
Priestess - Chapter 967

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Priestess - Chapter 967
> Wanhua Square.

When Qian Muyu and them were fighting in the sky, Grandma Dan was not idle, but organized chaotic discipline on the scene with others.

The crowd participating in this Ten Thousand Flowers Festival, under the efforts of Grandma Dan, gradually quieted down, closed their eyes one by one, and began to pray, praying that the flower god would successfully advance.

As time passed, the flower god floating in the sky suddenly opened her eyes, and a terrifying aura instantly rushed out of her body, and countless pollen appeared in the sky out of thin air at this moment, floating towards the crowd below.

The crowd who closed their eyes and prayed smelled the richer fragrance of flowers, and collectively opened their eyes and looked towards the flower god one by one excitedly.

"People of Flower City, tourists from all over the world, please enjoy this moment." The flower god floating in the sky smiled slightly at the crowd below, and then received the seven flower dew in front of her into her body.

"You made it!" Grandma Dan came over and said joyfully.

The flower god nodded with a smile and said to Grandma Dan: "Grandma Dan, the matter of pollen troubles you." Grandma

Dan shook her head, looked up and said, "They."

"I'll take a look." The flower god said, and flew directly into the clouds.

Seeing this, Grandma Dan breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, and decisively began to collect the core pollen around them with the others, and assigned it to the cultivation goals in their hearts.

Pollen is also divided into three, six and nine, but the better the pollen, the smaller the quantity.

Above the sky, when the flower god arrived, Qian Muyu and they just ended the battle.

"You're late." Qian Muyu carried the ten thousand bees that had just been imprisoned by him, and continued towards the flower god: "Do you still want this guy?" If you don't want me, I'll kill.

Hua Shen looked at Qian Muyu, who wanted to make a move, and quickly shouted: "Don't!" I'm going to! "

No matter how Wan Bee is said, she is also a child she has worked hard to cultivate, if she is directly cut by a knife, she will not lose her death."

Although Wan Bee made a mistake and wanted to take her core, she still felt the last trace of kindness in his heart.

Qian Muyu threw the ten thousand bees in his hand to the flower god and asked curiously, "Do you need me to do anything?" "

He didn't kill Ten Thousand Bees directly, it was when we talked a few days ago, the flower god asked him not to kill.

Take other people's things, of course he will do what he says.

Hua Shen looked at the silent Wan Bee in front of him, sighed slightly, shook his head, looked up at Qian Muyu and said, "No need, I'll come by myself."

Qian Muyu nodded and didn't say anything more, after all, this is not his family's business.

"It's four drops of nectar." A shimmer of light appeared in the flower god's body, and four drops of nectar appeared in her hand and handed it to Qian Muyu.

"Thank you!" Qian Muyu immediately took the nectar and put it into the container that had been prepared earlier.

Immediately afterwards, he chatted with the flower god, and then left here with Han Baoer and returned to his residence in Flower City.

"Brother Mu Yu, how do you think Sister Hua will clean up ten thousand bees." Han Baoer sat on the sofa and looked towards Qian Muyu, who was standing there.

"If nothing else, the flower god should have enslaved him." Qian Muyu said, and released Mu'er and the little butterfly.

No matter how kind the flower god is, he will not do nothing, so in his opinion, it is inevitable to let ten thousand bees sign a slave contract.

"Is that true?" Han Baoer muttered and continued, "When Sister Hua advanced to the seventh stage of the Saint Rank, she was so fragile.

Qian Muyu thought for a moment and said, "This should be her own reason." "

Everyone's promotion situation is different, some people will have most of the combat effectiveness when they advance, some people have no combat effectiveness at all, and some after the promotion, their injuries are all recovered, and their dream power is full....

In short, there will be some differences when everyone advances.

Wan Bee also thought that he knew what state the flower god would be when he advanced, so he chose to attack on this day.

Han Baoer watched Qian Muyu take out the nectar and asked, "Are you going to give the little butterfly to eat now?" Not taking a day off?

Qian Muyu looked at the nectar in his hand, paused slightly, then silently put it away, scratched his head with a smile and said, "Yes, then use it in a few days." When

Han Baoer heard this, she subconsciously gave him a blank look.

A few days later.

Qian Muyu glanced at the four drops of nectar surrounding the little butterfly, and said to the little butterfly: "Don't be nervous, relax, just eat it drop by drop." "

If you don't eat it together, it's because he is afraid that the nectar will be too fierce and the little butterflies will be indigestion, so drop by drop is more stable."

"Hmm!" The little butterfly nodded vigorously, took a deep breath, and sent a drop of nectar into her mouth.

Five seconds later, Han Baoer looked at the little butterfly that was motionless and wondered, "Is it useless?" Qian

Muyu's eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and just as he was about to respond, a light and dark dual attribute shimmer gradually emanated from the little butterfly's body.

Looking at this scene, Qian Muyu breathed a sigh of relief in his heart and spoke, "Continue." The

little butterfly opened its eyes and put a second drop of nectar into its mouth.

Immediately afterward, she sent it every ten seconds, until she had all four drops of nectar in her mouth, she really closed her eyes and began to digest the remaining nectar in her body.

In the process of sending in and digesting, the shimmer around her became more and more dazzling, until it enveloped her whole body.

Qian Muyu looked at the little butterfly wrapped in two-color light, silently took out a cup of fruit tea, and drank it while staring at the little butterfly.

An hour later, Qian Muyu, who had drunk two cups of fruit tea, watched the light on the little butterfly gradually dissipate, and his face showed a bright smile, "It's done!"

Mu'er looked at the more delicate little butterfly in the light and said with joy: "The little butterfly has become more beautiful!"

Han Baoer was surprised: "The effect of nectar is so strong!" Directly remove the impurities in the body of the little butterfly!

"I feel that our relationship with the Flower Country can be further advanced." Qian Muyu watched the panel of the little butterfly change from the emperor moth yin yang butterfly to the yin and yang holy butterfly, and after the second stage of the holy level became the third stage of the holy level, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise slightly.

The effect of nectar is really too strong, especially in removing impurities.

In the process of transformation and promotion, there will be more or less impurities left in the body of each dream beast, which will not have anything in normal times, but at the emperor level and saint level, this impurity can require you to spend a lot of cleaning class heavenly materials and earth treasures to remove, or use more advanced heavenly materials and earth treasures to fuse it and let it become your help.

To put it simply, there are two ways to go further, the first is to clean up your own impurities and make yourself more pure, and the second is to use a more powerful heavenly material and earth treasure to fuse it and make it a true part of your body.

Judging from the changes in the little butterfly's body, it is obvious that she has removed her own impurities, so clean that she does not even have the word 'moth', and has become a pure butterfly.

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Priestess - Chapter 967

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