
Priestess - Chapter 975

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Priestess - Chapter 975
"Yes." The little boy laughed and said, "Now I'm here to give you the goal."

Qian Muyu stared at him for a few seconds and said with a smile: "Mengshen, do you want me to go to the outside world?" "

Dream Star is one of the two main stars of the Azure Star Domain." The dream god snapped his fingers and said, "Of course, we are hidden in the shadows, and they don't know the location of our planet.

Qian Muyu nodded and asked, "Who are they?" "

Azure Star." Mengshen smiled and said, "Azure Star's world consciousness thought that there was only one main star here, so they named this star field Azure Star Domain.

"You look a little upset."

"Of course!" Dream God shouted with his head held high.

After shouting, he shook his head and continued: "Although they are not happy, their top strength is indeed stronger than ours, and we are not their opponents at present.

Mengshen looked at Qian Muyu, who was pensive, and said suspiciously: "Aren't you surprised?" We are no match for them!

"A little, but not much." Qian Muyu responded with a smile: "I think we and them should not be opponents, right."

Mengshen looked at Qian Muyu, who was so calm, and shouted in surprise: "Wow! Hello calm! So smart! Worthy of being the person I fancy!

"I've never been stupid!"

"Too." The dream god nodded and said, "Azure Star is indeed not our enemy, our enemy has always been an invader in the outer realm.

"And other star fields?" This time, Qian Muyu was surprised.

But soon, he calmed down.

"Yes." The dream god affirmed: "This world is far bigger than you think, and I don't know how big it is.

After hearing these words, Qian Muyu's confused heart was instantly filled with motivation, and his calm eyes also showed a hint of excitement.

"Although I don't know how big this world is, I know that our strength level is one level lower than Azure Star."

"They have strong people above the holy level."

Qian Muyu subconsciously licked his lips and asked, "What is above the Saint Level?" "




"Interesting." Qian Muyu smiled and asked, "How do you leave Dream Star?"

Dream God said: "Because Dream Star is not fully developed, so if you want to leave, you can only go to the forbidden place, there is a passage to Azure Star."

Qian Muyu wondered, "What does it mean that it is not well developed?"

"Although we are one of the main stars, our strongest combat power is less than theirs." Yumeshin shrugged his shoulders and did not continue.

Qian Muyu suddenly realized, "Are you afraid that they will be invaded by them after they know our location?"

"That's right." The dream god nodded and said, "Although we are in a star domain, I am not ready to open the dream star until we have five god-level powerhouses.

"We originally had god-level powerhouses." Qian Muyu muttered in his heart and looked up, "I agree with this."

Mengshen said, "So if you want to go to Azure Star now, you must enter from the forbidden place."

"Can Dream Star become a god?"

"Yes, but it's hard."


"Hiding in the shadows has advantages and disadvantages, the advantage is that we don't need to be at the forefront and don't need to resist the pressure of the outside world."

"It's a good thing."

"The disadvantage is that because of hidden reasons, we will absorb external energy at a slower rate than Azure Star, about 20% slower." Dream God continued, "20% has no effect on other strength segments, but it still has a great impact on the Saint Level and God Level.

"20% less, which means that our dream stars are incomplete, and in the case of incompleteness, it is difficult to become a god."

Qian Muyu was silent for a few seconds and asked, "So if I want to become a god, do I have to go to Azure Star?"

"With your potential, there is no problem in becoming a god in the dream star, but it will be very slow, very slow."

"How slow?"

"Five thousand years to start."

The corners of Qian Muyu's mouth twitched slightly, "How long does it take to be in Azure Star?"

"Five hundred years at most." Yumeshin said with a smile.

"Hiss~" Qian Muyu took a deep breath, "This gap is too big."

The dream god pouted, "I can't help it, I don't dare to expose myself before there is a top god-level powerhouse." "

There are god-level powerhouses Dream Star, but there are only three, and in the case of only three, he does not dare to risk exposing himself.

Although if exposed, the problem will not be too big, but he doesn't want to become Azure Star's little brother, his goal is to become Azure Star's big brother!

Qian Muyu calmed his mood and asked, "Can all the forbidden places of Dream Star go to Azure Star?"

"That's right!"

"How did the forbidden land come about?"

"Some of them were opened by myself, and some were opened by myself after too long."

"What do you mean?"

"Our planet is wrapped in a mysterious protective cover, and that cover is aging because it's so old, but it's slower."

Mengshen looked at the silent Qian Muyu and scratched his head embarrassedly: "At first, I didn't know that it would age, until I opened two channels, I found this problem, and then I didn't fight."

"After not fighting, I hid the aging passage, and then secretly connected to Azure Star."

Qian Muyu frowned and said, "That is to say, when the hood is all aged, our planet will automatically appear under the gaze of all the planets in the Azure Star Domain."

"That's how it should be." Mengshen smiled awkwardly, and then held his head high: "It is also for this reason that I have made so many changes to allow you to speed up the speed of improvement." "

Is it dangerous to enter Azure Star from the forbidden land?" Qian Muyu listened to the old pig, Xiaobai, and they said that there were several top powerhouses who entered the forbidden land and could not return.

"There is a danger." Dream God said: "From the forbidden land to enter the Azure Star, there will be a transition path in the middle, and the transition path in this transition is random, so you will encounter various dangers."

"But for you, as long as you don't encounter a god-level powerhouse, then it's probably no problem."

The corner of Qian Muyu's mouth twitched slightly, "Understood!" "

No wonder so many people died inside, it turned out to be like this....

"After entering Azure Star, how to return to Dream Star?"

"Just return the same way, our forbidden land is the way to theirs."

Qian Muyu was silent.

It turns out that after entering Azure Star, there is still a level level.

Their forbidden land is so strong, Azure Star's forbidden land does not need to think about it, it must be much more difficult than them.

Mengshen suddenly thought of something, and said with a smile: "Actually, your old pig has also been there, but he died in their forbidden place."

"I told him not to go, he didn't listen, and he ended up sneaking in himself."

"Then I took his soul home."

When Qian Muyu heard this, he was silent again.

"What about Xiaobai?"

"Xiaobai has counted the heavenly machine too many times, and he is old and dead." Mengshen smiled and said, "I persuaded her to let her count after the ten stages of the holy level, and there is no way for her not to listen to me." "

There are too few talents like Xiaobai, so when Xiaobai died, he was still sad for a few days.

"Why Saint Grade Ten Stages?"

"Saint level ten dan and the same life as the sky."

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Priestess - Chapter 975

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