
Special Forces: Breathe to Become Stronger - Chapter 95

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Special Forces: Breathe to Become Stronger

Special Forces: Breathe to Become Stronger - Chapter 95
Not long after Du Feifei left, He Zhijun came

"Ye Tian," from a distance, just after entering the cafeteria, He Zhijun shouted with a smile.

Pointing at Ye Tian, he laughed and scolded:"You kid can really sleep, you slept for three days, I was still thinking about it last night! Should I throw you out of Langya? I've never seen you sleep like this."

Speaking of which, Ye Tian was not so sleepy before. Since He Weidong came, Ye Tian has been sleeping every now and then. While speaking

, He Zhijun came to Ye Tian, took out a box from his pocket, opened it, and took out a military honor from it.

He Zhijun straightened his chest and said solemnly:"In view of the fact that Comrade Ye Tian fought bravely in Yuanshan Town, killed more than a thousand drug dealers, and completely eradicated the drug trafficking group headed by Ma Shichang in Yuanshan Town. Seventeen tons of drug-making materials and two tons of finished products were seized, and the amount involved was 370 million."

"After the approval of the superior party committee, Comrade Ye Tian is awarded the first-class meritorious service medal!"

He Weidong pointed at the golden medal with two fingers on his right hand, feeling a lot in his heart.

He Zhijun has personally awarded five first-class meritorious service medals.

This is the fifth one for Ye Tian, but he is the first person to receive the first-class meritorious service medal with both hands.

Three of the four brothers received the medal after their death, and one lost both eyes and hands.

Looking at Ye Tian's lively appearance, He Zhijun sincerely wished that all the brothers in the future could be like Ye Tian, and receive the first-class meritorious service medal with their own hands.

"Oh, and there's a certificate!"

He Zhijun took out a red book, handed it to Ye Tian, and said,"Because of you, my Langya Special Brigade also won the first-class collective merit commendation, which can be regarded as a blessing from you."

First-class merit...

Ye Tian knew the meaning of this small medal.

The moment he received the medal, his heart was suddenly filled with a sense of honor!

However, as a man! You can't be so hypocritical.

Ye Tian muttered casually,"You might as well buy me a thousand or eight hundred sniper bullets!"

""Fuck you!" He Zhijun stepped forward and kicked Ye Tian on the butt.

Ye Tian's efforts to eliminate drug dealers were not in vain. In addition to the medals, the higher-ups approved 50 million military funds for the Langya Special Forces.

He Zhijun contacted them immediately and asked them to help Ye Tian purchase a batch of bullets and Barrett sniper rifle-related equipment from abroad.

He didn't say that he was thinking of giving this beast a surprise in the future.

Ye Tian grinned and didn't hide. He asked He Zhijun:"Where is my master? Is he okay?"

"What could he do? He has already returned to the Langya Special Operations Brigade. They are on a mission to search for satellite debris in the border area."There was a hint of complaint in He Zhijun's tone.

Ever since the incident in Yuanshan Town, He Zhijun has labeled He Weidong as"the most cowardly person in the world".

Which master teaches his apprentice like this?

"When will you be back?" Ye Tian put away his smile and immediately made a decision in his heart,"Commander, I want to go to the Langya Special Operations Brigade to hang out with my master for a while. Following him, my sniping skills will make great progress tomorrow."

In fact, Ye Tian was afraid that He Weidong would die in the hands of Scorpion.

As a master and an apprentice, since Ye Tian has come to the world of special forces, he will not allow this to happen.

Perhaps He Weidong will die on other battlefields in the future. Ye Tian will feel bad, but he will not blame himself, because dying on the battlefield is the fate of a soldier.

But this time when snatching the satellite abroad, Ye Tian will never allow Scorpion to hurt He Weidong's life.

He Chenguang should still be in elementary school now!

He hadn't seen him for such a long time, how reluctant he would be when He Weidong died?

He Zhijun's heart trembled,"Why, you don't want to go to the special operations brigade, do you? I can't bear to let him go."

He Zhijun didn't hide it, he just couldn't bear to let go.

If He Weidong dared to kidnap Ye Tian, He Zhijun would fight him to the death.

Ye Tian was amused and said,"No way, I'm just going to play for a few days and I'll be back in a few days."

"when are we leaving?"

"I'll leave today."

I don't know if it's too late.

Thinking of this, Ye Tian added,"I'll leave now."

He Zhijun looked solemn, nodded, and said earnestly:"I know, but I have a few words to tell you."

"According to the intelligence I have, the opponents that He Weidong and his team need to face this time are likely to be foreign mercenaries. Those people have been on the edge of a knife for many years. They are all killers who have undergone long-term training. None of them is easy to deal with."

"Yuanshan Town, you have performed well, but you must not be arrogant."

"To put it bluntly, the drug dealers in Yuanshan Town are a bunch of rabble who are not worthy of being on the stage."

"If they take down their guns, they are armed drug dealers. If they put down their guns, they are just a group of farmers."

"Whether it is military literacy or firearms, they are far inferior to you."

He Zhijun meant that you, Ye Tian, just killed a group of unarmed peasants, there is nothing to brag about. Only by avoiding arrogance and impatience can you survive longer on the battlefield.

"But foreign mercenaries are different. They are no worse than you in every aspect. Their weapons and equipment are more advanced than ours."

"You must be careful!"

"Bullets don't have eyes, one can kill you!"

Although the words are harsh, they are for Ye Tian's own good.

「I work day and night and try my best to update, just to ask for free flowers and evaluation votes from you all.

Special Forces: Breathe to Become Stronger

Special Forces: Breathe to Become Stronger - Chapter 95

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