
Priestess - Chapter 965

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Priestess - Chapter 965
Listening to Han Baoer's blurted words, Qian Muyu was about to say two words, when he felt a murderous aura next to him.

Qian Muyu subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva, then looked at Han Bao'er, and said seriously: "Look at my eyes, look seriously."

Han Baoer was slightly stunned and silently looked towards Qian Muyu's eyes.

"See something?"


"Didn't I see you?"


Qian Muyu looked at Han Baoer, whose face turned red instantly, fell into shyness, lowered his head, and decisively attacked her tender cherry little mouth.


Han Baoer's eyes widened suddenly, looking at Qian Muyu with a smile in her eyes, her eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and she took a bite.

"Ugh!" Qian Muyu let go, screamed miserably, rubbed his lower lip, and said aggrieved to Han Bao'er: "What are you doing?"

"What are you doing!" Not to be outdone, Han Baoer glared at him.

Qian Muyu looked at Han Baoer's 'angry' appearance, lowered her head slightly, came to her ear, and whispered: "I kiss my baby." "

Bah!" Han Baoer subconsciously whispered, and looked at Qian Muyu with a red face: "You have become bad!"

"I'm already bad!" Qian Muyu held his head high.

They are all hundred-year-old, how can there be no bad truth.

Han Baoer gave him a blank look and whispered, "Mu'er, they are all watching!" Don't spoil them!

Qian Muyu said with a smile: "They are hundreds of years old and understand everything."

Saying that, Qian Muyu said to Mu'er, who was standing on the side watching the play, "You say, right."

When they heard this, they shook their heads as if they had been trained.

"Look." Han Baoer pointed to Mu'er and smiled at Qian Muyu: "They don't understand."

Qian Muyu was silent for an instant, he didn't want to speak.

Seeing this, Han Baoer snorted proudly at Qian Muyu.

Qian Muyu looked at the proud Han Baoer, directly stretched out his hand, and rubbed her cheeks, "Hehe, make you proud."

"Hmm!" Han Baoer's eyes widened again, and this time she didn't hesitate to strike and rub Qian Muyu's cheeks.

While the two were frolicking, the flower god standing on the stage also finished what she wanted to say to everyone.

I saw that her palms merged into fists, placed them on her chest, closed her eyes, and said softly: "May the city of flowers and fragrance prosper forever!" Grandma

Dan: "May the city of flowers prosper forever!" Residents

of Flower City: "May Flower City prosper forever!" "


Qian Muyu and Han Baoer listened to the shouts, and also shouted: "May the city of flowers and fragrance prosper forever!" The

next moment, dazzling light instantly rushed out from the flower god's body, bursts of fragrance wafted around, and the flower god slowly rose under the light and fragrance.

At the same time, a graceful giant tree shadow appeared behind the flower god.

"Is this the Flower God Tree?" Han Baoer said to herself: "It's so beautiful!" "

It's starting to advance." Qian Muyu said, instantly concentrating, always ready to attack.

He won't let Wan Bee ruin Sister Hua's promotion, after all, Sister Hua is his chance!

Whoever destroys his chance is a mortal enemy!

Ten thousand bees did not hide in the crowd as he thought, thus carrying out a sneak attack, but the bright light appeared not far in front of the flower god.

Ten thousand bees appeared silently, directly making the crowd who were waiting for the gift of the flower god stupid and confused....

Grandma Dan flew up and looked at Wan Bee, her eyes revealed a trace of anger, a trace of sadness, "You finally came." Wan

Bee put his hands in his pockets with a smile in his eyes, "Grandma Dan, long time no see."

Grandma Dan sighed deeply, "You shouldn't have come.

"But I came anyway." Wan Bee was very relaxed, not in any hurry, standing calmly in the air, ignoring one strong person after another who flew into the sky.

Grandma Dan's face turned red and she shouted angrily, "Can't you really just wait? "

Too slow." Wan Bee shook his head, "It's only a thousand years to reach the seventh stage of the Saint Level, how long are you going to make me wait?" And how long can you wait yourself? "

Qian Muyu is right, the nectar of the seventh stage of the saint level is indeed useless to him, but the nectar of the ninth stage of the saint level is useful to him.

But he can't wait, and he doesn't want to wait for the future that he can't count and control.

Wan Bee looked at Grandma Dan, who was so angry that he couldn't speak, and continued: "Even if I wait, I have to reach the seventh stage of the Saint Level, then how much life do I have to have to allow me to rise to the eighth and ninth stages of the Saint Level, or even the legendary Ten Stages of the Saint Level?" "

I'm not a Shenmu species, I don't have such a long lifespan, I'm just a bee of the phantom beast species, and my lifespan is a little more than that of the Terrans, this... Don't say it. "

Because the Terrans are powerful and have various advantages, their lifespan is the lowest race in Dream Star, and there is no one.

There used to be, but because the Terrans were 'transformed' by the dream gods, they were gone.

Paying a little life for a strong strength is still very reasonable in the eyes of the dream beast.

There are races that pay for lifespan, races that pay for fertility, races that pay for insensibility, races....

In short, powerful races have given something, these things, big and small, many and less....

Qian Muyu listened to the conversation between Grandma Dan and Wan Bee, and said with a smile: "I probably understand the relationship between them."

"I get it too." Han Baoer looked at Wan Bee expressionlessly and said softly, "He deserves to die!"

"Indeed." Qian Muyu silently took a sip of fruit tea and said with a smile: "Then... Send him on his way. "

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Priestess - Chapter 965

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