
Special Forces: Breathe to Become Stronger - Chapter 107

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Special Forces: Breathe to Become Stronger

Special Forces: Breathe to Become Stronger - Chapter 107
The incident of Ye Tian, as a typical example, spread to several military districts.

The upper echelons never mentioned how they viewed this incident, but the soldiers at the bottom were all Ye Tian's supporters.

Ye Tian did what they wanted to do but couldn't do.

In a broader sense, Ye Tian represented the country, the dragon raised its head!

However, whether this head would remain raised or bow again depended on how the country dealt with Ye Tian. If

Ye Tian died, many military districts would have to take political lessons again, especially those troublemakers.

If Ye Tian were alive……


At the instruction of the Eagle Country, the Toe Country attacked China the next day.

Through diplomacy, several demands were made to China.

First: China must apologize in writing to the families of the border guards who died in the Toe Country in the name of the country, and apologize to the Toe Country.

Second: Pay 5 billion in compensation to the families of the border guards.

Third: Unconditionally hand over the murderer Ye Tian to their Toe Country for handling.

There are also fourth, fifth, sixth... all kinds of unreasonable demands.

The purpose is to magnify the matter so as to blackmail and extort.

Finally, the diplomats of the Toe Country said that if these hard conditions cannot be met, the Toe Country will not guarantee whether their army will cross the boundary marker next time.

Secrets like this will definitely not appear in domestic news under normal circumstances.

But this time.

It was on the news.

The 7 o'clock news, Renmin Daily, Nanfang City, Nanfang Weekend, Guangzhou Daily, Zhongshan Daily... all news media and newspaper headlines are all showing the dialogue between a well-known and toughest diplomat of the Ministry of Foreign Education and the Toe Country.

"First, China is an agricultural civilization. For 5,000 years, we have never invaded or interfered with the sovereignty of any country. Why should we apologize?"

"Second, the 0232 area has been our Chinese territory since ancient times. The toe border guards invaded our 0232 area fully armed. Did they intentionally create conflicts and deliberately provoke contradictions between China and the toe, causing a war between the two countries?"

Note that the area Ye Tian went to was 0231.

The 0232 area mentioned by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is the place where Ye Tian crossed the river and crossed the border.

The toe country accused Ye Tian of crossing the border and killing their border guards, and the diplomacy pointed out that the 0232 area is our territory and it was invaded by you.

This area itself is a historical legacy and has always been controversial.

Going back 1,700 years, the entire toe belonged to China.

Based on the whole theory, the intention of the toe country is untenable. What a murderer, Ye Tian is obviously a hero who drove away the hungry wolf at his doorstep.

Since he is a hero of my China, how could he leave it to you to deal with?

"The Chinese side should remember that China is no longer the China of a hundred years ago. If the Chinese side deliberately provokes bilateral relations, we will take immediate action and actively defend ourselves."


This time, the diplomacy did not condemn, nor was it just a verbal battle with the Jiaofang.

At noon that day, the embassy issued a notice that it would evacuate the Chinese Embassy in the Jiaotou Country the next day.

Notice to the Chinese people in the Jiaotou Country to evacuate the Jiaotou immediately!

Domestic news repeatedly warned the Chinese not to travel to Jiaotou in the near future.

Less than an hour later, another heavy bomb set off a huge wave in the country.

The Chinese side will conduct a large-scale military exercise in the 0232 area on September 19, named the"Autumn Wind" exercise.

Autumn wind, when it comes to this word, I believe that the Chinese people will immediately think of autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves.

Yes, this is the meaning of the"Autumn Wind" exercise.

Like the autumn wind sweeping away the fallen leaves, it is a metaphor for the powerful force to quickly and easily sweep away rotten and decaying things.

Didn't the Jiaotou Country condemn Ye Tian's act of crossing the border and killing people!

Okay, the Chinese side will give you a large-scale exercise.

Several major military regions have all"crossed the border". On September 19, three months later, the elite troops of several major military regions will bombard the 0232 area.

The toes just bared their teeth.

The Chinese side's move is undoubtedly to roll up their sleeves and do a big fight.

The eagle was silent.

The eagle did not expect China to be so stubborn. Anyway, the toes are not his allies, so they can just throw them away.

So, the toes' mentality exploded.

They are still counting on China for food!

The toes immediately negotiated through diplomacy to withdraw their demands, not want compensation, not want Ye Tian, and dare not expect China to apologize to them in the name of the country.

After all, the toes are counting on the Chinese to travel to the local area to boost their economy, and counting on the Chinese to buy their fruits, so that their people can have food to eat.

For one thing, China is the largest import market for the toes.

If the two sides become hostile and close trade, there is no need to go to war, and the economy of the toes will instantly regress ten years.

Therefore, in order to show goodwill to the Chinese side, the toes indicated that they can sell the fruits at a low price and produce them for China.

However, the Chinese people have already launched a campaign to boycott inferior goods.


Ye Tian didn't know that the embassy in Jiaozhi had been removed.

He didn't know that many Chinese people in Jiaozhi were returning home. Based on the deterioration of bilateral relations, they might not invest in Jiaozhi for a long time.

He also didn't know that the whole nation was united in boycotting Jiaozhi because of him.

He went to meet someone.

The person Ye Tian admired most in his life, he sat on the chair and gave Ye Tian a reassurance pill!

The first sentence when they met

"Are you Ye Tian?"

"Good kill!"

「I was very tired when writing this chapter. I was afraid that it would be censored. Those who read it first can see the original version. If it is censored, it will be changed beyond recognition. I don't know if you brothers can understand it when you read it. I can only say that I tried my best."

Special Forces: Breathe to Become Stronger

Special Forces: Breathe to Become Stronger - Chapter 107

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