said, her eyes quickly looking to the left and right, "There are also on the left and right!" "

Three?" They really look down on us! Liu Mufeng subconsciously licked his lips, and an excited smile appeared on his face.

"More than that." Qian Muyu shook his head with a smile and looked towards Han Baoer.

Han Bao'er nodded and said, "Five, two are hidden in the secret, and in addition to the five sages, there are twelve emperors."

"Groove! They really look up to us! It's so big! Liu Mufeng, who was excited, was directly dumbfounded at this time.

Stupidly, he really thought that there were only three sages!

Young! I'm young!

Liu Mufeng reflected on himself and asked Qian Muyu, "Boss, what should I do?"

Qian Muyu: "Can you count it as strength?"

Han Baoer closed her eyes, and a mysterious light gradually emerged around her.

Not long after, she opened her eyes and said, "Two holy one, one holy two, one holy three, and one more can't be counted."

"Good." Qian Muyu nodded and smiled at the few people around: "Go, go and try their water, if you can't beat it, run."

"With your words boss, I am relieved." When Ye Feng heard this, he yawned lazily, fighting or something, he didn't like it the most.

"!" Liu Mufeng roared domineeringly, sweeping away the previous stupidity.

Lei Ming subconsciously moved his body, and the sound of his bones was like a thunderclap.

Han Ming looked at their appearance, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and said softly: "I haven't felt this way for a long time."

"Indeed." Qian Muyu smiled, took out a few cups of fruit tea from the dream space and threw it at a few people, "Here, drink a cup of fruit tea to suppress the shock." "

A sip of fruit tea before the war, who drinks who knows.

Half an hour later.

Eagle Mark looked at Qian Muyu and several people not far away, and couldn't help but admire a little: "You really dare to come!"

He looked at Qian Muyu's calm expressions, and knew that they had been discovered, and dared to come over when they were discovered, and he was still somewhat obedient.

Qian Muyu looked at the eagle marks, looked at the few younger brothers next to the eagle marks, and said with a smile: "If it is just a few of you, I can still solve it."

"Unfortunately, you guessed wrong." Eagle Mark shook his head, and the saint-level aura in his body instantly rushed out, roaring: "Kill them!" "

Kill!" Little Brother No. 1 responded decisively, followed behind Eagle Marks, and killed Qian Muyu and the others.

Wang against Wang, will be general, and his goal is naturally Liu Mufeng them.

"He handed it over to me, and you quickly wiped out the others." Qian Muyu, who instantly closed his body, held a wooden knife, waved six pairs of black wings, and stabbed towards the eagle mark.

While swinging the sword, a black-winged magic array formed at his feet, and four black balls rushed out from the black-winged magic array and flew into the bodies of Han Baoer, Liu Mufeng, Han Ming, and Lei Ming.

"The strength of the boss is strong!" Lei Ming squeezed his fist, held the thunder god knife that turned into a thunder spear, and roared towards a prime-aged man who rushed not far away: "Eat me a spear!" "

The wrath of the god of thunder under various bonuses flashed in the sky, and penetrated the heart of the prime-aged man with a momentum that could not be concealed.

The next moment, a deafening thunder sounded, and all kinds of terrifying thunderstorms fell from the sky unscrupulously, rumbling into the withered forest.

The first time to run to the rear of the battlefield exhaustion, looking at this momentary scene, I couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva, and a sense of powerlessness rushed straight to my heart.

"O my woods! How is it so miserable!

"How dare they? How dare you fight this group of devils! "

Although he is very homely, but no matter how much he stays, he also knows at this time that this group of people who are squatting is from the Five Races Alliance! And the person squatting in the Five Races Alliance is the Twelve Wings!

The battle of the Alliance of Five and the Twelve Wings... He was silent for a few seconds, looking at the prime-aged man who was penetrated by Thor's wrath and turned into char, and couldn't help but sigh.

Tired...... Destroy it....

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Priestess - Chapter 957

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