
Priestess - Chapter 969

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Priestess - Chapter 969
After more than an hour of meeting, the core leadership of Sky City unanimously decided to open the Sky Tower to the people of Sky City for free, and at the same time build five Sky Towers for the people of Sky City to choose.

For outsiders, they decide to charge some dream coins in moderation, and the amount of dream coins collected is determined by the strength of outsiders, and the stronger the strength, the more fees will be charged.

As for why they didn't charge points, they thought for a few seconds, and finally rejected this plan and decided to charge some dream coins.

As for why it was not open to outsiders for free, they also thought about it, but after thinking about it, they felt that it was not very good for their own people, so they charged a little fee symbolically.

After the five heavenly towers appeared out of thin air, the surrounding area was instantly filled with crowds.

None of them rushed forward, but gathered around, watching the major leaders guarding the four gates of the Heavenly Tower.

Not long after, Qian Muyu flew out of the conference room and appeared in the sky, looking at the residents of Sky City and smiled: "Don't worry, everyone, let's explore a way for you."

Saying that, he directly leaned over and flew into the sky tower located in the center of Sky City.

At the moment he flew in, 50% of the masters of Sky City at the royal level and above flew into the Sky Tower from different directions.

The moment Qian Muyu entered the Heavenly Tower, an emotionless mechanical voice sounded in his mind.

"May I ask if you pay 50 million points to open the Heavenly Ladder Trial?"

"Only 50 million?" Qian Muyu was slightly stunned, he thought he wanted 100 million!

"May I ask if you pay 50 million points to open the Heavenly Ladder Trial?"

Seeing that Qian Muyu did not respond, the voice of the system sounded again.

When Qian Muyu heard this, he said with a smile: "Yes." "

In the points inquiry... After the points are deducted, the trial begins. "

So soon?" Qian Muyu looked at the figure that appeared not far away, and directly entered the state of fit.

"The first level of the Ladder Trial, the first test will start in one minute, please be prepared."

"Okay, urgent." Qian Muyu shook his head with a smile and began to look at the pig-headed man not far away.

"Old pig, your brother."

"I'm a pure pig! Not a pig-headed man! "


Qian Muyu laughed twice, feeling the saint-level five-stage aura emanating from the pig-headed man's body, and said with a smile: "The bottom test is worthy of the bottom test." "

One is the fifth stage of the holy level, and the second is not the sixth stage of the holy level."

Qian Muyu muttered, and the system's voice sounded in the heavenly ladder space, "When the time comes, the trial begins!" In

an instant, Qian Muyu swung his knife away, and the terrifying death knife instantly rushed out, directly drowning the pig-headed man who had not yet reacted.

"Congratulations on your successful breakthrough, may I ask if you have entered the second level of the ladder?"

"Choose yes, you will enter the second level, and if you fail the second level, the reward will not change."

"Choose No, and you'll be rewarded with one of three options."

"It's too weak." Qian Muyu looked at the disappearing corpse, raised his head and shouted, "Yes!"

"The second level of the Ladder Trial, the second level of the Bottom Test will start in a minute, please be prepared."

Qian Muyu looked at the Saint Grade Sixth-Stage giant two-headed crocodile that appeared in front of him with his voice, and said, "Sure enough, it's the Saint-level Sixth-Stage." "

After the Saint Grade Six Stage, it shouldn't be the Saint Grade Seventh Stage..."

Before he could think for long, his voice sounded again.

Two minutes later, Qian Muyu collected the knife and looked at the one-eyed man not far away who exuded the aura of the fifth stage of the Saint Level, and muttered, "The demon of the fifth stage of the Saint Level?

"If it is, then the fourth level should be the demon in the sixth stage of the holy level."

Five minutes later, Qian Muyu looked at the opponent of the fourth level and said with a smile: "Sure enough, I am really a genius!" "

The fourth level is a saint-level six-stage demon, then the fifth level is not necessarily a saint-level seven-stage."

Although the ordinary Saint Grade Seventh Stage is strong, no matter how strong it is, there is a high chance that he will not be able to defeat the demons in the Saint Grade Sixth Stage, so the fifth layer, he really can't guess.

Can't guess, destroy him and you will know.

So, he spent seven minutes and softly solved the opponent of the fourth level.

"It's getting harder."

Although he is very strong, this is not an intermediate level, a high level, but a holy level!

A saint-level demon is not something you can easily drop, and even if you fight easily, it will take some time to kill him.

"The fifth level of the Heavenly Ladder Trial will begin in a minute, please be prepared."

"This should be the real first hurdle." Qian Muyu looked at a man holding a flower staff and a giant rhinoceros not far away, and couldn't help licking his lips, "I really didn't expect that the opponent of this real first level would be two saint-level seven-dan opponents!"

"Under normal circumstances, two ordinary Saint Grade Seven Stages are indeed stronger than Saint Grade Six Stage Demons."

The holy level is not the intermediate level, the advanced ones can be easily crossed the level, can be promoted to the holy level are all the top demons of all races, not the demon can not be promoted to the holy level, especially the sixth stage, the seventh stage, that is the level that every top power lord has.

Therefore, if you want to leapfrog the level in the holy level, the difficulty is not ordinary.

"This reward is not easy to get!" Qian Muyu sighed slightly, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and as the voice sounded, he flew directly into the sky, and several figures flew out from his body, enveloping the two.

Immediately afterwards, pieces of death blades, like falling stars, struck towards the two people below from all directions.

Boom boom....

"Congratulations on your successful breakthrough, may I ask if you have entered the sixth level of the Heavenly Ladder?"

In the roar, Qian Muyu yawned lazily, "Yes." "

The sixth level of the Heavenly Ladder Trial will begin in ten minutes, please be prepared."

After hearing that it was not a minute, but ten minutes, Qian Muyu couldn't help but laugh and said, "The dream god still has some conscience. "

If it's all one minute, he's really not sure to get to the tenth level.

Now with 10 minutes, that means there can be 15 minutes, 20 minutes, and more recovery time later.

With sufficient recovery time, the difficulty will be greatly reduced.

"Holy Eight?" Qian Muyu's eyebrows wrinkled slightly, which was a little bad.

Ordinary Saint Eight, he can indeed deal with it, but Saint Nine, he may not be able to fight.

As for Saint Ten, he didn't dare to think about it.

"Sure enough, the stronger the strength, the harder it is to fight the heavenly ladder!"

Qian Muyu sighed a little in his heart, and a terrifying dream aura instantly rushed out of his body and attacked the mighty man holding a tiger tooth machete on the opposite side.

The mighty man did not panic at all, and an identical aura rushed out from his body and blasted towards Qian Muyu's dream qi.

"It turned out to be a Terran!" Qian Muyu muttered in surprise, and then said with a smile: "But unfortunately, a shadow is a shadow after all, only strength, not intelligence." After

playing five levels, he found that although they were very strong, they were always a little worse than those of the real ranks, and this point was spiritual intelligence.

In the absence of spiritual intelligence, their strength can only be exerted by 80% at most in his opinion.

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Priestess - Chapter 969

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