
Priestess - Chapter 961

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Priestess - Chapter 961
Not true!

There is a catch!

Qian Muyu felt the saint-level aura that suddenly erupted in the distance, and suddenly turned around.

Looking at the wine-swallowing boy who was wrapped in the red-black saint-level ghost qi, he couldn't help but show a happy smile on his face.

He originally thought that this carefully planned saint-level training ground would be destroyed by the operation of the fly ghost, but he did not expect that the drunken swallowing boy actually withstood the attack of the blood-burning scorpion si, and under the crazy attack of scorpion si, he successfully broke through to the holy level.

In fact, the operation of the fly ghost, he has thought about it, after all, his exploration is not a decoration, and most of the dream effect of the fly ghost is still known to him.

When he knew the effect of the fly ghost dream technique, he thought about letting the shepherd boy fight the fly ghost, but he thought that the snake charm had a feud with the shepherd boy, plus the shepherd boy might not be able to resist the fly ghost's move, so he didn't say it, let them go with the flow.

As a natural result, after the drunkard broke through the Saint Level, Qian Muyu was already very satisfied.

This time the Saint level training ground, his main purpose is to let the drunkard break through the Saint Level, as for the rest, it is only incidental.

So after seeing the drunkard break through the holy level, he decisively said to Qian Haoxuan and them: "Brother Haoxuan, Menglao, Li Rin, you can do it."

The three looked at each other, and Qian Haoxuan said with a smile: "You guys go, I won't go." Although

he was very hungry for saint-level heads, as a member of the Sky City Lord's family, he still decisively let the heads out.

Li Rin shook his head and said to Hai Mengtian, "You come." "

Haha, you don't want it, then I'm welcome." Hai Mengtian laughed loudly and disappeared in place.

Soon, Hai Mengtian appeared next to the drunkard and fought with Scorpion.

Seeing this, the drunkard, who was covered in injuries, turned around and left without hesitation.

He knows where he is at this point, so he is not stubborn.

Qian Muyu looked at the drunkard who flew over, and without waiting for the drunkard to speak, he threw it away with a holy healing technique with life attributes.

The drunkard, bathed in the holy healing, closed his eyes in enjoyment.

On the other side, in the ghost realm, the snake charm collapsed more and more under the attack of the four people.

She didn't expect that in the case of her burning blood, she couldn't beat four emperors! Even if she can't beat it, the situation of being pressed and beaten by them really makes her a little unacceptable!

Unable to accept it, she was finally violently attacked by four people a few minutes later and was damaged.

"My last blow." The shepherd boy heard the prompt in his head and withdrew the ghost realm beautifully.

Because he didn't kill it alone, the points were not multiplied by five times, but only by three times.

More than 300 million points and a saint-level head directly made him receive a wave.

Of course, these more than 300 million points will eventually have to be divided into a part....

Qian Muyu looked at the four shepherd boys on display and asked with a smile: "Who killed it?" "

Him." Bai Hao pointed to the shepherd boy in puzzlement.

The shepherd boy smiled and threw the dream nucleus crystal in his hand to Qian Muyu.

Qian Muyu quickly took the dream nucleus crystal and said with a smile: "Good luck!"

"Of course!" The shepherd boy smiled, then looked around, and after seeing that only his own people were left, he knew that the battle was over, and they were the last to end the battle.

After Qian Muyu accepted the fourth Colorful Dream Core Crystal, he turned his head to look at the sky screen.

The battle is over and it's time to solve his problems.

Tianmu looked at Qian Muyu's gaze, and I don't know why, he couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of spit.

An inexplicable pressure made him a little panicked.

"Serve me for a thousand years, and after a thousand years, return you to freedom."

Listening to Qian Muyu's words without hesitation, Tianmu fell silent.

"Hey~" Tianmu sighed in confusion and nodded slightly.

It is better to be alive than dead.

"Sign a temporary, formal, and we'll discuss it when we go back." After Qian Muyu looked at the sky and promised to come down, he said to Qian Duoduo: "Give him the contract."

Qian Duoduo: "Here it comes!"

When Qian Duoduo went to find the sky screen, Qian Muyu looked at the exhaustion and smiled: "Come back with us?"

"Haha, I understand!" Exhaustion nodded quickly.

"Just understand." Qian Muyu looked at the exhausted attitude and nodded with satisfaction.

Then, when Tianmu signed the temporary contract, the surrounding partners also left here one by one and disappeared in place.

After waiting for his partners to leave, Qian Muyu looked at the sky screen and said, "The black curtain is withdrawn, we should go." "Good

!" Tianmu nodded and dissolved the black curtain.

Qian Muyu watched the bright sunlight appear again and shouted, "Go!" Go home! "


Eagle Palace.

A lamp faltered under the gaze of the eagle, and then extinguished.

"Dead!" The demon eagle closed his eyes and rubbed his forehead, he had a little headache.

The eagle mark died, and the others didn't need to think about it, they must have died in Qian Muyu's hands.

Although he didn't know what method Qian Muyu used to kill the eagle marks, he knew that their hatred with Sky City and the Twelve Wings had really reached the place of immortality.

They used a lot of resources to hide the actions of the eagle marks, and as a result, they still failed.

"Is it the Wood Emperor?"

"Or who?"

Eagle Mark muttered to himself twice, silently stood up, and turned to leave.

He's going to a meeting....

A few days later.

Qian Muyu and they returned to Sky City safely, and there were no more accidents along the way.

Back in Sky City, Qian Muyu did not say anything about the actions of the Five Races Alliance against them this time, and the Five Races Alliance did not continue to act, as if this operation did not exist.

Qian Muyu didn't say it, mainly because he didn't want to expose the heavenly curtain, and the Five Races Alliance didn't have the qualifications to say, so he waited to be besieged.

"This is a formal contract, sign it after reading the content." Qian Muyu handed the contract in his hand to Tianmu.

Tianmu took the contract, and after taking a closer look, his face couldn't help but become a little strange.

He didn't expect that the content of this contract would be so friendly to him! Far exceeded his expectations!

"Thank you!" After reading it, he thanked Qian Muyu, dripped blood without hesitation, and signed.

Qian Muyu smiled and shook his head, "Each has what he needs." "

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Priestess - Chapter 961

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