
Priestess - Chapter 963

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Priestess - Chapter 963
> March 21, 2190.

Qian Muyu, who had been in retreat for several years, walked out of the retreat room and looked at the sun in the sky, he subconsciously stretched his waist, "Comfortable!"

"Where are we going?" Han Baoer's voice came from behind him.

Qian Muyu turned around, looked at Han Baoer and smiled: "Let's go to the Flower Fragrance Country, we haven't been there yet." "

It's not good to be closed all the time, so they go out every once in a while.

"Flower Fragrance Country?" Hearing Hua Xiangguo, Han Baoer's eyes lit up slightly, and she remembered the things in Guoqi Town.




Flower Country

May 2.

Qian Muyu and Han Bao'er easily entered the Flower Fragrance Country under the ability of both sides.

Walking into the country of flowers, Qian Muyu looked at the various creatures around him, and couldn't help but sigh: "Are there so many people here every day?"

"Are you coming to Flower Country for the first time?"

Qian Muyu turned his head to look at the little girl who came over with the leaflet, and asked with a smile: "Do you know the Terran language?"

The little girl shook her head, "Sir, I don't know Terrans.

"Oh, got it." Qian Muyu nodded and smiled, "You have a language dream skill, right?"

The little girl was slightly startled, and quickly said: "Sir is so smart!"

"Haha, of course!" Qian Muyu accepted the little girl's praise without hesitation.

At this time, Han Baoer on the side looked down at the little girl and asked, "Little sister, are you a tour guide?"

"Yes, beautiful sister, I am the tour guide of the country of flowers, Mina." Mina responded truthfully.

When Han Baoer heard this, she smiled, "Just call my sister, the beautiful sister sounds strange."

Mina immediately said, "I'm sorry sister!"

Han Baoer shook her head and continued, "Mina, are there so many people in your Flower Fragrance Country every day?

"No, sister, our flower fragrance country usually only has one-third of the current flow of people, and now there are many people because the flower fragrance festival is about to begin."


"Not today, it's May 5th."

"It seems that we are lucky." Han Baoer looked at Qian Muyu and said with a smile.

"Indeed." Qian Muyu nodded, looked at Mina, who was standing obediently on the side, and said, "Mina, please ask you today."

Mina excitedly shouted, "Thank you, sir!

Han Baoer looked at the excited Mina and asked, "Mina, is there anything delicious in Hua Xiangguo?"

"Sister, the best thing in the country of flowers is the fragrant cakes!" Mina responded professionally: "In addition to floral fragrant cakes, floral fragrance country also has floral fragrance dew, floral perfume meat..."

"Yes sir, sir, where are you going?"

"Find a restaurant and eat first."

"Sir, please come with me!"

So, Mina said while taking Qian Muyu and them to a restaurant called 'Flower Fragrance Pavilion' to eat.

Huaxiang Pavilion, the official hotel of Huaxiang Country, is a must-eat restaurant in Huaxiang Country.

Qian Muyu looked at Mina, who wanted to leave, and said, "Sit and eat together."

Mina was slightly stunned and thanked her, "Thank you, sir!"

Qian Muyu summoned the old pig who was sleeping in the dream space and said to Mina, "Tell us about the flower fragrance festival." "Good

!" Mina said: "Every year from May 5th to May 10th, our Flower Fragrance Country will hold a flower fragrance festival, and during the time of the flower fragrance festival, our flower fragrance country will open various activities and sell all kinds of rare goods..."

When Qian Muyu heard this, he instantly raised his head and said, "This year is a special year?

Mina nodded and said, "According to our floral fragrance history, today is December 24, 999, so this year's flower fragrance festival is a hundred years flower fragrance festival, and on the last day of the hundred year flower fragrance festival, that is, January 1, 1000, the flower god will personally give us pollen."

"Pollen can improve strength and quality!"

"Can it improve quality?" Qian Muyu subconsciously said.

"Yes, but only very rarely, not everyone can." Mina quickly responded.

"That makes sense." Qian Muyu smiled, pointed to the five-flavored meal on the table, and continued, "Let's eat." "

Thank you, sir!"

While Mina was burying her head in eating, Qian Muyu said to Han Baoer: "This tastes good!"

"Delicious!" Han Baoer put a lotus-shaped bun into her mouth, chewed it a few times, and said to Qian Muyu: "Do you think the pollen of the flower god has an effect on Mu'er?" When

Mu'er heard Han Bao'er talk about her, she immediately looked at Qian Muyu curiously.

Qian Muyu didn't even think about it, and said directly: "Mu'er is an existence against the sky, and pollen will not have any effect on her."

"What about the little butterfly?"

"Little butterfly..." Qian Muyu looked at the little butterfly sitting on the disc next to Mu'er, his eyes became brighter, "The little butterfly seems to be really okay!"

When Mina heard the word 'butterfly', she looked up at Qian Muyu and said, "Sir, pollen for insects, plants... The effect of living beings is the best, so Mr. Little Butterfly can definitely get a very big boost. Qian

Muyu spoke to Han Bao'er and did not avoid her, so she could naturally hear it.

Qian Muyu looked at Mina and asked, "Is it okay for dogs?" "

The effect of dogs is very average." Mina shook her head.

"Got it." Qian Muyu nodded slightly, and said to Han Baoer: "Ordinary pollen should have little effect on small butterflies, we need the most core pollen."

Han Baoer saw through Qian Muyu's thoughts and said with a smile: "Looking for the flower god?

"No hurry, let's talk about it then." Qian Muyu smiled slightly and calmly ate the food in front of him.

And Mina on the side, when she heard the phrase 'looking for the flower god', she was directly stupid.

She looked at Han Baoer and Qian Muyu, and couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva, and instantly felt that the food in front of her didn't seem to be very fragrant.

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Priestess - Chapter 963

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