
Priestess - Chapter 977

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Priestess - Chapter 977
June 22, 2023.

At 2:21 p.m., I sent the last chapter and the book was officially over.

From August 9, 2021 to June 22, 2023, the book was serialized for 682 days and wrote a total of 2.16 million words.

Of course, there are hundreds of days of not written here, here I am very sorry for everyone, here, I officially say sorry to everyone.

As for why I didn't write, in addition to the fact that my grades were very average, the main thing is that I am more salty, and I can't stop when I am salty, hahahahaha....

Anyway, I persevered in the end and gave you an ending that I felt was okay.

The child at the end, I can say in advance, is the protagonist of the second part of this book, as for when the second part will be written, I am ready to practice again, probably after I finish the second and third books, I will start writing the fourth and fifth books.

At that time, if you are still there, you can see familiar characters appear (˵ ̄͒ ̄͒〰˵).

After talking about the Easter eggs, let's talk about your feelings.

This book was written temporarily for fun when I didn't read it at work and was really bored, and I wrote 100,000 words when I was writing.

Then I sent it, and I didn't expect to be able to sign a contract and earn a little money ....

So the setting of this book is all I thought of temporarily, and this book does not have a small outline, outline (after writing later, I think the plot will be written, but it will not be written in too much detail, probably simply write down the plot and the name of the appearance)......

Nothing but the basic settings.

Even at that time, there were any changes above the king level, I didn't think about it, within the king level, I set a level to contract a dream beast, but I found that it was too good, so I changed it to the current one.


It's a little irresponsible, but it's true, and that's how I got through it step by step.

After writing more than two million words, there must be gains, first of all, the writing is much better than before, at least I feel so.

When I wrote a million words, I went to read the first few chapters, and I instantly felt spicy eyes, I don't even know how you guys survived.

If it were me, I don't think I would be able to stand it....

So, I still admire you.

I felt spicy eyes, naturally I had to change it, and then I changed it a little (the plot did not change, changed the way of speaking and some typos), and then I changed the reading (too many words were deleted, and the reading dropped 'most of the half'), hahahaha....

At that time, I didn't know the mechanism of reading it, but after changing it, it was directly 3% less after reading, it seems to be 3%, and I forgot how much I forgot.

In short, there are some small collapses, and then there is no quantity.


It can only be said that it was learned.

Although the writing is a little better than when I first wrote it, I feel that it is not enough, so I am ready to write a few more books, and then write the second part, and then I will show you a different story (˃ ⌑ ˂ഃ )

Whether there are any regrets in this book, there must be some, such as some plots in the book are a little faster, some plots are not written, etc.

As for the final marriage, I really wanted to write about marriage, but I wrote for half a day today and found that I couldn't write it, and even if I wrote it, I couldn't write it well, so I simply skipped it....

This is really no way, the writing is not good, you can't force it, especially in terms of marriage, the writing is bad, it's really not good-looking, so it's better to make up your own brain, the brain supplement is still very comfortable ƪ( ̆⌣ ̆) ʃ elegant.

Although I have regrets, I have gained more, in addition to improving my writing a little, I have written a world by myself, which is great and comfortable.

To be honest, I finished writing two chapters yesterday, and when I felt really close to the end, I felt like crying, but in the end I held back.


Don't talk much about old books, let's talk about new books.

The new book is "Miracle Call: Starting with a Random Rabbit", this book I plan to continue writing, although I was not going to write it before, but I thought about it and felt that it was not good to cut the book, so I decided to continue writing.

When to write?

Today is June 22nd, and I will definitely have to take a few days off after writing old books, so I am ready to start writing in July, the number is to be determined, maybe the 1st, maybe the 30th, see the update time.

In the past few days of rest, I was ready to write down the outline of Master Rabbit a little, there is an outline and there is no outline, it is really two feelings, so I decided to write it down a little.

At the same time, during the break, I will slightly modify the content and settings of the rabbit, you can wait if you don't read it, and if you read it, it won't affect (it will be said in the latest chapter).

Well, okay, don't say it, this testimonial is really difficult to write.

See you in the next book, everyone.

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Priestess - Chapter 977

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