
Special Forces: Breathe to Become Stronger - Chapter 110

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Special Forces: Breathe to Become Stronger

Special Forces: Breathe to Become Stronger - Chapter 110

"Do you have any plans for the new company?" Lao Gao turned around and asked Ye Tian, "I mean, the selection of those people is almost over, and the only thing left is the last link."

"Are you interested in participating in their selection in person?"

The last part is a test of loyalty.

In that episode, the setting was really bad. A group of quasi-special forces soldiers who were going to pass the selection to join Langya were just casually locked up in two fences.

Not to mention special forces soldiers, even two pigs might not be able to be contained by the fence.

Ye Tian grinned and said,"I thought of a name."

"Tell me about it."

Ye Tian scratched his head and grinned,"The name is a bit rustic, so... I want to call it Qiang Han, what do you think?"

Ye Tian found that most of the nicknames of the troops were named after ferocious animals, such as snow leopards, foxes, flying tigers, etc.

The names are simple, easy to remember and catchy.

The most important thing is that they represent the spirit of the company, meaning that the soldiers in their company are as brave and tenacious as these animals.

This is why Ye Tian wanted to name his company"Qiang Han".

Qiang Han and Gang Ming are the two dynasties that the Han people recognize most in history.

Ye Tian hopes that his company can be like Qiang Han.——「"Those who openly offend the mighty Han will be punished no matter how far they are away!"

Two thousand years ago, Huo Qubing, the king of Fenglangjuxu, was able to rush thousands of miles to establish his power in the grasslands, creating the myth that"the Huns fled far away, and there is no king's court south of the desert".

Today, Ye Tian also wants to emulate the Fenglangjuxu, who drank water from the vast sea. Anyone who harbors evil intentions and attempts to harm China will be destroyed thousands of miles away, even if he goes to heaven or earth, to the ends of the earth!

"Strong man!"

"Good, this name is good and has profound meaning, and it just fits the spirit of your company." Gray Wolf highly appreciated it.

Lao Gao nodded and said with a smile:"Qiang Han, I want to go to your company after hearing this, Commander, why don't you just let me go to Qiang Han, and let Gray Wolf take care of the veterans."

He Zhijun had a headache,"It doesn't matter about the veterans

, but who will be in charge of the 026 Logistics Warehouse?" Then, He Zhijun said to Ye Tian:"026 Logistics Warehouse, originally I wanted to set up a special assault team unknown to the world to deal with some domestic emergencies"

"I wanted you to join 026 at first, but now, I'm wondering whether to cancel the 026 logistics warehouse special assault team."

He Zhijun knocked on the table rhythmically, thinking carefully.

He Zhijun originally wanted to pull out the ace of aces in the army to form 026. Now Ye Tian wants to form"Qiang Han". Undoubtedly, Qiang Han must have the first choice.

Because Qiang Han is a special external assault action team, it is related to the face of the country and the face of their Langya.

The number of Qiang Han team members should not be too large, but each of them must be the elite of the elite, the ace of aces.

After a moment, He Zhijun slammed the table and said:"The 026 logistics warehouse will be postponed for a while. Let's deal with your Qiang Han first and then talk about other things."

"Lao Gao, Gray Wolf, Minister Zhao, you all assist Ye Tian with all your strength."

"No matter if they are veterans, foxes, or rookies, as long as they are the ones chosen by Ye Tian, I will give you the transfer order directly."

"By the way, should we hold some kind of selection competition?"

"Or an assessment or something?" He Zhijun asked Ye Tian's opinion.

At the end, He Zhijun asked again,"Qiang Han, how many team members do you plan to recruit?"

When Ye Tian talked to Liang Tieying about this question, he knew that he would recruit a company, and he already had a rough idea in his mind.

The team members also picked a few people.

Ye Tian also roughly told Liang Tieying about the series of training plans that Qiang Han was going to prepare, and asked Liang Tieying for his approval and consent.

"Including me, we will have seven people for now."Ye Tian said.

Qiang Han and Fox Wolf have different interests, and they are completely different from the 026 logistics warehouse in the play.

They are internal.

China is one of the few stable and harmonious countries in the world.

Internally, their task is usually training. If something goes wrong, other departments will handle it.

Only when there are big things, such as the fight with foreign mercenaries for satellite debris, will it be their turn to go out.

There may not be a mission for three to five years.

The nature of"Qiang Han" is different.

Qiang Han is external.

Externally, there are too many things to do, and there may be several missions in a month.

Combat scenes, jungles, deserts, swamps, Gobi, ice and snow...anywhere is possible.

Secondly, Fox Wolf's tactics and personnel role allocation may not be suitable for Qiang Han.

For example, capturers, assaulters... these aspects are not very suitable for Qiang Han's special assault team

"After selecting the players, I will train them for a period of time, and then take them abroad for some small-scale practical training."

"Qianghan is not just a special operations team for emergency response"

"Under the premise of being loyal to the motherland and the people, in fact, the nature of Qiang Han is similar to that of ordinary foreign mercenary action teams."

"Because in the future, Qiang Han's footsteps will undoubtedly travel all over the world!"

No assaulter, no capturer...

Ye Tian is the captain, the captain is the commander, plus he is a sniper, and also the controller.

Command, control.

There must be one or two strong firepower output among the team members, preferably the kind of reckless man with super strength, fearless of death, who can carry a Gatling gun in one hand and sweep the whole field.

A demolitionist.

Proficient in making and dismantling various explosives and traps.

Demolitionist = destruction

"Command, control, output, destruction."

Ye Tian's words made He Zhijun, Lao Gao and others' eyes light up, and at the same time they were full of infinite reverie and yearning for the strong Han.

"anything else?"

"There are only four positions, and there are only five or six people, and there are still one or two missing."Old Gao asked hurriedly. He really wanted to be a member of the Qiang Han, because Qiang Han could cross the border, and obviously the frequency of going to the battlefield would definitely be much higher than that of the Fox Wolf.

However, he might not be able to do the command, control, output, and destruction that Ye Tian mentioned.

Command is okay, but it is limited to domestic. He can't imagine the environment and the situation he will face abroad because he has never been out.

"You also need a pair of eyes."Ye Tian said mysteriously.

"Just playing with computers and modifying them"

"This person does not need to fight on the front line, but only needs to stay at home. Through a computer, he can obtain the intelligence we need, clearly understand our opponent's information, know the opponent's firepower configuration, and plan our attack route and retreat route in wartime."

"In his spare time, he can modify various vehicles, guns, tanks, fighter jets, etc."

"There aren't many people, but each one of them must be a world-class talent."

For some, Ye Tian can assist and train them.

For some, it really depends on their own talents.

Obviously, Qiangzi, Shi Dafan, Ostrich, Chen Pai, and Lao Pao are not up to Ye Tian's standards at the moment.

Special Forces: Breathe to Become Stronger

Special Forces: Breathe to Become Stronger - Chapter 110

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