
Special Forces: Breathe to Become Stronger - Chapter 94

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Special Forces: Breathe to Become Stronger

Special Forces: Breathe to Become Stronger - Chapter 94
Langya Canteen.

The veterans had gone to supervise the newbies' survival in the wild, and the canteen was empty except for Ye Tian and Du Feifei.

Having not eaten for three days, and having just emptied his stomach, Ye Tian, a big eater, could not bear it. He originally wanted half a beef and a dozen glasses of milk.

But Du Feifei refused to let him eat beef and insisted on serving him a few bowls of porridge to fill his stomach first.

Ye Tian tilted his head back and drank the porridge in one gulp.

After drinking it, he did not forget to stick out his tongue and roll the rice grains at the corners of his mouth into his mouth.


Du Feifei covered her mouth and laughed.

"What's so funny?"Ye Tian glared at the girl indignantly.

So, it's better for men to be single.

Just look at your own situation.

We haven't even talked about it yet! I can't even have a good meal.

"No!" Xiao Fei's plump goose-shaped face, when she smiled, was like a blooming flower, giving people a feeling of being bathed in spring breeze.

Xiao Fei shyly raised her eyes to Ye Tian and said:"That's right, I think you are so cute, hehe!"

Ye Tian was stunned for a moment,


"Me, so cute?"


Ye Tian almost vomited blood.

So cute?

Is this a word to describe a man?

Ye Tian got angry and said coldly:"I have something to do later, go back quickly after you finish eating!"

Du Feifei raised her eyebrows, pursed her lips and shook her head, full of provocation

"No, no, I don't listen"

"You are not my boyfriend, why do you care about me?"

Ye Tian was speechless;"You... okay, okay, it's up to you, it has nothing to do with me anyway."

At the end, Ye Tian also scolded angrily,"Please, I'm eating, can you stop staring at me?"

Ye Tian doesn't like to pretend to be gentle, but when you are eating, it is really uncomfortable to have a woman sitting opposite you staring at you.

"I want it, I want it, who told me to like you, I just like to see you."

Du Feifei figured it out.

If you like a boy, you should take the initiative to pounce on him, no need to worry about your face!

Du Feifei was about to collapse after not seeing him for a while.

As long as she could be with him, anything would be fine.

After a while, the girl suddenly stretched her head, came in front of Ye Tian, and said expectantly:"Brother Xiaotian, actually, you like me too, right?"

"It’s okay, just tell me, I won’t tell anyone else."

In the hospital, Ye Tian rejected Du Feifei because he was a special forces soldier and could go to the front line at any time, and he could die at any time.

In other words, Ye Tian didn’t hate himself, he just didn’t want to get injured or die on a mission, leaving him alone and sad.

Ye Tian glared and stammered,"Who, who said that, I didn’t."


Ye Tian asked himself, how could he not have.

It’s not love, but liking is certain.

Who doesn’t like beautiful girls?

What’s more, she is so good to him and shed tears for him several times.

Although they didn’t know each other for a long time and had few contacts, Ye Tian could feel Du Feifei’s sincerity.

Decades later, girls as simple, kind but like Du Feifei are simply rare national treasures among the generally money-worshiping and materialistic women.

Who wouldn’t like it.


Ye Tian had reasons not to accept it.

"Brother Xiaotian, let me tell you something!"

"You blushed, hehe!"

Seeing Ye Tian blushing, Du Feifei felt happy, as if she had eaten honey, so sweet.

She thought to herself, Ye Tian must like her, otherwise why would he blush?

Boys should only blush in front of the girls they like!

"I don't want to talk to you." Ye Tian vented his anger on the porridge, and angrily took two mouthfuls of porridge and put them into his mouth, and picked up a few pickles.

Du Feifei held her chin with her right hand, and her smile gradually faded. She said seriously:"Brother Xiaotian, I really want to persuade you not to be a special forces soldier, but I know that this is your passion, so I will silently support you."

"In fact, I have also thought about it.……"

Du Feifei paused, then took a deep breath, as if this gave her the courage to imagine a bad scene.

"If one day you really get sick, it doesn't matter, I'm a nurse! I can take care of you for the rest of your life."

"Even if you are paralyzed and have to take care of shit and piss, I will never complain!"

"As long as I can see you every day, I am full of strength"

"If, if you die, I will be sad for a long time, and I may never get over it. But I will still thank God for letting me know you."

"Even if we were together for a short time, I think it would be the happiest time of my life."The girl's mouth curled up into a beautiful arc, with two shallow dimples on the corners of her mouth, but two lines of tears slid down her cheeks.

"I like you, will you be with me?"

Faced with Du Feifei's confession, Ye Tian could no longer escape. He put down the chopsticks in his hand, looked at Du Feifei, and said,"I like you too!"

"It is because of love that I am cautious and don't want you to get hurt."

Ye Tian didn't want Du Feifei to be like Xiaoying in the play and wither away in the best years of their lives because of him.

Du Feifei's eyes were firm:"I'm not afraid!"

Ye Tian smiled bitterly:"I am afraid!"

If Du Feifei had an accident because of him, Ye Tian was afraid that he would be like Zhuang Yan and would never get over it.


Du Feifei didn't know what to say. She was so anxious that she wanted to dig out her heart and let Ye Tian see how much she loved him.

Du Feifei's eyes suddenly lit up and said,"There will always be a day when you retire!"

Of course Ye Tian would retire, but how could he be so selfish as to let a girl waste her youth and wait for him to retire?

"That will be a long time."

Ye Tian is only 19 years old now. If nothing unexpected happens, it will take at least ten years for him to retire!

Du Feifei blurted out without thinking:"I'll wait for you!"

Ye Tian was moved,"Xiao Fei, don't do this, you will make me feel guilty.……"

Without waiting for Ye Tian to finish his words, Du Feifei suddenly wiped away the tears from her eyes and said with a bright smile:"Brother Xiaotian, I love you!"

Although she was rejected by Ye Tian again, Du Feifei was not discouraged at all, but was full of joy.

Because Ye Tian said that he liked her too.

Because, she could wait.

After saying that, Du Feifei ran out with a red face, her heart pounding.

Special Forces: Breathe to Become Stronger

Special Forces: Breathe to Become Stronger - Chapter 94

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