
Priestess - Chapter 976

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Priestess - Chapter 976
Dream space.

Fallen looked at the old pig shrunk in the 'corner' and roared: "Why didn't you call me when you went!"

The old pig looked at the angry depravity, took a few steps back, and whispered: "After I heard what the dream god said, one of them didn't hold back, so I went directly." The

day after the dream god told him, he didn't hold back and went straight away.

In his opinion, with his invincible milk, it should be no problem to go to another world, but he didn't expect that as soon as he arrived over there, he was trampled to death by Optimus's giant feet.

Of course, this method of death, he will not say when he dies!

"me off!" Fallen hands crossed his waist, towards the old pig is a mess.

Mu'er, eggshells, and little butterflies sat shivering on the side, watching this 'bloody' scene.


Qian Muyu touched his chin and said, "That is, as long as I reach the tenth stage of the Saint Level, my lifespan will be bound to the dream star?"

Mengshen nodded and said, "It can be understood this way."

Qian Muyu asked, "Then, if one day the dream star is destroyed, will I die?"

Mengshen smiled and said, "Not within your life range, outside your life range, it will." "

Got it." Qian Muyu looked up and said, "If you are more than five thousand years old, I will die if Dream Star destroys, and if I am not more than five thousand years old, I will not die if Dream Star destroys me, right?"

"Yes." The dream god continued: "Modify it, and the life span of the ten stages of the saint level is doubled.

"Yes!" Qian Muyu praised the dream god.

"General." The dream god waved his hand and smiled: "The saint-level ten dan is the foundation of the dream star, and it is appropriate to give more lifespan."

"I want to ask a question."

"What problem?"

"Can you give me life?"


Qian Muyu looked at the dream god who shook his head decisively, and wondered, "Why?" The

dream god responded, "Lifespan is fixed when the race is created, so it cannot be easily changed. "

Creating races is restrictive, so it can't be too much."

"As for what constraints there are, there are too many things in it, and you don't understand it."

Qian Muyu hurriedly shouted: "Don't say it, I don't want to hear it!" "

He doesn't want to understand too much about his Buddhist personality.

"Haha!" Dream God laughed loudly, "When are you going to go to Azure Star?"

"No hurry, some more time." Qian Muyu did not refuse, but without full certainty, he would not easily take risks.

"So when are you going to get married?" Dream God suddenly asked with a grin.

When Qian Muyu heard this, he was slightly stunned, and then said with a smile: "Soon."

"Remember to leave me a place when you get married."

"No problem." For this request, Qian Muyu agreed without thinking.

Immediately afterwards, Mengshen stood up and looked at Qian Muyu and said, "Xiaomu is going to cross the robbery in the past few days, you can go and take a look." "

Gone." Mengshen looked at Qian Muyu with wide eyes, waved his hand with a smile, and disappeared in place.

After Qian Muyu watched the dream god disappear, he instantly stood up from his seat and dialed Muhou's phone.

The small wood in the mouth of the dream god, he doesn't need to think about it, this little wood is the wood emperor!

While he was chatting with Muhou, Han Baoer, who had been standing at the door and eavesdropping for a long time, silently walked into the room.

Not long after, after Qian Muyu learned from Muhou's mouth about the day when Mu Huang was promoted, he hung up the phone.

"Lao Zu, do you have any feelings about the words of the dream god?"

Qian Anguo looked at Qian Muyu with a smile on his face and responded, "I think Mengshen is right, you and Bao'er should get married."

Han Bao'er listened to Lao Zu's words, and her slightly red cheeks became more and more rosy.

Qian Muyu couldn't help but show a shy look.

Qian Anguo looked at this scene and couldn't help but laugh twice.

After laughing, he chased after him and began to discuss with Qian Muyu and Han Baoer.

As for what Yumeshen said earlier, he was also shocked when he listened to it, but after being shocked for a while, he regained his calm.

He feels that this matter, as if it has nothing to do with him, he is already a thousand-year-old person, he is not interested in going out on adventures, he is now interested in when Yu'er can marry Bao'er and give him a big fat grandson.


Two years later.

Wood City.

Qian Muyu watched the sky slash towards Mu Huang with a thunder and lightning that was stronger than a bolt, and his body couldn't help but feel a trace of pain.

