
Priestess - Chapter 970

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Priestess - Chapter 970
With a bang, Qian Muyu appeared behind the mighty man with the airflow, turned the knife, and stabbed towards the mighty man's heart without a trace of hesitation.

Although the mighty man does not have intelligence, he still has instincts.

I saw that his body was slightly on one side, and the machete in his hand was like a hot wheel, swinging towards the rear.

Qian Muyu did not panic at all, and did not stop the movement in his hand, but stabbed fiercely in the body of the mighty man.

At this time, the mighty man's machete also swung on Qian Muyu's armor, and because of the strong strength, Qian Muyu held the wooden knife and directly took several steps backwards before stopping.

"What a power!" Qian Muyu looked at the mighty man who attacked again, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and he held the wooden knife tightly, which was a death stab at him.

Although the shadow does not have spiritual intelligence, it also does not know pain, only kills!

It won't stop its attack until it is destroyed.

Therefore, in Qian Muyu's view, this phenomenon has disadvantages and advantages.

The advantage is that the shadow can only exert 80% of its strength, and the disadvantage is that it does not know pain and will continue to attack until death.

As for what counts as death, look at the transparency of the shadow.

When the shadow comes out, it is physical, and as long as you attack its vital point, its body will become more transparent until it disappears.

Qian Muyu's blow just now knocked most of the mighty man through.

Ten minutes later, Qian Muyu cut off the mighty man's head with a knife, stood on the ground, and silently released a holy healing technique on himself.

His own injuries disappeared directly under the Holy Healing Technique.

"Congratulations on your successful breakthrough, may I ask if you have entered the seventh level of the Heavenly Ladder?"

Qian Muyu did not speak, but silently took out a pill, threw it into his mouth, and chewed it.

"Please make a choice within one minute, and if you have not made a choice after one minute, we will default to your end of the Ladder Trial."

"Well, you really can't get stuck bugs." Qian Muyu smiled and shouted, "Yes!" "

Before, he used to shout 'yes' directly, but this time he wanted to try to see if he could get a bug, but the result was obvious, he didn't get it.

"The seventh level of the Heavenly Ladder Trial will begin in fifteen minutes, please be prepared."

"This is the black dragon?" Qian Muyu looked at the familiar dragon figure that appeared not far away, and was stunned for a moment.

The appearance of this dragon was familiar to him, after all, he would meet from time to time.

"They are all dreamers!"

He had this guess before, but now after seeing the black dragon, this guess directly became affirmative.

Before the reincarnation of the black dragon, he was a saint-level seventh-stage, so he was not surprised that he appeared here.

As for why the seventh level is a saint-level seventh dan and not a saint-level ninth dan instead, of course, the black dragon is a demon in the saint-level seventh dan of the holy level!

The saint-level seven-stage demon is naturally stronger than the ordinary saint-level eight-dan demon.

"The seventh level is a saint-level seven-stage demon, then if the eighth level is not unexpected, it should be two saint-level eight-dan demons, or a saint-level eight-stage demon sins, or a saint-level nine-dan demon."

The bored Qian Muyu was fantasizing about the opponent in the next level, and he did not put the black dragon in front of him in his eyes at all.

Fifteen minutes later, the lazy Qian Muyu instantly burst out with terrifying strength and killed towards the black dragon.

To deal with the enemies in the ladder, he directly used his 100% strength, rather than hiding it.

Usually hiding it is afraid of being seen through, but now he is not afraid, after all, this is the dream god's thing, not someone else's, so he can unscrupulously exert all his strength here to quickly solve the enemy.

Twenty minutes later, with an unwilling dragon roar, the battle came to an end.

"The Black Dragon King is a bit strong! It took me fifty percent of my dream energy!

Qian Muyu hurriedly took out two pills, a flower, and the flower wrapped in the pill and stuffed it into his mouth, and began to recover his dream energy.

As the difficulty soared, he didn't dare to waste a little time recovering.

"The eighth level of the Heavenly Ladder Trial will begin in thirty minutes, please be prepared."

"From the eighth level, every time you successfully pass the level, we will restore all your dream energy so that you can fight to your heart's content."

When Qian Muyu heard this, he instantly opened his eyes and muttered, "The attitude of the dream god towards demons is a bit good!"

"I just don't know what it's for."

Dream God's operation over the years, he actually knows in his heart, the main purpose is to cultivate demons like him, as for improving the overall strength of Dream Star, it is only incidental.

He knew, but he didn't know why the dream god did this?

Therefore, he was still very puzzled about the operation of the dream god.

As for this Heavenly Ladder Trial, when he entered the Heavenly Ladder Trial, he knew that even if you died here, you would not really die, because it was your spirit that entered here, not your whole person entering here, so even if you died, at most, your mental power would be damaged and you would be weak for a while.

Of course, to know all this, the main thing is that he is already a saint-level seventh-stage, and if he is still an emperor-level, he may not be able to see it.

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Priestess - Chapter 970

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