
Priestess - Chapter 966

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Priestess - Chapter 966
"It's almost time, Grandma Dan, get out of the way, I don't want to hurt you, and you." Wan Bee looked at Grandma Dan, and then at the panicked masses below.

"Hmph." Grandma Dan snorted softly and continued, "It seems that you still have a little conscience.

"Spend everything faster, I won't do this." As Wan Bee spoke, he slowly raised his left hand, and thousands of bee swarms gradually appeared behind him.

"Ten Thousand Bees (Ten Thousand Flowers Divine Bee)

Level: Saint Level Six Stage

Species: Phantom Beast Species

Quality: Colorful

Attributes: Wood

Dream Technique: Ten Thousand Flowers Bee Domain, Bee God Needle, Ten Thousand Flowers Bee Shadow ...

Ten Thousand Flowers Bee Domain: The unique domain technique of the Ten Thousand Flowers Divine Bee, a field composed of thousands of bees and flowers, has strong confusion and interference, and its bees and flowers also have strong aggression.


Qian Muyu read it and told Han Bao'er about the skills of Ten Thousand Bees, he heard Grandma Dan's voice coming from above.

Grandma Dan looked at the operation of Wan Bee and was completely dead, so she decisively looked at the crowd below and said, "Your Excellency." "

Leave it to me." Qian Muyu put away the fruit tea in his hand and appeared directly in front of Grandma Dan.

Wan Bee was not surprised by this scene, and he still felt strange if he didn't come.

He looked at Qian Muyu, who appeared directly in front of him, and said with a smile: "What reward did Sister Hua give you?" "

It's just four drops of nectar." Qian Muyu said.

"Four drops of nectar." Wan Bee muttered, looked at the flower god who was advancing, and said softly: "You are really willing!"

Qian Muyu asked Grandma Dan curiously, "Is nectar precious?" "

He knew nectar, but he didn't know how much nectar the flower god could produce.

Grandma Dan responded: "The flower god has ascended to the seventh stage of the holy level, and can have seven drops of nectar.

"So little!" Qian Muyu was slightly startled, then looked at Wan Bee and smiled: "That's not bad."

Grandma Dan looked at Qian Muyu and didn't ask, and didn't continue.

In fact, nectar is not only available when it is promoted, as long as the heavenly material and the treasure eat more, the nectar can also be produced, even if it is not eaten, it will produce nectar every few decades.

Qian Muyu looked at Wan Bee, who had a somewhat jealous face, and continued, "What about your reinforcements?" Wan

Bee took a deep look at him and flew directly towards the sky.

"It seems that you are still saved." Qian Muyu followed with a smile.

Looking at this scene, Grandma Dan couldn't help but feel a little lighter in her heart, turned to look at the flower god, and muttered: "You are right, he still has some conscience, but we spoiled him too much, causing him to go astray." "

Above the sky.

Qian Muyu's body instantly burst into a dazzling combined light.

Immediately afterwards, holding a wooden knife and waving six pairs of black wings, he appeared in front of Wan Bee.

"Qian Muyu!" Wan Bee looked at Qian Muyu in shock, and his eyebrows instantly furrowed.

He really didn't expect that the reinforcement of the Flower God turned out to be the leader of the Twelve Wings Guild, Qian Muyu!

At the same time, after feeling Qian Muyu's strength that was not on par with him, he instantly fell silent.

He didn't expect that in just a few decades, Qian Muyu had entered the sixth stage of the Saint Rank and become a Saint with the same strength as him!

Qian Muyu looked at the silent Wanbee and said with a smile: "To be honest, my luck is a little good, I didn't expect that when I went out with my wife and came to Wanhua Country to play, Wanhua Country happened to be holding the Wanhua Festival." "

Wan Bee is not in a hurry, he does not recommend talking to him more.

"Is this my destiny?" Wan Bee listened to Qian Muyu's words, felt the figure that appeared behind him, and his mood was instantly bad.

"I'm not convinced!" Wan Bee suddenly roared madly at Qian Muyu, turned around, and rushed towards the Flower God who was advancing below with the group of peaks.

He wanted to have a good fight, but the current environment no longer allowed him to do so, so he decisively chose the best way.

Kill the flower god, take out the core, and run!

"Here, don't think about leaving." Qian Muyu's left hand opened, and the virtual arena instantly spread from under his feet, shrouding the entire sky.

Virtual Arena, a simplified version of the Deathmatch Arena, a dream skill he acquired as a teenager, a dream skill that can trap people.

Although the effect of the virtual arena is not as powerful as the deathmatch arena, for him, it is enough to trap people.

The trapped person still needs a little time to break the virtual arena he released, which is completely enough for him and Bao'er to kill the target dozens or hundreds of times.

"Deathmatch Arena?" Wan Bee looked at the surrounding environment and shouted in shock: "It's not right! This is a virtual arena!

"Congratulations on getting it right, it's a pity that there is no reward." Qian Muyu and Han Baoer appeared on both sides of him, and they were swords and swords.

The virtual arena is one of his hole cards, and he has basically never released it, so almost no one except his little friend knows that he has this dream skill.

Ten thousand bees looked at the attack, quickly commanded the bee swarm to block, and the strength of its own saint-level sixth stage also suddenly broke out at this time, the swarm of bees flew around, and the surrounding ten thousand flowers appeared out of thin air, and the bees and flowers quickly surrounded Qian Muyu and Han Baoer.

Qian Muyu, who was in the domain of ten thousand flowers bees, rose in the field of death under his feet, and pieces of bees and flowers instantly turned into corpses under the breath of death, and withered petals.

The Ten Thousand Flowers Bee Domain around Qian Muyu did not have a trace of resistance in front of the Death Realm, and was directly destroyed by the powerful corrosive and destructive of the Death Realm.

On the other side, various terrifying visions appeared around Han Baoer, and before the bees and flowers came to her side, they were destroyed by various attribute visions, some were invisibly divided into several pieces, some of them were invisibly divided into several pieces, some of them were burned to the ground, some suddenly disappeared, disappeared, and some ...

Wan Bee looked at the realm of its own destruction and fell into a brief silence.

"Go, stop them." When he asked the surrounding swarm to stop Qian Muyu and Han Baoer, he decisively turned around and ran.

Qian Muyu looked at the fleeing ten thousand bees, and did not rush to catch up, but unhurriedly killed the swept swarm of bees.

Wan Bee looked at the interface not far away, his right hand flung back hard, and the terrifying turquoise dream power instantly condensed on his right hand.

Immediately afterwards, he turned into a needle with his right hand, and shouted at the interface with lightning speed: "Bee God needle!" With

a loud bang, the virtual arena began to shake under the powerful attack, and after shaking, it returned to calm.

After Wan Bee watched the broken interface in front of him quickly recover and be intact, he fell silent again.

Qian Muyu, who rushed over, looked at Wan Bee and smiled: "The defensive power of this enchantment is okay."

While speaking, he was actually surprised in his heart, he didn't expect that the power of this blow of Ten Thousand Bees would be so strong! I almost punched a hole in the interface!

"Sure enough, every Saint Rank Sixth-Stage Saint cannot be underestimated!" Qian Muyu muttered silently in his heart, not waiting for Wan Bee to respond, and directly launched a final attack with Han Baoer.

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Priestess - Chapter 966

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