"The thunder calamity is terrible." As Han Baoer spoke, she leaned towards Qian Muyu's side.

"Dream Star has a defect, if you want to rise to the Ten Stages of the Saint Level, you must take this step." Qian Muyu sighed, this was only known when he asked the dream god.

Originally, this step would only happen if the Holy Ascension God would occur, but it turned out to be advanced.

Not only in advance, in the words of the Dream Star Saint Ascension God, the thunder tribulation will also appear, and the power will be much greater than this.

Han Baoer looked up at Qian Muyu and said, "Will you ascend ten in Dream Star?" "

Yes!" Qian Muyu responded affirmatively: "Although the thunder tribulation is strong, it can exercise itself, which is a benefit that Azure Star does not have. "

Hmm!" Han Baoer nodded slightly, held Qian Muyu's arm, and continued to look towards the sky.

After more than half an hour of lightning baptism, the Mu Huang has entered the most critical stage.

At this moment, Qian Muyu, who came to protect the Mu Emperor, flew into the sky collectively, guarding the surroundings.

Not long after, as the last earth-shattering thunder slashed towards the Wood Emperor, the Wood Emperor officially entered the Ten Stages of the Saint Level.

The thundercloud dissipated, and Mu Huang walked out of it with a full face, hugging his fist at everyone and saying, "Thank you!" "

Little things."

"Mu Huang, little brother will please you in the future."

"Congratulations to the Mu Emperor, you can live the same life as the sky!"


Everyone collectively sent congratulations to the Mu Emperor.

The Mu clan in Mucheng also cheered happily at this moment and fell into a carnival.

At this point, the Wood Emperor has also become the first Saint-level ten-dan powerhouse known to the Dream Star world.


March 7, 2288.

The Order of Ten Thousand Races has been over for more than fifty years, and in these fifty years, there has been no super battle in Dream Star, which can be said to be similar to the time of the Order of Ten Thousand Races, and there is not much difference.

After more than 50 years of peace, Sky City ushered in the most lively day.

This day is the wedding day of the feather god Qian Muyu and Tianji Han Baoer.

On the wedding day, Sky City was crowded with people, and the streets were full of people from all over to see the bustle.

The major power lords also came to Sky City today with their own congratulatory gifts and personally sent blessings to Qian Muyu and Han Baoer.

According to the statistics behind, there were 52 top power lords who came to participate in Qian Muyu and Han Baoer's wedding.

The scale and grandeur of this wedding are the most dream-starry, and it can be said that there is no one who has ever come before.


100 years after marriage.

Han Baoer looked at the red fruit that appeared out of thin air in Qian Muyu's hand, and asked curiously, "Husband, what is in your hand?"

Qian Muyu turned his head and looked at Han Baoer and smiled: "Hehe, this is the love fruit."

"What is the love fruit?" Han Baoer said, her cheeks blushing slightly.

Qian Muyu was surprised: "Baby, you are not pure!" "

Get out!" Han Baoer gave him a blank look and continued, "Is it really useful?"

"There should be." Qian Muyu looked at the fruit in his hand, "I bought it with 100 million points!" If it doesn't work, I'll go to him to settle the score! "

It's too difficult for the saint level to want a baby.

So he found the dream god, and the dream god gave him the love fruit with a smile.

"It's so expensive!" Han Baoer's small mouth opened slightly, and then nodded: "I'll go with you then!"

After Qian Muyu collected the love fruit, he said with a smile: "Let's go." "

Hmm!" Han Baoer silently followed behind Qian Muyu and left the room.

A week later.

The North Sea was windy, and dozens of people stood on the sea, some excited, some reluctant, some worried... They looked at Qian Muyu and Han Baoer in the front with different expressions.

"Come on boss, I'll come over in a while."

Qian Muyu looked at the excitement and said, "Don't worry, you cultivate well, if you want to come, I can summon you over."

Bai Hao said, "I'm not in a hurry, I'm not in a hurry at all!"

Qian Muyu looked at him with excitement on his face, turned his head to look at his family and said, "Parents, let's go."

Qian Wenbo stepped forward and patted Qian Muyu's shoulder and said, "Come over there and reply to us."

"That's for sure." The corners of Qian Muyu's mouth rose slightly, and after continuing to chat with his relatives and partners for a while, he looked at Han Baoer and said, "Let's go."

