
Priestess - Chapter 968

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Priestess - Chapter 968
After the little butterfly transformed from the emperor moth yin yang butterfly to the yin and yang holy butterfly, Qian Muyu and Han Baoer continued to play in Flower City for a few days, and at the same time discussed some things with the flower god of Flower City City and established friendly relations, and then left Flower Fragrance City.

After leaving Flower City, they traveled all the way to Sky City and began a new round of retreat.

February 22, 2222.

On this very 2nd day, a voice that will never be forgotten sounded in the ears of the world.

"Good afternoon everyone, I'm Xiao Meng, I'm here again."

Qian Muyu, who was in retreat, suddenly opened his eyes, appeared outside the house, looked up at the sky, and looked at the dream god who was sitting on the clouds as always, he couldn't help muttering: "What's wrong again?"

"Dream God really chooses the time, it's 2:22." Han Baoer appeared next to Qian Muyu, looking at the dream god with shaking legs in the sky, with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

Mengshen looked at the various shocked, fearful, and doubtful expressions below, and was very satisfied.

So, she continued to speak: "Don't panic, this time the change is not big, it is to give you benefits."

"As for why I changed it now, it's because I struggled for a long time, watched it for a long time, revised it for a long time, and finally chose a very 2 day to inform you."

"As for what has been modified and added, please listen slowly."

Mengshen looked at the creatures in his world, shook his legs, and grinned: "Since the introduction of the leaderboard general list function, many geniuses on the list have been damaged in advance because of the overall list, which makes my heart ache, so I have decided now that the leaderboard function will return to its original appearance and delete the total list of each list."

"That is to say, as long as you don't make the list, you don't know how much strength you can rank now."

"There are dangers in being on the list, but there are also opportunities, so whether you are on the list or not, it is up to you."

Opening the general list and not opening the general list are two concepts, opening the general list, people look at the number one in the total list, and they know the gold content of the first list.

If you don't open it, people only know that you are the first on this list, and they don't know if you are really the first, and they don't know how many are stronger than you, so that they will converge a little and not be so aggressive.

After all, killing a list is not such an easy thing, but they will consider the consequences and consider whether it is worth doing.

"That's good." Qian Muyu smiled, he was still very satisfied with the modification of this content.

After all, there are quite a few geniuses in their family.

"The leaderboard feature is now turned off and will be reopened in a day, when you have the opportunity to choose not to be on the list again, and the rewards will be distributed on time."

The voice of the dream god sounded again, and all the geniuses who heard this news couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief in their hearts.

At the same time, this message is really good news for geniuses who like to be invincible.

Seeing the reactions of all living beings, Mengshen was extremely satisfied in his heart, so he continued: "In order for you to obtain more resources, I have newly built a trial field called 'Heavenly Ladder'.

"The ladder has ten floors, and the rewards you get after each level will be upgraded by a notch, and the rewards will be distributed when you clear the ten floors, or give up the challenge, or fail the challenge." Mengshen raised three fingers and continued with a smile: "The reward issued is to choose one of the three, and choose one of the three.

"Aren't you excited to hear this?"

"It's right to be excited, after all, I'm a little dream that everyone loves."

Qian Muyu looked at the narcissistic dream god, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise slightly, "This trial is indeed good."

After hearing all kinds of praise, the dream god continued beautifully: "Are you excited to enter the heavenly ladder now and go to the trial?

"Don't worry, everyone, there is something about the ladder, I haven't finished talking about it." Meng Shen calmly continued, "Everyone can enter the Heavenly Ladder once per strength stage.

"To put it simply, the apprentice can enter once, the junior can enter once, and the advanced can enter once..."

Mengshen snapped his fingers and looked up directly: "In short, this is probably what it means."

"By the way, the number of times cannot be accumulated, after the current stage, if you do not enter the ladder, you will lose the opportunity to get a reward forever."

"Therefore, you who enter the Saint Rank only have one chance to enter the Heavenly Ladder."

"What you can get in the Heavenly Ladder depends on your own strength."

Qian Muyu listened to the words of the dream god, and his face couldn't help but show a hint of puzzlement, "It's a pity."

"Where and how to enter the ladder does not need to pay a price." Mengshen looked at their excited expressions and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I'll tell you now."

"To enter the Heavenly Ladder, first you must find the Heavenly Tower."

"The way to obtain the Heavenly Tower is very simple, in the exchange column of the major guilds."

"That's right, as long as you have a guild, you can exchange it for the Heavenly Tower."

"The redemption points of the Sky Tower are one million."

"A million points, don't tell me no."

Qian Muyu looked at Mengshen with a playful expression and said softly: "This should be used back to the original." "

Points actually represent death, with points, there is naturally death, and one million points means that at least one emperor-level powerhouse has left this world.

"The sky tower appears out of thin air, can appear anywhere, and can be recycled at any time."

"Of course, the premise of recycling is that no one in the heavenly tower can be tested."

Mengshen shook his foot, took out a cup of fruit tea, took a sip, and continued: "The ladder is not free to enter, you need points to enter the ladder, as for how many points are needed, you will know when you go in, I won't go into detail."

"In short, the benefits are given to you, if you want, go and get them yourself."

He wanted to give them in for free, but the world didn't allow it, and his vault wouldn't allow him to do so, so he could only charge a modest fee.

As for the cost, as long as you can pass the fifth level, then you will earn a little, below the fifth level, all are losses, more than five levels, one level will earn more than one level.

"That's all I want to say this time." Mengshen shook the fruit tea he had drunk in his hand and continued, "Finally, I wish everyone to get the treasures they want in the heavenly ladder.

After that, he smiled slightly at the world and disappeared from the eyes of the world.

Qian Muyu touched his chin and thought for a few seconds, then the voice of the ancestor came from his mind, "Come here, it's a meeting."

Qian Muyu turned his head to look at Han Baoer and smiled, "Let's go." "

Hmm!" Han Baoer nodded and disappeared in place with Qian Muyu.

Two hours later, five 100-meter-high sky towers appeared in the central area of Sky City, and the four areas of east, west, south and north.

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Priestess - Chapter 968

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