
Special Forces: Breathe to Become Stronger - Chapter 186

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Special Forces: Breathe to Become Stronger

Special Forces: Breathe to Become Stronger - Chapter 186
It seems that Xiaoying is not willing to discuss this topic in depth.

She is still thinking about persuading Zhuang Yan herself. She would rather take risks than let Ye Tian suffer persecution.

He Zhijun cast his eyes on Ye Tian. The two looked at each other. Ye Tian met.

Since Xiaoying is unwilling to talk about this, let's change the subject.


Ye Tian called out

"Hmm!" Xiaoying lowered her head and looked at Ye Tian timidly. It was obvious that the tone and expression of Xiaoying when she talked to He Zhijun and others were completely different from when she talked to Ye Tian.

Her voice was softer and more docile.

Ye Tian said:"You don't have to hide it. Fan Tianlei told me that we don't want to embarrass you. I also know that you have nothing to do with Zhuang Yan."

"You may not know that Zhuang Yan has set up an organization outside the country, Wolf-Eating Eagle"

"There are two to three hundred members of this organization. A few months ago, they kidnapped, extorted, and murdered Chinese businessmen abroad."

"So far, hundreds of people have died at the hands of Zhuang Yan and his men."

"More than a dozen massacres occurred, and yes, it was Zhuang Yan and his gang who did it. Now, according to what I know, Zhuang Yan and his wolf-eating eagles have all entered the country."

"Either in the distant mountains or in the plains."

After a pause, Ye Tian said solemnly:"Do you know what this means?"

"You should know clearly that Zhuang Yan's goal is to kill me, and my mission is to deal with him."

"Once we fight, in the distant mountains, in the plains"

"They are armed with heavy weapons and are extremely vicious. They are capable of doing anything."

"Many people will die"

"Many innocent civilians."

Xiaoying became more and more nervous. She didn't want this to happen, but... it was not something she could control.

"Then, what should we do?"

After a moment's silence, Xiaoying raised her head and looked at Ye Tian. He Zhijun said,"How about this, I go and persuade him to leave. Maybe, he will listen to me, right?"

"You think too much"

"What kind of person is his father? He abandoned his family and children. Do you think he can be a good person?"

It's really difficult to talk to a girl.

If it was Chen Xiwa, Lao Pao would not have so many trivial matters and would just give the task directly.

Thinking that Zhuang Yan and the others were right under his nose and could kill people at any time, the most important thing was that Zhuang Yan killed Chen Pai.

Under the same sky, if this guy lives one more second, Ye Tian will feel uncomfortable one more second.

So, Ye Tian didn't hide it and said very straightforwardly:"We are going to deal with Zhuang Yan, and we need your help to lead him to a place with fewer people, but if you do this, you will be in danger. I don't know if you are willing to do it."

"Of course, if you don't want to, we won't force you."

"Zhuang Yan is no longer the Zhuang Yan you knew before. He is a demon. If he doesn't die, many people will die. Kill him so that others can live."

"Please think about it!"

"Hurry up, it's best to make up your mind within ten minutes"

"If he lives one more day, someone may die because of him."

"That's it."Ye Tian led He Zhijun and the others out of the office, leaving Xiaoying alone, letting her calm down and think about it.

Outside, He Zhijun asked Ye Tian:"What are you going to do?"

Ye Tian said coldly:"Whatever needs to be done, he can't be allowed to survive today."

In fact, Ye Tian didn't target Xiaoying at all at the beginning. Although it is not known where Zhuang Yan and the others are hiding, Zhuang Yan has passed the message to Xiaoying through Fan Tianlei and agreed to meet there!

Just ambush at the place where they meet, and when Zhuang Yan comes, kill him directly.

If he doesn't come, either follow the person who comes, or catch him and interrogate him on the spot.

There will always be a way.

"There is still half an hour before the time they agreed to meet. If it doesn't work, then we can use the second plan, which is to attack by force."Ye Tian said.

Inside the room.

Xiaoying felt helpless.

In fact, from the beginning when Ye Tian asked her for help, Xiaoying had already agreed in her heart.

For Ye Tian, and for more people not to be hurt, she was willing to take on everything.

But she felt a little uncomfortable.

After all, Zhuang Yan was someone she had known for more than ten years, a boy next door.

Today, she was going to bury him with her own hands.

It was not a good feeling.

A few minutes later, Xiaoying calmed down, wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and walked out of the office.

"I can, I will help you lead him over!" Xiaoying said.

Ye Tian designated a location, between the distant mountains and the plains, with a poor road condition and a very narrow road.

On one side of the road are mountains, and on the other side are empty rice fields.

In mid-September, the rice fields were dry and had no vegetation, and there was no hiding place at a glance.

According to the plan, Ye Tian would lead Qiang Han's men to ambush on the mountain, and when Zhuang Yan and his men passed by, they would suddenly attack.

Dog-headed Lao Gao and Gray Wolf would lead Langya's men to cover the rear.

In this piece of land, all of Zhuang Yan's wolf-eating eagles would be wiped out.

So Xiaoying would be in great danger.

Her safety is difficult to guarantee.

Before setting off, Ye Tian repeatedly explained:"When the fight starts, if conditions permit, you will run directly into the mountains, and I will cover you"

"If it doesn't work, you can find a nearby ridge, or a stream in the ridge, and hide there."

Xiaoying nodded:"I understand, I'll leave first."

Ye Tian:"Take care!"

Xiaoying:"You, you take care too!"

Special Forces: Breathe to Become Stronger

Special Forces: Breathe to Become Stronger - Chapter 186

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