Saying that, he took Han Baoer's hand.

Immediately afterwards, in front of everyone, he suddenly burst out a powerful aura, and the sea water below was instantly blasted out of a black hole by his aura.

"Gone." Qian Muyu said goodbye to everyone again, and then took Han Baoer and flew into the black hole below without hesitation.


A small island on the continent of chaos.

Huang Tao looked at Bai Hao, who suddenly stood up and flew towards the sky without saying a word, and quickly shouted: "Boss, where are you going?" "

Come to the door to kiss!"

Bai Hao's response directly scared the few people chasing behind him stupidly.

Immediately afterwards, they quickly followed, shouting: "Boss, wait for us!" "

A month after Qian Muyu and Han Bao'er left, Bai Hao finally figured it out at this moment.


Inside a small hotel somewhere in the Star Federation.

The shepherd boy pointed to the map on the table, looked up at Lan Yu, who was sitting opposite, and said, "Here."

Lan Yu leaned over, looked at the position of the shepherd boy's finger, and wondered, "Is it really here?" The

shepherd boy nodded and said, "There should be no mistake."

Lan Yu looked at the shepherd boy's uncertain look and said, "Let's take a look at the location where Sister Han stayed."

"No, I'll find it myself!" The shepherd boy put away the map and looked at Lan Yu: "You can pass the time by finding it yourself, otherwise it will be too boring."

Xiao You held his head high on the side and said, "That's right, we have to find it ourselves!" "

Okay." Lan Yu looked at Xiao Yu speechlessly, "Why did you forget the location of your own secret realm?"

Xiao Yu quickly denied: "It's not that I forgot, it's that the world has become too fast!" "

Long Xi, the slippery ghosts, they drank their respective drinks and calmly watched this scene.

For this scene, they have been used to it for so many years.

It didn't take long for the shepherd boy to take them to continue their search for the secret realm of little forgetting.


"Brother Qin, when will my sister-in-law get pregnant?" Mo Lingling, who was drinking with Qin Tianyu, asked with a smile.

Qin Tianyu drained the wine in his hand and said, "It's fast."

"It's really not good, you buy a love fruit." Mo Lingling continued with a grin: "It is said that the love fruit is quite popular, and I heard that the effect is also very good.

Qin Tianyu continued his cup silently and said, "I don't need it!" "


Wednesday, April 3, 7222 in the Azure calendar.

Qin State, Xia City.

In front of Chongyang Senior Primary School.

The man looked at the teacher who was not far away, and said to the woman next to him: "Here." "

See." The woman said, squatted down, helped the little boy sort out his clothes, took the little boy's hand, and spoiled: "After school, you can't fight, you can't scare your classmates, hear it!"

"Mom, I heard me!" The little boy nodded seriously.

Ye Lan looked at a man, a woman and a child standing there, slightly stunned, and then quickly stepped forward, "Are you Jing Yan's parents?"

"Yes, Teacher Ye." The man nodded.

After Ye Lan heard this, he quickly said, "I'm sorry, I'm late!" "

They personally asked her to come and pick her up, and she didn't dare to snub."

"We just arrived." The man shook his head and looked towards the woman.

After the woman chatted with Ye Lan for a few words, she handed the little boy into Ye Lan's hands, "Teacher, he will trouble you."

Ye Lan smiled and said, "No trouble, no trouble."

Then, Ye Lan walked into the campus with the little boy.

As soon as the little boy walked into the school gate, he turned around and waved at his parents: "Goodbye parents!" I went to play! "

Haha!" Seeing this, the man instantly burst out laughing.

The woman gave him a blank look, turned around, and said, "Let's go." In

the first class of the first grade, Ye Lan, the head teacher, walked a young boy into the class podium.

"Classmates quiet!" Teacher Ye clapped his hands, looked at the students who instantly quieted down in the audience, and continued: "There is a new student in our class today, and he is Jing Yan next to me.

Saying that, she looked down at the little boy next to her and asked, "Jing Yan, can you introduce yourself to your classmates?"

"Yes." The little boy nodded, looked at dozens of pairs of curious big eyes in front of him, and showed a bright smile, "Hello everyone, my name is Qian Jingyan, money of money, Jingyuan Jing, double fire Yan." (

End of book).

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Priestess - Chapter 976

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