
Priestess - Chapter 959

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Priestess - Chapter 959
> Chaotic continent.

Somewhere on a small island.

"Here it comes!" Bai Hao looked at the invitation interface that appeared in front of him, instantly jumped up from the log bench, and shouted towards Qian Haoxuan, who was sitting on the opposite side, leisurely drinking a small wine, "Brother Haoxuan, let's go!"

"Finally it came!" Qian Haoxuan sighed lightly and continued, "Good come!

"Xi Ruo, I'll take Brother Haoxuan, and you take Lu Heng." Bai Xiruo said to Lan Xiruo, and then continued towards Qian Haoxuan: "Brother Haoxuan, just relax your spirit." "Good

!" Qian Haoxuan nodded.

The next moment, Bai Haoxuan, Qian Haoxuan, Lan Xiruo, and Lu Heng disappeared from everyone's gaze.


Poseidon Castle.

Hai Mengtian looked at Xinglu'er who looked up at him and said with a smile: "Are you coming?" "

Hmm!" Xinglu'er nodded, stood up, and said respectfully: "Trouble Hai is old." "

Little things." Hai Mengtian smiled and shook his head: "I haven't moved for a long time, it's time to go." "


Sky City.

Twelve Wings Guild Meeting Room.

Mo Lingling stood up and smiled at Mio Yuyan, who was sitting next to Li Rin, "Borrow your man." "

Get out!" Mio Yuyan gave her a blank look and said to Li Rin, "Be careful."

"Don't worry, just go shopping." The smile on Li Rin's face became brighter, and he silently praised Mo Lingling in his heart.


Ghost Domain.

Tamamo sat on the throne of the main hall, watching the drunken swallowing boy and Yemo disappear in front of him, and slapped the paper fan in his hand, revealing a smile that fell into the country.

Below, Sima Jing and the others looked at this scene and couldn't help but show a silly smile.

It's so beautiful!


Time returned to the right track, Mu Huang heard the sound of the eagle marks, and smiled casually towards the sky screen: "Withdraw, die, do not withdraw, live."

Tianmu subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and cold sweat flowed from his forehead.

"My mission is complete, I don't owe you anymore." After Tianmu finished speaking, he stood silently on the side, not daring to move.

Obviously, he did not intend to withdraw the canopy.

The other party only lets him open, but does not have the right to let him close.

Let him off, that is, they owe favors to others.

But it's a pity that he doesn't want this favor, and he doesn't dare to ask for it.

After all, on the opposite side stood a top sage who could not see his strength, three top powerhouses in the first section of the saint level, and a half-step top sage.

Although Qian Muyu can let his partner bring the saint over, but because the sage is too strong, with his current strength, he can only let the partner bring the saint below the fourth stage of the saint level, and the saint level above the third stage cannot bring it.

So when he left the Star Federation, he had already chosen the candidate and let the friends pass.

Before discovering the enemy and coming to the withered forest, Qian Muyu informed them and told them to be ready to accept it at all times, which is why they came over so quickly.

Above the sky, Eagle Mark's face was gloomy, like black charcoal, he didn't expect that the 'mortal' game that surrounded and killed Qian Muyu would become their mortal game.

"What to do?" The smile on the snake charm's face had disappeared the moment the Mu Huang appeared.

At this moment, she was panicked, extremely panicked, she felt that she was going to die.

Not only her, but also the good sister Snake Si next to her, and the foreign aid fly ghost invited are also panicked.

Especially the fly ghost, he now feels as uncomfortable as eating, this task was snatched from a dozen people, originally thought it was a good errand famous in the world, but did not expect to rob a fatal task.

Eagle Mark did not respond to the snake charm, but took a deep breath, took a step forward, and said to Qian Muyu: "We can be your eyes."

Qian Muyu listened to Eagle Mark's unexpected words, stunned slightly, and then shook his head with a smile: "Thank you, but... No.

Looking at the face of the eagle mark that was instantly difficult to see, Qian Muyu continued: "You guys can be our sparring partner. Saying

that, Qian Muyu looked at Mu Huang and said, "Mu Huang, Hai Lao, Brother Xuan, Li Rin, trouble you."

Li Rin: "Little things.

Hai Mengtian: "You're welcome." "

I really want to see the expressions of the four dead saints." Qian Haoxuan showed a hint of curiosity and left Qian Muyu's side.

Soon, Li Rin, Hai Mengtian, and Qian Haoxuan each appeared in one direction and surrounded Eagle Mark and the others.

Qian Muyu looked at the motionless eagle marks and continued: "Drunkard, that scorpion is handed over to you, whether you can quickly break through the Saint Level, it depends on your ability." "

Although Scorpion Si is a saint-level second stage, but in the saint-level second stage, it is not strong, because it is strong, it will not appear here, so it is just right to make Scorpion Si an alcoholic target.

If the drunkard can resist the pressure and defeat the scorpion, then breaking through the Saint level is a matter of days, or even a breakthrough in battle, if it can't resist the pressure, it is estimated that it will take several months, or even years, to become a Saint Level.

The drunkard did not speak, but just picked up the wine jug on his waist and drank it suddenly.


"Cool!" The drunkard drank loudly, and the dream power in his body instantly burned, and he couldn't wait.

"The eagle mark is handed over to me and Bao'er, and the other two sages, you will distribute them at will." After Qian Muyu finished speaking, he waved the wooden knife and shouted: "Up!"

As Qian Muyu drank, Han Baoer decisively followed Qian Muyu towards the eagle mark.

Mo Lingling instantly completed the merging and rushed towards the fly ghost, "Don't come more, just come two!" "

I'll come." Qin Tianyu rode the Fire Qilin and passed past Mo Lingling.

"Brother Qin, wait for me!" Seeing this, Mo Lingling quickly accelerated and rushed forward.

"There's another one, I'll do it." Ye Mo crossed Lei Ming's side and chased towards Mo Lingling.

"I didn't want to go." Lei Ming muttered and killed an emperor-level seven-stage powerhouse.

After unleashing Thor's wrath, his dream power is not so much.

"Wouldn't four be too much?" Bai Hao looked at Lan Xiruo beside him, the shepherd boy and Long Ying, and couldn't help but wonder in his heart, the sage on the other side is still too few, not enough points, just 1~2 more.

Eagle Mark looked at the twelve wings who didn't take them seriously, and said with a gloomy face: "If you can't run, then destroy them, let them know, look down on the fate of the sage!" "

In the case of being locked by the Wood Emperor, they can't run at all, as long as they want to run, they will be greeted by death.

Therefore, he would rather die in battle and fight for a chance to kill Qian Muyu than be killed in seconds.

In an instant, the power of the third stage of the Saint level rushed out from his body and swept towards Qian Muyu and them.

Qian Muyu was not to be outdone, and the dream qi carried a saint-level power and rushed towards the aura of the eagle mark.

With a loud bang, the two breaths collided together.

In the distance, innocent passers-by dried up and were watching this scene with trembling.

He didn't expect that mixed and mixed could see this kind of scene, this reversal, this kind of dream technique against the sky.

He was panicking at the moment, he felt like he was going to die.

"Don't panic, sign the contract, and you can continue watching the play after signing."

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Priestess - Chapter 959

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