
Reborn Naruto, there is a big Sasuke inside me - Chapter 15

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Reborn Naruto, there is a big Sasuke inside me

Reborn Naruto, there is a big Sasuke inside me - Chapter 15

At this moment, Kushina, who had been holding Naruto, suddenly laughed inexplicably.

She laughed so hard that her shoulders shook, but her eyes showed uncontrollable sadness and anger!

"What a great one, all for the village!"

"Great Elder Hiruzen, even I have to admit that you are right."

"If Minato himself was present, I'm afraid he would take the initiative to propose this suggestion without the elders here speaking, and then go home and try his best to persuade me to agree.~"

"And under his persuasion, I would most likely choose to agree.~"

"After all, there is one thing you said that is not wrong."

"That's because I, as a jinchuriki, failed to keep an eye on the Nine-Tails in my body, causing it to run wild and out of control, causing irreparable consequences."

"Whatever the reason, it's ultimately my responsibility"

"What's more, who made him my lover? I don't want to see him sad or blaming himself for this...."

"So, you don't have to act helpless and guilty."

"As the wife of the Fourth Hokage, I, Kushina, am not so stingy, let alone lose my status to Minato!"

"I can donate the ownership of this commercial street in the name of Watergate!"

Speaking of this, Kushina couldn't help but let go of the hand holding Naruto and rubbed her chest fiercely.

Thinking of Minato's sacrifice of life, but in exchange for these people's dog-like old immortality, She was so domineering that she couldn't help but feel a twinge of angina.

Normally, she would have left the table angrily and turned away, not wanting to stay with these four old Biden for one more second.

Don't speak quickly!

"I'm just feeling a little emotional"

"It was not enough for Minato to sacrifice his life in order to protect Konoha. He even went so far as to turn his own son into a Jinchūriki that everyone feared and loathed for the sake of balancing the tailed beasts among the great powers!"

"But the three generations of adults whom he trusted the most, admired the most, and even entrusted his children's future to without reservation, could abandon his family in an instant for the so-called overall situation!"

"That is to say, I am still alive. If I really die like this, how will you treat Naruto who has become a Jinchūriki?"

"Like what Elder Danzo once wanted to do to me, train him into a mindless war weapon?"

"Or will you use your most powerful power, the Will of Fire, to brainwash Naruto into a loyal dog who will only obey your orders?

"Don't tell me you don't know how, we are all adults and know many things well!"

"What's more, the will of fire that you speak of is very different from what you have actually done over the years!"

"Of course, I have to admit"

"The Will of Fire, proposed by the First Hokage himself, is an excellent ideological concept that can greatly improve the cohesion of the village and make more people happy!"

"In this regard, Minato correctly understood and truly did it."

"So, even though I don't want him to make sacrifices for this, I am still proud of him!"

"As for the four of you..."

"Haha, I am not targeting you, I just want to say that the four elders here are not worthy!"

"Just lie to others, don’t lie too much and lie to yourself!"

Speaking of this, Kushina's eyes looked at Danzo and others, full of grief, anger and disdain.

She was an orphan from the Country of Uzumaki, and was brought to Konoha from the Country of Uzumaki because Mito-sama was about to die. As the next container to seal the Nine-Tails! She had been burdened with the pain of the country's subjugation at a young age, and she had no good feelings for Konoha, who was an ally of the Country of Uzumaki and was watching the country's life and death.

After entering Konoha Ninja School, she suffered school bullying because of her dazzling red hair!

That is to say, Master Mito and Sister Tsunade were always very kind to her.

In addition, she was later kidnapped during the kidnapping crisis. Minato rescued her personally, accepted the other party's confession, and gradually felt the feeling of being cared for and loved by her peers, and then she gradually let go of her guard and walked out of the shadow of loneliness.

Later, she had a good best friend, Uchiha Mikoto.

She also has three lovable little guys, Obito, Kakashi, and Rin, as her younger brothers and sisters.

Especially the kind, warm-blooded, and sunny little guy Obito makes her unable to help but hope that her own child will do the same. Can be like Obito!

However, with the advent of the Third War, everything changed. Two of these three children who were supposed to be protected by the village and enjoyed a good life in their youth died tragically on the battlefield!

Kakashi was alone, swallowed by despair and guilt, woken up by nightmares for countless days and nights, and suffered so much!

This made her heartbroken, and she should have been like the first and second generation Hokage to protect the villagers. , the four Sarutobi Hiruzen, who were on the front line of the battle and even sacrificed themselves to protect their companions and the future flowers of Konoha

, huddled in the village and gave orders remotely from beginning to end. They didn't even dare to take a step outside the village!

As the most powerful person in Konoha, they were also among the four most powerful people in Konoha. However, they cherished their lives so much when even their children were sent to the battlefield!

Kushina was very dissatisfied with this!

In addition, after Minato came to power, his actions were restricted and he could not let go. This time

, the plot of the four Hiruzen against her family property made Kushina so disappointed!

, it was Minato who cast the corpse ban, not the third generation!

She couldn't help but think so.


"Kushina, as a junior, how can you be so rude to your elders!"

Upon hearing this, before Hiruzen could speak, Utane Koharu was already furious


"younger generation? Sorry, Elder Koharu, this is the Hokage's office."

"And I am the Fourth Hokage’s wife!"

"Not asking you to get out of Minato's office is my greatest courtesy!"

With her red hair fluttering behind her due to the accumulation of anger, Kushina was very disdainful of this old woman who relied on her age to bully others.

If she hadn't considered that Grandma Sarutobi Biwako was killed by the mysterious man because she was helping her to deliver a baby, she would have stopped giving face to Sarutobi Hiruzen and directly attacked Danzo and others!

"Sorry, Tsunade-nee, Jiraiya-sensei"

"This place is really too dirty. I'm afraid that if I stay with Naruto for a long time, he will get dirty."

"So I went back first. Minato still needs me to take care of him."

Kushina stopped paying attention to the Konoha elders. After she apologized to Tsunade and Jiraiya, she strode away without looking back!

"Jiraiya, go report to the elders yourself."

"There is a disgusting smell of decay everywhere here. If I stay any longer, even I will feel sick!"

Seeing this, Tsunade turned around and said something to Jiraiya, and hurriedly chased after Kushina.

Only the poor Jiraiya was left alone, and he had to endure the disgust in his heart and report to the four people that he had been lured away from the mountain!

After all, this is very important information!

Reborn Naruto, there is a big Sasuke inside me

Reborn Naruto, there is a big Sasuke inside me - Chapter 15

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