
Priestess - Chapter 972

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Priestess - Chapter 972
Qian Muyu looked at the Skeleton Emperor on the throne, and his pupils widened suddenly.

He is conscious!

Qian Muyu took a deep breath, and then smiled calmly at the Skeleton Emperor with his eyes: "Senior, you are indeed cool. "

Whether he is still alive or not, being able to rise to the tenth stage of the Saint Rank is indeed qualified for him to be honored as a senior.

"Haha, I think so too." The Skeleton Emperor laughed, changed his posture, and continued, "Are you wondering why I can speak?

"Indeed." Qian Muyu nodded, so far, the Skeleton Emperor was the first person to speak to him in the Heavenly Ladder Trial.

The Skeleton Emperor lay lazily on the throne and said with a smile: "The doubt is right, as for why I am here, it is because our rights are far greater than you think, so hurry up and rise to the Holy Rank Ten Rank, young man."

"We! Saint level ten dan! Qian Muyu was slightly startled in his heart, quickly found the key word him, and asked directly: "Senior, are there many strong people of the saint-level ten stages?"

"From ancient times to the present day, no more than ten fingers."

"So many?"

"Those who are dead are also counted in it."

Qian Muyu stood there silently, he did not chase after how many there were, but muttered, "So little."

The Skeleton Emperor looked at the silent Qian Muyu, subconsciously yawned, and then spoke: "Come on, young man, I'll go first." "

“???" When Qian Muyu heard this, he asked with a puzzled face: "Senior, don't you need to fight?"

"My own people are farting!" The Skeleton Emperor looked at Qian Muyu, who was instantly shocked, and said with a smile: "Terrans, Qin Tiancang."

After that, he smiled and disappeared in front of Qian Muyu.

"Groove!" Qian Muyu was directly shocked by Qin Tiancang's words and was speechless.

He really didn't expect that the Skeleton Emperor in front of him would be Qin Tiancang! The top powerhouse who established the status of the Terrans!

Immediately afterwards, Qian Muyu touched his chin and muttered, "From a human to a skeleton, shouldn't this be the price of his life until now?" "

If that's the case, he doesn't want to turn into a skeleton."

"I don't want to, I'll ask when I see you later." Qian Muyu shook his head, cleared the thoughts in his mind, looked at the scene of black pressure around him, and continued: "This should be considered as my pass, right?"

"Congratulations on your successful breakthrough, would you like to leave your name permanently in the Heavenly Tower Saint List?"

Qian Muyu asked calmly, "Is there any benefit?" "

Leave your name, you will get the world power of Dream Star, and the world power of Dream Star can increase your cultivation speed, combat effectiveness, and lucky value in Dream Star..."

"Without leaving your name, you will be listed anonymously, and the effect of anonymous listing is 50% of the real name list."

"Bull!" While Qian Muyu sighed at the generosity of the dream god, he couldn't help but muttered in his heart: "Sure enough, there are other worlds." "

If there are no other worlds, the dream god will not say 'the world power of the dream star', but will say 'the power of the world', so from here, he can be sure that there are other worlds.

He is no longer the little fart he used to be, and he has thought about other worlds that may exist, but he doesn't know where and how to go.

"Are you willing to leave your name permanently in the Heavenly Tower Saint List?"

The voice of the system sounded again, and Qian Muyu said with a smile: "Yes." "

He already has enough capital to get over those guys in the seventh stage of the Saint Level, so he won't continue to keep a low profile, not to mention that the public reward this time is not low.

A moment after he finished speaking, a list appeared in front of him.

"Heavenly Ladder Trial—Saint List"

Qian Muyu Saint Level Seventh Dan Terran


"Not bad." Qian Muyu looked at the list with only his own name and showed a satisfied smile.

Immediately afterwards, he asked, "Can't you see the other lists?"

"The other lists are available for outside viewing."

"Okay." Qian Muyu continued with a smile: "What about my reward?

"Congratulations on your successful completion, please choose one of the following three items."

After the system voice disappeared, a blue virtual interface appeared in front of Qian Muyu, and the three items of this trial were displayed on the virtual interface.

"Two fruits, one fire." Qian Muyu looked towards the names below the three items.

Light God Fruit (Colorful): A large number of light attribute heavenly materials and earth treasures have been tempered by light and dark god fire for ten thousand years, and then grow into fruits.

Dark God Fruit (Colorful Fruit): A large number of dark attribute heavenly materials and earth treasures have been quenched by light and dark god fire for ten thousand years, and then grown into fruits.

Light and Dark God Fire (Colorful): The world's top exotic fire, with powerful light and dark power.

"Doesn't it work?" Qian Muyu said as he went towards the Light and Dark God Fire Point.

Although he couldn't see the effect, it didn't prevent him from choosing Light and Dark Divine Fire.

"Are you sure you want to choose Light and Dark Divine Fire?"


After Qian Muyu clicked the OK button, a flame burning with the power of light and darkness appeared in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, he quickly took out the container and stuffed the Light and Dark God Fire into it.

Just after stuffing, the container turns into air.


Muyu blinked his eyes and began to seal them manually.

The next moment, the Light and Dark Divine Fire was wrapped in a large number of branches of the Life and Death God Tree and thrown into the dream space.

After doing all this, Qian Muyu disappeared in place and appeared on the first floor of the Heavenly Tower.

The first floor of the sky building is similar to the rough room, but there are ten more lists.

These ten lists are the lists of the various levels of the Heavenly Ladder Trial.

"The boss deserves to be the boss!"

Qian Muyu glanced at the list, shook his head with a smile, and said to Liu Mufeng behind him: "You didn't enter?"

Liu Mufeng smiled and said, "I tried to cancel, and then came in."

After coming in, he waited until now, until Qian Muyu appeared.

"In this way, it is not through trials to get here." Qian Muyu looked at the excited people around him and continued, "Let's go, go back to the meeting."

Liu Mufeng came over and asked, "Boss, what does it look like inside?"

"Say in a meeting." Qian Muyu took out two cups of fruit tea, threw one to Liu Mufeng, and walked directly towards the door.

Two hours later, the five sky towers of Sky City opened collectively.

At the same time, they were the first to enter the Tianlou, and the news obtained from the Tianlou was also directly announced.

Sky City, those strong people who read the news, one by one, couldn't wait to rush into the heavenly tower and open the heavenly ladder trial.

During their heavenly ladder trial, Qian Muyu sat on the sofa in his room and smiled at the eggshell: "Swallow it, don't hesitate." "

Hmm!" The eggshell jumped on the spot twice, and swallowed the light and dark divine fire floating in the air into his mouth in one mouth.

Immediately afterwards, the eggshell rolled on the ground with a scream.

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Priestess - Chapter 972

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