
Priestess - Chapter 964

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Priestess - Chapter 964
May 4.

Han Baoer, who was sitting in the flower tea shop, looked at Qian Muyu, who walked in and sat opposite, and said with a smile: "What do you say?"

Qian Muyu picked up the flower tea in front of him, took a sip, and said, "Sister Hua didn't think long and directly agreed." "

After knowing that this time was a century-old flower god festival, and it was also a 1,000-year flower god festival, they finished eating that day and decisively helped Flower Fragrance City calculate a trigram.

The result is a trigram, a little murderer.

Although it is only a 'minor murderer', the danger is still a little.

After calculating the trigram, Qian Muyu did not directly find Sister Hua, but played with Han Baoer for a few days, and only after eating at noon today, he went to find Sister Hua.

Sister Hua, named Hua Xiang, the body is the Flower God Tree, one of the ten divine trees, with the ultimate strength of the sixth stage of the holy level.

Of course, all this information was what Qian Muyu saw when he looked for Sister Hua, and it was not said by Sister Hua herself.

Han Baoer was surprised: "So simple?

"She guessed and knew who was coming."

"Who is it, did she tell you?"

"Ten thousand bees."

"I don't know."

"I don't know either." Qian Muyu smiled and continued, "Sister Hua will advance to the seventh stage of the Saint Rank at noon tomorrow, and then ten thousand bees will come to stop it.

"Why would he do that?" Han Baoer was a little puzzled in her heart.

"I don't know about this, Sister Hua didn't say." Qian Muyu shrugged, thought for a while, and continued: "But I feel that it should be Wan Bee who wants the core of Sister Hua, and wants to use the core of Sister Hua to improve his potential, so as to improve his strength.

"After all, the ten divine trees are good things."

After Qian Muyu finished speaking, he took a sip of flower tea lightly, "It's so sweet, I like it."

Han Baoer stared at the flower tea in her hand, her eyebrows wrinkled slightly, then released, and looked at Qian Muyu and said, "Sister Hua can give us nectar, can't we give that ten thousand bees?" "

The little butterfly is now the second stage of the Saint Level, and the nectar of the seventh stage of the Saint Rank is still somewhat useful for the little butterfly of the second stage of the Saint Level, but it is of little use to the Ten Thousand Bees of the Sixth Stage of the Holy Level." Qian Muyu continued with a smile: "A bee clan that can rise to the sixth stage of the Saint level is not a simple bee. "

This kind of bee, its own potential has basically reached the top of the top, otherwise it will not rise to the sixth stage of the holy level, so he wants to continue to improve, then the core of Sister Hua is the only way for him to improve, and the only way he knows."

"After all, flowers are a great supplement for bees."

"I know that." Han Baoer rolled her eyes at him, she was not stupid, of course she knew this.

It's just that she doesn't understand, why Sister Hua doesn't give him nectar and let him try it.

Qian Muyu looked at Han Baoer's pensive appearance and instantly understood.

So, he said with a smile: "How about I help you ask?"

"Still don't want it." Han Baoer thought about it and finally shook her head.

Although she gossiped, she was not yet to the bottom of the matter.

"Then I won't ask." Qian Muyu put down his mobile phone, picked up a square pastry on the table, dotted with a red petal, and stretched out towards Han Baoer, "Here, open your mouth."

Han Baoer's face was slightly rosy, looked to the sides, and then leaned over slightly and bit up, "Whoosh!" "


May 5.

Qian Muyu and Han Baoer were walking on the flower street, one drinking fruit tea and the other eating pastries, browsing the beautiful and fragrant flower scenery around them.

"This ball is delicious! Do you want to eat? "

Here's one."


Qian Muyu bit down on the balls handed over by Han Baoer, and his eyes lit up slightly, "Not bad!" Delicious! "

Hee-hee." Han Baoer stepped forward with a grin, turned to look at Qian Muyu, and smiled sweetly, "Do you still want it?"

"One more." Qian Muyu would not be polite with her.

I saw that he took a bite of the ball and chewed it in his mouth.

While eating the balls, he took a sip of fruit tea, looked at the lively and joyful atmosphere around him, and said with some unhappiness in his heart: "That guy is really damned, such a good atmosphere, it will be destroyed by him later."

Han Baoer nodded vigorously, "Indeed! "

Let's go." Qian Muyu looked at the flow of people heading towards the influx, turned his head to look at Han Baoer and said, "Sister Hua is coming out." "


Han Baoer and Qian Muyu were like ghosts, and easily came to the best viewing position.

Not long after they arrived, Mu'er came from the left with little butterflies, little white dragons, and little whales, while Old Pig and Fallen, Little White, Little Black, and Little Orange came from the right.

As for the eggshell, he was with Qian Muyu and Han Baoer, so at this time, he was lying next to Qian Muyu and Han Baoer, eating bones made of flowers.

"I'm exhausted." Little Tangerine snorted, turned into a ball of light, and flew into Han Baoer's body.

Qian Muyu looked at this scene, slightly stunned, and then said to the old pig: "Tired into the dream space, if you are not tired, you can continue to see." "

Sleepy." As soon as the old pig wanted to leave, he patted his butt and said, "Tired fart, I'll hold you!" Don't leave!

"Then I slept." Seeing that the old pig did not let go, he directly closed the pig's eyes and slept.

"Gone." On the other side, Xiao Hei said to Xiao Bai, and flew into Han Baoer's body.

Xiaobai yawned lazily, turned into a little white cat, jumped into Han Baoer's arms, and arched towards Han Baoer's chest, "Meow~ This cat is tired, squint for a while."

Han Bao'er stroked Xiaobai's hair and said to Xiao Whale and Xiao Bai Long: "Do you enter the dream space?"

Little Whale nodded and entered the dream space, while Little White Dragon shook his head and said, "I want to play a little longer."

"Good." Han Baoer smiled slightly and chatted with them about the fun of the flower fragrance festival.

A few minutes later, chatting idly they heard a sudden shout in front of them and looked up collectively.

I saw that an old grandmother, surrounded by everyone, walked under a towering tree, using all kinds of strange wood and various brightly colored flowers to build a stage.

"Flower God?" Han Baoer looked towards Qian Muyu.

"It's not." Qian Muyu shook his head, "It's not the Flower God, it's the subordinates of the Flower God, Hua Dan, who is about the same age as the ancestor."

"The usual flower fragrance festival is all ended by her."

Han Baoer nodded slightly and continued to listen to Grandma Dan's words.

Not long after, Grandma Dan, under the cheers of everyone, showed an amiable smile, walked to the side, turned slightly sideways, and spoke: "Let's greet His Royal Highness the Flower God together!"

Grandma Dan's words fell, and colorful petals instantly fell in the sky, and a figure that fell into the country, accompanied by petals, appeared next to Grandma Dan.

Han Baoer smelled the flowers, looked at the flower god on the stage, and subconsciously exclaimed: "It's so fragrant!" So beautiful! "

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Priestess - Chapter 964

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